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tinyfaery's avatar

(Seriously) How can I get my cats to jump?

Asked by tinyfaery (44305points) January 7th, 2011

I’m getting a bunny. I need to keep the bunny relegated to the front part of the house— she is free roam. I thought a baby gate would be prefect because the bunny can’t jump it (she is small), but the cats can and that would still allow them access to their our bed.

Well, my cats stare at it like it’s a solid brick wall. I tried tempting them with treats and play, but they just stand there, staring. WTF? I put a little chest by the gate to encourage them to look over. That did not work. They jump on higher things all the time. I eventually let them in the back last night because I felt so bad.

Any suggestions?

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21 Answers

stump's avatar

Put something flat they can jump onto at the same height as the gate. It might be difficult for them to land on the top of the gate.

tinyfaery's avatar

They can jump over it. They are cats. I’ve seen one of my cats clear a 6 foot gate.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Maybe try getting them riled up during play with a toy they can chase over the gate?
I tap with my hand on the object I want my cats to jump onto and they are starting to get it.I also reward with a treat.Sometimes,though,they just don’t wanna.;)

Scooby's avatar

Just leave them to it, it’s new, they’ll soon get used to it, if they want to :-/

thorninmud's avatar

I suspect @stump might be on the right track. Sure they can jump over it, but I think cats much prefer to do leaps like that in two stages. As for the 6-foot gate, could it be that they had no idea that there was just a void awaiting them on the other side? If they can’t see through it, they might have figured there’d be something to land on up there. With this baby gate, they can clearly see that it’s going to be an “up and over” proposition.

I agree that if you give them something to land on near the top, they’ll be less hesitant.

tinyfaery's avatar

@stump & @Scooby Agreed. I will give it a try.

Scooby's avatar


They’ll soon be jumping over it, like the professionals ;-)

blueiiznh's avatar

They are cats, when they want to, they will jump it, unless they are overwieght old tired cats.
a platform or stairway to heaven should work.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I agree, they’ll jump it when they want to.
Do your cats chase laser pointers? That might be worth a shot.

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here: (Bona fides: I am the 2010 Olympic gold medalist in the high jump.) Push refrigerator directly behind the gate. Any cat worth his salt will find that irresistable.

Mariah's avatar

If these were my cats, I’d chalk it up to confusion. We put something new in a room and my cats act as though they’ve never seen that room in their lives. Lift them over it a few times until they understand that what’s on the other side really is just half of their familiar house.

thorninmud's avatar

Any luck so far?

gailcalled's avatar

MIlo here: I give lessons.: example

tinyfaery's avatar

OMG, no. I have to lift them up and over it. Not even one of the five has jumped over. This morning one almost jumped, but she stopped. I have defective cats.

tinyfaery's avatar

@gailcalled I can’t see it.

gailcalled's avatar

@psychocandy: I have it linked to Flickr. Sorry. I don’t know what else to do.

gondwanalon's avatar

The easiest way to solve your dilemma is to simply install a magnetic activated cat door in your “baby gate”. There will be little or no training for your cats. Just put a small magnet on your cat’s collar and your cat will be able to use the cat door and your rabbit won’t. Here a couple of examples that I saw available on e-bay: “Staywell Magnetic Cat Door Mod: 932US” and “Ideal Electronic E-Cat Door”.

tinyfaery's avatar

My cats do not wear collars. They are indoor only and chipped.

rickbens's avatar

I’m pretty sure they’ll eventually jump over it, maybe they just do not want to at that specific moment you were trying to get them to do this.
Cats can be a bit stubborn sometimes, but hey if my can can jump on the door knob to try open the door, I am pretty sure your cats can as well jump over a little baby gate.

tinyfaery's avatar

Only one has jumped the gate so far. Stoopid cats.

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