(NSFW): Men (or women)....do you prefer to not go down on a woman if she has some hair down there?
Asked by
deni (
January 7th, 2011
I’ve been having this touchy discussion with someone all day….I have never heard a guy say this…..until today….and now I’m curious if this is a common thing. He says it’s the texture….the way it feels on the tongue….input plz.
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85 Answers
Never bothered me in the least
It’s hair, not a minefield.
That’s a “no.”
It’s funny – I was watching Amy Poehler’s last season on SNL – and on Weekend Update, she would often make some snide comment about how ridiculous a bald va-jay-jay was.
Now, to each his or her own. I really think that it’s more a matter of preference than anything.
On my part, bald is a little weird. Trimming is awesome. Unmanaged is not attractive.
It’s not a texture thing…it’s a pulling the hairs out of my teeth thing.
I don’t know if there’s necessarily a wrong place to lick, but if it’s the texture that’s holding him back, some of the dandiest places to use your tongue are naturally hairless.
As my wife would say, keep exploring.
@funkdaddy exactly…....believe me, location is a whole nother issue. i’m tryin to cross one bridge at a time lol
@deni i didnt see the sign for a bridge, why use the bridge anyway. take the direct route :D
Having sampled both, I actually far prefer au naturel. This is partly because I find the scent of woman (not perfume, the natural smell of hot, wet sex) the most intoxicating, maddeningly naughty scent on Earth. And pubic hair helps trap and intensify those super-steamy smells. Also, razor stubble is even more a turn off than the occasional pube stuck between the teeth. :-)
I was going to answer, but then @ETpro read my mind and posted before me. What a bitch ~
Can I jump in on the razor stubble thing? That is the worst. My face is sensitive. The end.
stubble really is the worst of all worlds.
My preference is for some hair, but maintained. That’s just my preference, though, and I would much rather the girl have hair than be completely shaven. Not only does bald look weird (prepubescent) to me, I am in complete agreement with the whole stubble burn on my face thing.. not sexy.
I would prefer it not be a jungle, but really, for my tastes, I think the most important thing is to keep the lips shaven, nice and smooth. However, I’m not that picky.. I don’t think hair would keep me from going down on a girl.
I concur on the dislike of stubble there. Sandpaper is not the thought I want crossing my mind
Yeah and thats a whole nother thing. You shave, and then 24 hours later its red and bumpy AND AWFUL for 3 days. LKSJDFKLSDFLKD
@deni I have always thought that must be way less attractive than some peach fuzz, or even just completely natural. That irritated, red, bumpy skin can not really be appealing to anyone.
@deni @TheOnlyNeffie I vote no to sandpaper or plucked chicken look and feel. Besides, its just not attractive looking to me
@blueiiznh plucked chicken look. lol. That’s pretty much it, too.
The more I think about this question, I think I just prefer at least some hair on men or women. I guess I already knew that, I just hadn’t given it much thought.
I’ve never experienced anything but the wondrous natural state. It works find for me. Better than fine. I’d say “I dream of genie,” if her name were Jeanne.
this is all something that started about 15 years ago with strippers and porn stars. as far as I am concerned, a guy that likes it hairless is uneducated and doesn’t know better.
why would any normal guy want to have sex with a vulva that looks like a pre-teen?
Well, it depends on the the woman. There’s a point where there’s too much bush. If it looks like Whoopie Goldburgs head, there’s no F’n way. If it’s just a tuft, “What tickle? I was too busy play’n with my hooded friend over here.”
It’s never bothered me, though I have heard people say it bothers them. So it’s not unheard of, I suppose.
@zenvelo my thoughts exactly. i think bald vag’s look funky and unnatural. and like something that is straight outta porn and should have just stayed there in the first place.
it bothers me! and i never ever ever ever ever and ever ever ever gonna do anything like that… ever! .... ever!
Just thought I’d say I do like flowers shaved, but it’s really hasn’t stopped me before. Of course I have seen some horror shows of pictures, that would frighten me if I were face to, uh…. lips.
It’s fine in moderation, but if it’s thicker and longer than the hair that’s already on my face, then it may be a turn off.
Natural is best….. And did you ever wonder why pubic hairs are curly? Well, its so they don’t poke you in the eyes.
Would not prevent me but I would prefer that it was clean though.
I have a tip… electric clippers + “crew cut”. Short and sweet, no razor burn. The end.
I prefer the look of trimmed versus bush or bald but I love the feel of bald. I agree it looks weird (to me) to be bald but it feels terrific. Soft textured, curly hairs is easy when trim but some hairs grow straight and are coarse, not so fun on the face, stuck to the back of the throat or between teeth.
I think the getting hairs stuck in your mouth issue is funny because my cat is shedding so heavily right now that no matter what or who is goin down on who, you’re gonna end up with fifty hairs in your mouth. I HATE IT, it’s terribly annoying, but anymore I don’t even notice it. Its gross, I know. Why do I have a pet.
But @augustlan you are right. Seems to be the best solution.
I feel I’m going to get a lot of crap for this, but… yes. I don’t really want to go down on a woman who doesn’t shave. Landing strips are fine (although I do prefer totally shaven) but any more than that and I’m really not there. You know how much I want a hair in my soup? Well, that doesn’t really change when I’m having your soup. I’ve never gotten a hair stuck in my teeth, but I have had them get in my mouth, and having to rush to the bathroom from the gag reflex tends to be a real mood killer. It’s your area, you do with it what you want, but then I reserve the right to not go there.
@MissAnthrope Ok, I really don’t get the pre-pubescent thing. How is it that women who shave their genitals look pre-pubescent, but men who shave their faces look clean and ready for the world? Or anyone who shaves their armpits looks… well, I know it’s a touchy subject, but I’ve never heard of someone who shaved their pits being accused of looking like a child.
@papayalily Just wanted to say I’ve never thought about it that way before, but you make some excellent points.
@papayalily – It’s an interesting point, but I don’t know. Before I waited tables, I was a nanny for years, with a stint as a preschool teacher. I still do it, just kids wear me out these days, so it’s not my first choice. Anyway, over the years, have seen my share of lil’ nekkids, most recently, my little sister. So, you know, I consider myself to be pretty open-minded and open, especially sexually, but it is what it is. For me, bare-shaven looks pre-pubescent. Just not my preference.
@MissAnthrope i agree. it just looks very unnatural. now I don’t think a huge jungle bush down there looks great, but there’s just something about nothing there at all that is a little creepy or something. And I think it’s different for armpits and legs because with legs for example, unless you’re REALLY looking, you can’t tell if someone has leg hair or not. Women, anyhow.
@MissAnthrope @deni Well, if guys can shave their genitals and have it be just clearing some hair away, not making a statement or looking creepy, then I sure as hell can, too. People need to learn to define me as a person and a woman beyond my genitals.
If a woman prefers a guy to be clean shaven, does that mean she’s an Esther the Molester?
@kenmc I dunno, but I guess if you go down on a shaven woman, you’re a paedo!
I did NOT say that. I simply stated my personal preference.
Some hair, zero problem. But I’m not a fan of winter bush.
I hate a completely shaven male genital region. Even the nicest of wangs look like naked mole rats without a little bit of hair.
I agree that the hairless penis looks totally ridiculous.
Weirdly, I like a hairless wang, or at the very least, trimmed and well-maintained. I have seen dudes with some huge monster bushes that were a turn-off. But I don’t think my opinion counts for much here, considering I’m only bi in the most fickle of fashions.
@deni So wait, then even with hair, the nicest it’s going to be is a mole rat? I feel like going to naked may not actually be loosing a lot of the visual appeal if the nicest it’s ever going to look is furry mole rat…
@deni lol no, i think its a lovely sight, and i can’t really explain why but i just think it looks so funky with absolutely no hair around it. its a whole different world.
I’m sitting here laughing my head off. A hair between your teeth? Running from the room gagging? And then you expect her to go down far enough on you that she gags?
A real man doesn’t let a little bitty hair make him lose his erection!
Winter bush, dude. ‘70s style.
For me what the individuals grooming style is has little impact on whether I choose to want to go there. If the mood is leading me there, then I am more than happy to go there!
I don’t want to run into grizzly adams, but pretty much everything else is fine.
Neatly coiffed (short. No bozo the clown look – shave bikini line). Don’t want the short and curlies stuck between my teeth nor stubble burn.
@wundayatta i have been LOLing at your answer for a day now. “running out of the room gagging” aaahhaahahdlkfjdkjfkdfkd
And, women need to wax/and or pluck their eyebrows. Bushy eyebrows (over the top ones) don’t do it for me.
Argh! I can’t believe that this got me the most great answers of anything I have ever said on Fluther! :-)
@ETpro you are being recognized for your expertise!
@zenvelo Ha! If I have to be a recognized expert at one thing, giving ladies great head would be at the head of my wish list, so I can deal with that. :-)
@ETpro The comment I made here is currently one GA shy of becoming my highest rated comment. Though I’d be a little sad if it beat out the comment about how great my wife is.
@SavoirFaire As tempting as it was to push you over the top, I resisted the impulse and instead added another buffer SG point to the Great Wife statement.
@ETpro I am eternally grateful for that. When my wife finally decides to see what I’ve been doing all day for the past couple weeks, I’d really like that to be at the top of the list!
@cockswain Nothing. She doesn’t even know I use this site.
I prefer the French wax, both for myself and for my girlfriends. The full Brazilian kind of freaks me out, but more hair is fine by me.
Sucks that I miss these questions and answer after its cold and everyone is gone. To say I am a big fan of going down on women would be an understatement. I’m with ETPro regarding the smell, lets jets say its instantly hardening for me. Equal to that is the taste, understand something though when I talk about taste, when it comes to this sense of taste we are equipped with, there is that which taste good, and that which taste bad, but then there is this which taste erotic. I love that it is a smell and taste that, unlike most other things we eat can stay with you for hours afterward. Like a glory souvenir. Anyways, I may lose some masculinity points on this one but I enjoy it as much as if not just a hair more (pun intended) than intercourse. The smell, the taste, the temperature, the textures, the humidity level, and the responsiveness of my lover (for this and all future post, any time I say lover, it’s always my hot babe of a wife), are all intoxicating and full throttle erotic. Ok, that was just the set up to answer the hair question. Adding hair to this full range of sensory experience just gives another dimension to the erotic nature of it, but, I don’t enjoy the stray hairs in the back of my throat. I would prefer hairless or very short hair to maximize every mili intersect with that nerve rich flesh region. So there.
I think a penis that is totally shaved does look weird, but so does the jungle bush. For a woman I think its more sanitary to keep it tidy.
Oh my… I can’t believe I missed this thread before darling @blueiiznh linked it in the JBM thread.
I’ve never gone down on a woman (although I’ve really, really, really fantasized about it…) but if I ever do, I imagine I’d want her vajayjay to be trimmed and tidy.
@deni I agree that a bald wang looks like a “naked mole rat”. I’m laughing so hard at that visual right now. I like it when my hubby trims it, but I’d never want him to shave it.
I think it’s unhygenic to leave a tangled, out of control bush. It’s a germy, fuzzy mess. Unless you shower directly before sex, every single time, which I know many women don’t do, there is lingering bacteria from the day’s activities.
My muffy is designed according to my moods- sometimes it’s gently shaved with a large landing strip, sometimes it’s all there, just very neatly trimmed. I’ve even shaved it into the shape of a heart before, for a Valentine’s Day surprise.
I used to shave myself completely, but it stayed itchy and the more I looked at it, the more it resembled a creepy flesh taco with measles. Yuck. I didn’t even want to play with it anymore…
@WillWorkForChocolate creepy flesh taco with measles hahahahahahhahahahahahahhaha
creepy flesh taco with measles is a good one.
If naked mole rat or creepy flesh taco with measles goes through my head next time I’m down there, you’re both hearing from my attorney. Not sure what type of law it falls under, but you’re hearing from them.
I however will eat at the Pink Taco every day of the week.
@blueiiznh is that like…a combination strip-disco club/mexican restaurant?
@deni its actually a great mexican food place in LA. amazing drinks
@blueiiznh Their menu looks amazing. I want to go to there.
Road Trip I apologize for going off topic
Haha, @blueiiznh I remember that place. It’s in Phoenix right? I remember they wanted to sponsor the super bowl one time and they wouldn’t let them because of the name.
@Axemusica sadly I think the Scottsdale one closed. I was out there for the Superbowl in 2008 and enjoyed many a meal and drink at that pink taco.
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