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Berserker's avatar

What's the stupidest thing you've done when you were drunk?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) January 8th, 2011

Not much I can add to this, so share if you would like to.

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43 Answers

everephebe's avatar

“I didn’t find god??”

Berserker's avatar

@everephebe Yeah man. Just a friendly jab at AA meetings, nothing mean. :)

Not_the_CIA's avatar

I was camping with a bunch of coworkers. It started with me running around breaking everyone’s smokes. Then it got worse.

Apparently, I pulled down my pants outside the tent and fell to the ground and started urinating. I don’t remember this but I still get teased for it.

Berserker's avatar

@Not_the_CIA Pissing yourself is awesome, I do that all the time. But breaking people’s cigs?
That’s evil.
Thanks for sharing. :)

Not_the_CIA's avatar

At least I pulled down my pants!!

Berserker's avatar

Yeah that’s true…props, man. Ain’t no good camping trip if pants just stay on and be boring all day. :)

deni's avatar

Broke my foot, ruining the rest of the amazing road trip I was on and also causing us to cancel a thousand amazing things we had planned. Fuck me.

Not_the_CIA's avatar

“But breaking people’s cigs?”

This is the odd part. I smoke. I have no idea why I did that.

Arbornaut's avatar

Shit man.. Do you want answers in alphabetical or chronological order? Iv pissed on just about everything you could imagine a drunk pissing on, fridge door, TV and DVD systems, various corners of various rooms, cigarette machine at the pub… yep you name it.

everephebe's avatar

Oh that tag just threw me. Jabs are good, mean is ok too. Never been to a meeting. 12 step seems, what’s the word I’m looking for, dumb? Yes, that’s the word.

poisonedantidote's avatar

I don’t drink anymore, have not in years, so it’s a little hard to remember. The dumbest thing I probably ever did was spend about 200 bucks on gummy worms.

everephebe's avatar

What? How do you send $200 on gummy worms?

Lightlyseared's avatar

Got drunk in London on a Friday night. Woke up (or came round) Saturday morning in Edinburgh having got on the wrong train home.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

I can’t think of anything.
I’m one of those people that can drink until I pass out, and still keep track of what I’m doing and whether or not I should be doing it.
I do have some friends who have done some hilarious shit while drunk in my presence. Including one that passed out in the back of my car and woke up in a completely different state the next morning. (By state, I mean, geographical location. Roadtrip.) That was fun. I’m pretty sure I could have gotten arrested for kidnapping, or something comparable, for that one.

Eggie's avatar

Puked in a night club….good thing I didn’t do it on anyone.

poisonedantidote's avatar

@everephebe Easy, you walk in to a video games arcade at about 3am and say “how mush fr allrr ur gumme worms? burp”

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@poisonedantidote that’s an awesome story. haha.

ucme's avatar

Went into a toilet cubicle… missed the pot….pissed on the floor…. kinda broke dance on said piss…. whacked my drunken soft head off cubicle wall…. fell on floor….swallowed tongue…. rescued by fellow inebriates…. “woke up” in hospital….spent a small fortune on taxi ride home…. fell asleep, suitably humiliated… that was stoopid! Ahh the folly of youth :¬)

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Seelix's avatar

I don’t know if I’ve ever really done anything stupid while drunk. I’ve fallen down a lot, thrown up in people’s backyards, driveways and bathtubs, made out with a few dudes I probably wouldn’t have otherwise, you know, the usual. But I don’t really have any good stories. That’s kind of disappointing, really.

AmWiser's avatar

Other than throwing up I think getting so drunk that I now know what people mean when they say the room/bed was spinning.
After that episode, I learned my limit when it comes to drinking.

CaptainHarley's avatar

After I got back from Vietnam, I drank rather heavily. Many times I awakened in my apartment with no memory of how I got there. BTW… I no longer drink. : )

earthduzt's avatar

Back when I was in High School (1993) I was at a party and got terribly “wasted”...I ran outside and in the backyard was a dead Christmas tree..well…I proceeded to hump the tree, people did not let me live that down for the longest time. Does this make me Necroarborpheliac? sigh I’m so ashamed

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

XD I refuse to answer because I don’t want to supply anyone with bad ideas XD

Cruiser's avatar

Take another drink…not a good idea!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I… I… I… oh hell, ditto @lucillelucillelucille!

jazmina88's avatar

get behind the wheel…...woke up with handcuff on ankle in hospital.
Man, I was crazy in the 80s

CaptainHarley's avatar

@lucillelucillelucille been kissin dem nassy lil boys! LMAO!

shego's avatar

In the beginning of 2009 it seemed like my life was in total ruins I list my mom my boyfriend left me, I lost my apartment and my job.
I had made it back home to my dads and I was in a major depression.
I had gone out to a bar bymyself and I got shit faced drunk. One of the guys kept buying me drinks. I didn’t care it was free.
Well finally the bartender cut me off and I made a massive scene. He called the cops. Well the cop that showed up was my best friends step dad. He got me in the back of his car where I was vomiting, screaming, passing out, and pissing on myself. He took me to the hospital to be treated for alcohol poisoning.
He never booked me and the bartender never pressed charges.
Now I know never to drink while I’m depressed.

Mikewlf337's avatar

humped a log. I had my pants on no penatration.

josie's avatar

Beat up my sister’s total loser boyfriend. He is long gone (that was the idea), but I have never lived it down.

ratboy's avatar

Probably something done during a blackout, but the stupidest of which I have a memory is marrying.

JustJessica's avatar

I was about 13 and my way too old 20 something boyfriend told my mom I cut school that day, so in a drunken rage I proceeded to beat him silly until my mom dragged me in the house right before the police got there. I felt like an ass, evidently I broke a few of his front teeth out and he had to get stitches in his face. That’ll teach him to buy a minor liquor!!! I never heard from him again, didn’t think I would after all it would look worse on him dating a minor. But that was my stupid drunk story. Now I’m all about peace and love makin! CHEERS!

Oh wait just remembered the time I tried giving an on duty officer a lap dance… evidentially that’s frowned upon.

JustJessica's avatar

@DrasticDreamer I’m a very peaceful person now :)... Make love not war, Hit the bed not the floor!

Berserker's avatar

@Mikewlf337 Knock knock!

Who’s there?


Fishboy who?

…Mikey fucked a log! watch out for them chipmunks…

…I’m sorry. XD

Mamradpivo's avatar

To the best of my recollection, I gave an interview on Austrian television.

I was completely trashed and riding the tram in Vienna with some Bosnian guys I was hanging out with (mainly in order to try and hook up with their girlfriends). Some local news reporter got on the train with a cameraman and a guy holding up a light and they aimed everything right at my face. The reporter started firing off some questions at me (in German, which I don’t really speak beyond basic tourist mode) and I just turned into the camera and said, as near as I can remember: “I’m too drunk and I don’t speak much of your language, but Goddamn I love this city. Except when it snows. Now I just have to walk that much farther without a hat.” I went on for a while after that, but it’s all a blank now.

Needless to say, everyone else on the tram was completely mortified (most Viennese speak pretty perfect English). And I definitely did not get beyond second base with the Bosnian girl.

Mamradpivo's avatar

@DrasticDreamer For better or for worse, that answer is entirely true. I’m not proud.

I’m also not ashamed…

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Only138's avatar

Years ago I puked down a strippers Ass crack. Lol.

Berserker's avatar

Lol wtf XD

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