Social Question

What do you make of Congressman Steve "Shoulda-Been-Mendacious" King's inadvertent candor? (See Details)
Congressman Steve King was trying to rebuke a fellow member of Congress who he felt had questioned the integrity and honesty of the Republican Leadership in the House and their “Repeal the Job Killing Healthcare Bill”/ (Which has created about 200,000 healthcare and small business jobs already through the tax credit to small business, and repeal of which will ADD $230 billion to the deficit.). Scroll down and watch this video clip. Is it showing us a moment of rare political honesty or just a slip of memory as to the meaning of the word, “mendacity”?
Mendacity: The quality or state of being mendacious.
Mendacious: Given to or characterized by deception or falsehood or divergence from absolute truth <mendacious tales of his adventures>.