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tinyfaery's avatar

What should I name the bunny I will be getting on Saturday?

Asked by tinyfaery (44269points) January 7th, 2011

I’m not sorry if you are a Jellie that thinks this is below fluther standards.

She is a Black Dutch.

I visited with her for about 45 min. She is so sweet, not timid at all. She walks right up to you and stands on her hind legs to get a pet. She sat in my lap for 15min. while I stroked her and I walked around for about 10min. with her in my arms. She is so cute with cats. She runs right up to them and gives them head butts.

I was thinking Kitty, because I have cats, the bunny thinks she’s a cat, and I would still like to come home and say, “hi, kitties”. Also Lollipop, Lolly for short, because I think it’s cute.

My cats’ names are Flower, Mushroom, Jelly, Blackberry and Cali (who came with her name). I would like some type of a name that will fit with these—something from nature, or food. And no people names please. Something that starts with Ms. might be cute, though.

And, @Allie, if you say Rufus I will hurt you. :)

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55 Answers

Jude's avatar


oh, poop. no people names. Let me think some more.

When I get a Bassett Hound, I am going to call her Miss Banana Puddin’.

lilalila's avatar

I have a couple suggestions:

Cookie, Bramble, Ginger, Gingersnap, Marshmallow, or Mallow.

lilalila's avatar

Oooo! Or Bluebell or something. I dunno.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Once you said “food” all I could think of was Oreo or Eskimo Pie. In keeping with the cat theme, Ms. Felina, Lina for short…
And in keeping with your first detail sentence I would say “Cactus” but you’d probably slap me.

tedd's avatar

Admiral Snuggle Puffs, or Constable Fuzzy Feet.

JLeslie's avatar


stump's avatar

Usually I live with an new pet for a week or so and a name comes from something he or she does. For instance, one of my cats is named Cobweb because a few days after we got her she came out from behind a couch covered in cobwebs.

Jude's avatar

Ms. Fluffin’ Stuff

tinyfaery's avatar

@JilltheTooth Haha!
@lilalila Cookie is cute
@Jude I like it.
@stump That’s how I do it, usually. I just hate the name she has now—Elsie. She is not a cow.

Winters's avatar

Dinner? just kidding

Oreo perhaps? (why am I thinking food related?)

wundayatta's avatar


You know—‘cause rabbits like to chew on any wires they find.

tinyfaery's avatar

@wundayatta I’ve been bunny proofing for 2 days and I’m not done yet.

iamthemob's avatar

Pellets. ;-)

janbb's avatar

Ms. Kitty – with a bow to Gunsmoke


Eskimo Pie

tinyfaery's avatar

@janbb Ooh, I like Ms. Kitty. Lurve copier. ;)

Edit: Not anymore.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Cadbury, or Catbury, althought that sounds a lttle dark.

deni's avatar


blueiiznh's avatar

Oreo, Gumdrop, shakespeare,

chyna's avatar

Ms. Onyx. Thumper, Snuffles.

Seelix's avatar

Ms. Bunnikins von Carrot Top.
Or Onion.

Jude's avatar


chyna's avatar

I withdrawl my suggestion of Thumper as one of the jellies on this post, who will remain nameless, told me the name was totally unoriginal.
As if Cadbury was any better. Hmmph!

Jude's avatar

Ms. Peeps (reminds me of Easter and those sugary, marshmallowy candies)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@chyna Try this one: weasel

blueiiznh's avatar

Give this a read – Comprehensive Bunny Names link
It you cant find something in there that fits then I suggest Ms. No Name.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I’m so sad that you said no people names. I once had a bunny named George.

Kardamom's avatar

Bunny Von Hopper

Fuzzy Von Bunny



Baroness Bunny

Ms. Fuzzy Hops

Mrs. Schmenkman

Gum Drop

Eleanor Rabbit

Seelix's avatar

@Kardamom – Glad to see there’s another fan of “Von” names. And I wanted to add that if she’s a Ms., she needs a last name.

tinyfaery's avatar

Miss Kitty it is. Yay for @janbb!

Kardamom's avatar

@Seelix There used to be this TV commercial where a man comes home from work to greet his dog who is named Barky Von Schnauzer and I just cracked up every time I heard it. One of my friends has a Boston terrier that I call Boston Von Pooper.

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Arbornaut's avatar

Ms Hazel? Ms truffle buns?

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janbb's avatar

(Blushes) I’ve never named a bunny before. Very pleased to be of service.

(And you’re 4 up on me right now.)

BarnacleBill's avatar

Hedda Hopper

Brian1946's avatar


“Name it Saturday”

Why wait until then? ;-p

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tinyfaery's avatar

She’s here, but I’m wavering on Miss. Kitty. I’ll keep you posted.

chyna's avatar

How is she doing? Does she seem to like her new home yet?

tinyfaery's avatar

She is hiding out in her den, but she lets me pet her and she doesn’t seem scared.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Yay, New Bunny! Give her a pat for me

janbb's avatar

Let’s all do the bunny hop!

JilltheTooth's avatar

At this point, @janbb , for me it would be more of a bunny flop!

chyna's avatar

Dust bunnies, all together now…

JilltheTooth's avatar

There you go, @psychocandy , name her Dusty!

tinyfaery's avatar

Her name is Daisy Mae.

Kardamom's avatar

@psychocandy Give a great big Fluther welcome to the new bunny!

janbb's avatar

Daisy Mae is cute!

tinyfaery's avatar

<—There she is.

YARNLADY's avatar

@psychocandy Oh, how cute, thanks for sharing.

Kardamom's avatar

Oh my! She sure is a cutie. When I was little I had an illustrated picture book of bunnies and she looks like one that I remember. How sweet. =:o-l I hope that last bit kind of looked like a bunny.

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