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Am I selfish for not wanting kids because?
Am I selfish for not wanting kids because I am afraid of what might happen health wise? My uncle is Autistic and autism runs in my family. I don’t have it and neither do my brothers so that means if statistics are right.. if I were to have kids one of them could get it… I don’t think I could live with that.
and then today on the radio I heard about this story of 28 day old Molly Campbell who is the youngest person ever documented with leukemia.
I am single right now, but I couldn’t imagine what it would it would be like to meet the person of your dreams that you would want to have kids with and then have something like that happen.
So am I selfish for honestly just wanting to go get snipped so that I can’t ever have kids because I couldn’t live with myself.. I’m a grown man and I’m crying about that little girl.
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