How do you Jellies react and feel about flirting from the opposite sex?
I think there is some misunderstanding with regards to flirting. When someone of the opposite sex flirts with you, whether through compliments, body langauge or any other means is it a black and white they are hitting on you? Do you see it that way or maybe some other way. I’m married, I flirt, but for me I’m paying a compliment and not trying to get somewhere with them. Thoughts?
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Oh I flirt all the time, especially with the wife’s gaggle of sexy…...good friends. It’s an established fact that it ain’t going nowhere. Just good natured fun mutually enjoyed.
I’m married and I love to flirt. That doesn’t mean I’m going to bed with anyone but my husband, though. It’s all in good fun.
I always see it as two kinds of flirting. The playful make someone feel good kind that’s never going any further and the serious I want you for my s/o type. The playful kind I do a lot, the serious stuff not in a long time.
I enjoy and have no problem with playful flirtation, as long as both parties know that it’s just in fun. Otherwise it could lead to misunderstandings which could be tough for both people.
@seelix, can most women distinguish between the two types of flirting. I was concerned that most women thought flirting ment someone was hitting on you.
On Fluther you might expect to get hit on from any sex or gender – including some that you didn’t even know about.
It depends on the circumstances.
@Season_of_Fall – I consider any kind of flirting done by someone that I know, who knows that I’m in a committed relationship, to be playful. Honestly, it’s hard to tell with strangers.
Funnily enough, i’ve never….to my knowledge, flirted with anyone on here. Whether that’s because i’ve never felt the need or whatever, I don’t know.
I flirt. It’s fun. Big deal, you wanna fight about it?
I would hope that most people can tell the difference between playful flirting and serious flirting, but I think men can have a more difficult time distinguishing between the two. There are those men (ladies, I think it’s safe to say we’ve all come across one at some point) who seem to think that if you give them any sort of attention, that automatically means that you are attracted to and interested in them…even if it’s just a friendly “nice to see you.” If the person is a friend, it is probably likely that the flirting is of the playful, non-serious variety, especially if said person is married or otherwise attached. If it’s a stranger who comes up to you at a bar or social setting, usually the flirtation indicates that person is interested in you. It can get somewhat murky, though…for example, an acquaintance I met through my work, whom I have a ridiculously huge crush on, has been coming in and (possibly?) flirting with me for a few months now, and I can’t figure out if he is actually flirting and is interested, is flirting but only in a playful way, or is just being friendly and I’m reading flirtation into it….it is horribly frustrating, and not knowing is what has kept me from acting on my own feelings and initiating something with him. So no, I don’t think it is a black and white issue…there are different kinds and levels of flirting and I think the vast majority of flirting never leads anywhere beyond that, so it is obviously not entirely based on interest or the intent to hit on someone.
When I flirt, I just want to make her laugh a little. I also want to enjoy the cleverness of both of us. A little teasing, but it’s all for pretend and soon enough it winds down, especially if someone gets annoyed by it, and there are often humorless types around who hate the flirting. I don’t know what that’s all about. Maybe they feel there is a club and they aren’t part of it.
There’s a few people here who really enjoy puns, and when they get going, they are quite good. You can just see people’s eyes twinkling and the body postures. The imagination is a wonderful thing.
Of course, imagination applies to the more serious interactions as well, but it goes so much further. Somehow I see that as being a darker environment than flirting. Dark as in hidden corners to hide in, not dark as in evil. I suspect a lot of it goes on privately, out of view, where people can do much more….. in depth things, so to speak.
I guess that’s an important difference for me. Flirting is done in public. You can do it in front of everyone else because we all know it isn’t going anywhere. Once we get serious, all the interesting stuff goes private, and there is no more public flirting lest anyone catch on that you know too much about the other person; that there are too many inside jokes. I think it would be very difficult to carry on a serious private “flirtation” together with a public flirtation at the same time. That’s James Bond stuff.
I’m very happily married, but I still love to flirt, and I flirt with everyone. Most of the people who know me understand my flirting and flirt right back, but some people think it’s a comeon and they take it too far. You have to be careful with flirting sometimes.
So… is that a fluther in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
Actually I was Jelly fishing earlier @WillWorkForChocolate thanks for noticing. In this other pocket I have condoms. >;)
I compliment people all the time and make off-color comments (innuendo mostly), but I’m not much of a flirter. I’ve never felt comfortable with it.
On the receiving end, I don’t think anyone’s ever flirted with me. Either that or im oblivious.
@cprevite Damn, I must be really bad at flirting then…
@cprevite Why do you think I keep baking you cookies?
well no one made any kind of pass at me in my whole life :( i feel so retarded! know any good plastic surgeon?
@chyna & @janbb: HA! So clearly I’m oblivious. Thank you then.
and here I just figured, “now there’s a couple of really nice gals.”
@worriedguy Stand very, very still. I will try to be gentle.
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