What's the deal with this "Aflockalypse"?
So, they’re calling it the ”Aflockalypse”. Massive amounts of birds and other animals have been dropping dead all over the world in the past few months.
What do you make of this? Is it something we should be worried about? Do you have an explanation?
If you have any references or news articles about other incidents please include them in your response.
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22 Answers
I heard on NPR that each separate incident has its own cause. They happened all together and that’s what makes people think something aflockalyptic is going on. Once again, coincidence is seen as relationship.
Ok, I’m going with the loony conspiracy theory. This must be caused by some new super secret space spy gadget. Unfortunately the black ops folks didn’t realize that the ultra sensitive quantum visualization beam would prove fatal to entire flocks of birds that happen to fly through it.
It’s a sign that dinner is free.
I’ve changed my mind. I like @YoBob‘s explanation better.
This is the boob-quake thing all over again. Women aren’t showing enough boob, so the birds are dying in protest.
I think it’s wierd that Flashforward had the same thing happen in it before the whole world blacked out!!
It is either synchronicity or the tendency of news organisations to focus on particular areas of news. I remember in the UK newspapers reporting on multiple jail escapes up and down the country but when the figures were compared there were no more escapes than average.
Considering the timing, it is pretty ridiculous to assert that each case is entirely separate. Add to this the fact that many of the areas are those that have shown increasingly extreme weather patterns. And NPR is a highly suspect source, given the list of corporate sponsors they have involved in every aspect of environmental destruction.
My personal guess is that it has something to do with climate change induced weather patterns, which are also highly suspected of being responsible for much of the increased precipitation in some areas. You have those hot and cold zones coming together to make crazy winds, or quickly change the temperature of areas of ocean, and that can really mess up the wildlife. To complicate the issue more, I’ve read a couple stories about birds being analyzed and researchers finding their insides “mashed up” (I’ll try to find the links later, they’re on my Facebook and I’m on a work computer).
Of course, it could just be a great way to draw attention to the fact that industry of various sorts (as well as military) have often been involved in lots of massive die offs of wildlife. A week or two ago I posted a link on a thread here about a single factory that kills an estimated 60 billion fish a year with pollutants (and that’s not counting the deaths of animals, humans included, starving because they have no fish to eat, or getting poisoned by the fish that survive, and the rampant ecosystem destruction caused by all of this).
@Winters In some cases even the seagulls won’t touch the dead fish. Nobody is getting a meal out of these. Something is up.
Maybe there’s something toxic in the air making the birds die?Or maybe it is God and the universe trying to send a message.
I’ll put my money on reporting bias.
Maybe they’re remaking Hitchcock’s classic The Birds. A working title at the moment is Blackbird Bye Bye. Can’t see it being much good though. I mean, how menacing can they be writhing around on the floor like that. Couldn’t give a peck!
GEORGE BUSH!!!!!! lol !!!!!!
The second scene of The Core, where the outer core of the Earth stopped rotating or some crap and we’d all explode in a few hours if we didn’t get it rotating again, involved birds going absolutely batshit crazy and dying and crashing into stuff.
We’re all going to die. Yay.
From the information I’ve heard (very little) scientist are claiming it’s from an “external blow”. What external blow is my question? Also I heard it was only a few species of birds and fish. My guess is it was a disease and government is trying to cover it up to stop a public panic.
I tend to think this article has it right. These kinds of mass die offs happen all the time, they just don’t usually get media coverage. The article says an average of 163 similar events are reported each year. Various animals or fish are affected, and the culprits range from pollution to disease to parasites.
So, while the exact cause behind the deaths of the birds in Arkansas might still be a mystery, in many cases the cause of death is known. Since that story got so much attention, now the media is focusing in on similar stories when normally they’d pass them over. LiLo, Brittney, and Paris must not have been up to much in the past couple of weeks. :)
@incendiary_dan It happened over night? If I remember correctly. Some diseases can kill quickly. I don’t know I told you I know very little information on it.
Mad Cow Disease?
Bird Flu??
Just kidding, it’s the Swine Flu right?
No, No…. I know!! It’s the Fish Flu ( you think I’m kidding, but I’m not http://www.shortnews.com/start.cfm?id=54656 )
Seriously, there is no telling, it’s not the end of the world, stuff like this happens all the time, it’s like when they start reporting every rape in the universe at once and my grandmother thinks the whole worlds gone crazy and if I walk out the front door I’m gonna get raped…. Media has the power… to freak you out whenever they want.
Ok, another loony theory. Ocean farts! Where did all that methane from the gulf oil spill go? Perhaps the ocean ripped one off and the resulting gulf fart is floating around the atmosphere and killing any flocks of birds that fly through it.
I’ve been thinking about this more: the fact that this happens all the time, but we don’t usually hear about it, is the story we should really be talking about. We shouldn’t take this shit from corporations.
I theorize it has been happening way before humans came along. We just now have the capability to report it so the whole world knows every time we encounter a flock/school die-off. As someone mentioned earlier, the earth belches and farts occasionally and knocks them out.
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