General Question

Jude's avatar

African American r&b singer who had a music video where he was wearing no shirt and barely anything on the bottom, who was that?

Asked by Jude (32210points) January 6th, 2011

Basically, the whole video was him from just above the pelvic bone and up. NEKKID. Who was that?

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10 Answers

Taciturnu's avatar

D’Angelo… It was pretty hot, I thought.

EDIT: I was just on youtube trying to find a link, but @Jude beat me to it. :)

Jude's avatar


Indeed it was.

Seraphim's avatar

ahhh i got beaten to it! my sister loves him haha

Jude's avatar

I swear, I got pregnant just watching this video, haha..

Taciturnu's avatar

He did a good job of being suggestive in his posturing. I mean, he could have sung at the camera and it would have worked, but he brought a whole new demension to it.

troubleinharlem's avatar

Oohhh… hello, gorgeous.
I don’t tend to like black guys that much, but man!

AmWiser's avatar

All I’ve got to say is OhhMyyyGoooodnesss!

torchingigloos's avatar

The funny story to that is he doesn’t look anything like that anymore. See if you can hunt down a recent picture and it might just ruin your day.

Jude's avatar

Chubby lost.

rooeytoo's avatar

I also noticed he has great teeth, I didn’t see a single filling!

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