I'm a sucker for ____ women (or men)
Asked by
Jude (
January 6th, 2011
Curious. One word-fill in the blank.
Mine? Latina (women).
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71 Answers
Black men (really).
Soft butch women.
Intelligent, both genders. Oh, also awkward. It can be really cute. :)
As far men, I would say “pretty”.
I’m a sucker for men with beautiful eyes.
British men (especially ones with Beatle haircuts or ones that look like Severus Snape).
@Jude Beautiful, but how did he get in there? LOL
@linn7 Whats a half black thug? Just wondering.
… harp-playing women. Of course, I know only one.
Strong men and pretty women
Big! Lol, I like my men tall and beefy. :D
Plump and shapely (women).
helpless men/women
(of course only if I feel they tried to help themselves out at first, otherwise I just think them lazy)
Unless you meant for attraction.
Then it would be, grey temples on men. So sexy.
Buff (men) (but not ‘roid heads)
Tall dark.. pretty eyes
One word? TallDarkHandsome
I’m a sucker for anyone who knows how to use a spatula. And uses it well. Rawr.
Sexy, intelligent, tartan skirt wearing (women)
I’m a sucker for drunk, slutty women.
men who are smart, tall, have broad shoulders, wear glasses and play an instrument (it doesn’t hurt if he can speak more than one language). Oh- and facial hair- I like facial hair!
Woah- I just realized I described my husband (exactly). I might have to make sure he sees this
Funny shallow rich sex obsessed low maintenance women. I’m easily pleased.
dark haired men
men with big shoulders
smart men
authoritative men
men with sweet smiles
men in uniforms (cop, fireman, or business suit)
men who want to play doctor with me (me being the patient) ;)
Huh. I can’t do soft butch at all.
Femme, but, no more than 10 purses, please.
@Jude That’s just mean. What did us men ever do to you to make you that hard on us?
@Jude what are you talking about? :)
Those pictures of the lesbians. They’re totally hot, and they only want other women, not men. You don’t think that’s tough on us? It’s like being locked in a candy store, but all the candy is locked away.
@Adirondackwannabe Because being a lesbian in an intolerant society is such a ball? You think people being lesbians is tough on YOU?
@klutzaroo I was kidding with Jude, but I appreciate what you’re saying. I am in favor of tolerance of all lifestyles. In the words of Seelix, I fight under the straight but not narrow banner. Thanks for the tail twist. It was deserved.
@klutzaroo Do people not take the time to truly understand other people’s comments before bashing anymore? He was clearly being funny and not making a serious complaint!
omg, what is with people these days? And we wonder why we, as a society, feel the need to walk around on eggshells and be PC when we make remarks!
@WillWorkForChocolate It’s ok. It takes a lot to get under my skin. I don’t know where she’s from, but there are some intolerant places out there.
@Jude Didn’t mean to hijack this thread. I’m a sucker for the smell of a woman.
@Adirondackwannabe: I’m a sucker for the scent of a man. if i like a man i love to just sniff him. His clothes, his neck, his hair, to really know him by his scent. Presumably he is a clean man with clean clothes and the scent of deodorant, maybe a little cologne or some deodorant soap, plus the detergent scent of the clothes. MMMmmmm.
@jca I’m a sucker for the smell of her hair, the smell of neck and throat, the smell and feel of my lips on her stomach….....
@WillWorkForChocolate So in your world, people aren’t allowed to find other people’s “funny” comments… not funny? I’m sure there are some “jokes” that you find that you do not find funny in the least. And you choose to condemn me for “bashing” and for “misunderstanding” just because I don’t appreciate a lame attempt at humor that I understood just fine and still found offensive? Grow up.
@klutzaroo It wasn’t a joke against intolerance of the gay community. It wasn’t a joke that was derogatory towards the gay community in any way. It was a joke about how hard it was for him to see the beautiful lesbians and know he couldn’t have them. I have found myself in similar situations where I thought a few gay men were incredibly attractive, and thought it was both sad and funny because I knew I wouldn’t stand a chance.
Finding his lighthearted comment offensive is more of an indication that you yourself need to grow up and develop an ability to read comments correctly, instead of misreading offense or malicious intent in them.
I’m a sucker for men and women who have a real sense of humor.
guess no one other than myself like independent women! oh well, we all make the world go around!
@WillWorkForChocolate There was no “misunderstanding” whatsoever, nor was there “misreading” or anything else. Believe it or not, people are allowed to have a sense of humor that doesn’t depend on things like jokes based on anything that might be a problem for people in your much despised PC society. I fail to find something funny. Its not a crime. Nor is it a sign of anything other than failing to find humor in a joke that a great many people would not find any funnier than watermelon jokes about black people and so on. By the way, it indeed wasn’t a joke against intolerance of the gay community. Perhaps you should read it, and everything else, again to enhance your understanding.
For those that know @Adirondackwannabe, he would never insensitive to anyone! just saying!
@klutzaroo I need no enhancement in my understanding. I understand what he meant by what he said perfectly. What I don’t understand is your continued belligerance over one comment that I’m sure most other people on this thread, including lesbians, would laugh at instead of blowing it all out of proportion and getting defensive. I refuse to keep arguing over this with someone who obviously has the attitude of a brick wall. Good day.
@BoBo1946 Exactly! He is the least likely person here to demean anyone else.
@WillWorkForChocolate I made ONE comment that I didn’t find it funny. You are the one who started to and who continues to comment, harass me about it, and attempt to insult me over it. Look at your own behavior, and your incorrect no-fault-lies-with-me idea about why this discussion is continuing, before commenting on mine. You sit there and accuse me of the EXACT thing you’re doing. and then pretend I’m the one being unreasonable. Absurd. All I did, once again, was to be in a relatively large group of people who wouldn’t find it funny. It’d be nice if you could have let it go miles back and accept the fact that some people don’t find some things funny as they are written, despite the intent.
@stardust He always looks like he hasn’t gotten enough sleep! loll Has sleepy eyes!
Ah, I didn’t notice. I suppose it looks good on him. @DrasticDreamer He’s swoonsome, eh.
oh, know the girls think so… just an observation.
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