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6rant6's avatar

Was there ever one small thing that ended a relationship before it began?

Asked by 6rant6 (13710points) January 6th, 2011

When I was single, I hit it off with a woman who was a heavy smoker. Everything else about her was intriguing. But I couldn’t really get past the image of me watching her die of lung cancer. And I hated the smell.

Have you ever had a near thing that was ended because of one small clearly identifiable habit or trait on your potential partner’s part?

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21 Answers

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I can’t think of anything that got even remotely close to “relationship” status before a little thing stopped it in its tracks – but a hideous laugh will kill it for me pretty quickly.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Sweet holy moly, I have had a few close call relationships way back that never really took. One was a very nice woman but she could not stay away from the meth. And when she was on it she would boink basically anyone halfway hot and she had it like that, I could never get pass the thought I would find strange dude in my bed with her or have to go find her in someone else’s bed. The second was I just did not want to be around or near meth or that culture.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Yes.It was when Captain Romance pointed out that he had drawn my initial in the spinach dip. XD

Jude's avatar

Oh, Lucy! Haha!!

Winters's avatar

Kind of but it was rather a large thing and not exactly a habit or trait either. I unknowingly (yeah I know, it seems nigh impossible that I did it unaware that I was doing it, but believe me, I had no clue until later) home wrecked the relationship she was in prior to my attempt to get with her. She didn’t really have a clue that I did homewreck her relationship either and for awhile during which time I was flirting with her, it seemed like we’d be able to hit it off.

However, while we were hanging out with some friends, the discussion of home wrecking was brought up and it clicked in my head what I had done. Apparently it clicked for her too, either she saw guilt on my face (I wasn’t too good at hiding emotions then) and put one and one together, or it clicked in her head that I had home wrecked her former relationship the same time it clicked for me what I had done.

We’re little more than acquaintances now. She’s back with the former boyfriend, and I’m happy for her, I guess I think I understand there are things in life that you love but you just gotta let go of.

Eventually I also discovered that locking myself in a relationship that I am content with and can settle down makes me prone to suicidal thoughts and behavior (weird) when I hooked up with another gal later on, so I guess it was for the better that I didn’t hook up with her.

6rant6's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille If only he’d been able to do a rose, or a tulip. Should have ordered the fondue, I’m thinking.

blueiiznh's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie I agree on the laugh or babytalk squeaky voice.
i recall a few that kind of ran the bus off the road before the ignition was even turned.
One knew all my important personal information such as where I lived, drove by house. (stalker material)
Another talked way too much about her ex bf and kept his belongings around her house.

YARNLADY's avatar

Like you, I would never consider having a relationship with a smoker.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Hmm, I can’t really reveal this as it had to do with someone from Fluther – we’re friends now but it could have been more…it took the air out of the romance out when we disagreed on something relating to sex.

Pandora's avatar

1. A cold lizard tongue.
2. A huge overly emotional guy.
3. A guy who had a problem keeping his hands to himself, just talking to you.
4. An idiot.
5. Guy talking about his ex on first date.
6. A guy I thought seem decient enough till I found out he would drop drug money off for his uncle.
7. A guy who gave you a shower every time he got passionate talking about something.
I could probably go on forever. Who knows. Maybe I was picky. NOT!!

ucme's avatar

One ex girlfriend from way back, she was beautiful, intelligent, witty & had a body to die for….. unfortunately it was just like the abomination created by Frankenstein!! Doris was her name, Doris Karloff. Yeah, i’ll get my coat :¬)

blueiiznh's avatar

a bad case of bad breath will end it before it begins

LuckyGuy's avatar

There were many small hints but what pushed it over the edge was when she asked me how I knew that water froze at 32F or 0C. She gradated from a fine Catholic school but did not have a clue about the real world.
Why were her parents willing to pay for an education that does not teach the very basics?

blueiiznh's avatar

@worriedguy lol at least you didnt add Ra, Rø, N, D, Ré scales

faye's avatar

Bad teeth, right off the bat, one of those ‘yeah I’m that dumb’ laughs, being a know-it all with long drawn out explanations.

6rant6's avatar

@faye Wow. I feel so pegged.

faye's avatar

@6rant6 Say it’s not so!

6rant6's avatar

@faye Yes, there is a gap between my two front teeth. And if you’ve read my posts here, you know I pretty well define long winded. I probably can skate on the laugh thing since that’s in the ear of the behearer; but you never know.

faye's avatar

@6rant6 Hey, I mean rotting or never brushed teeth!!

6rant6's avatar

@faye. Whew! __(and short!)__

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