Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

When was the last time you had an argument with someone in your head only to meet them and find out that it was pointless?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37789points) January 9th, 2011

Sometimes my imagination gets the best of me, and I end up inventing arguments and discussions with people. When I actually meet up with them, nothing transpires as I’d concocted it. Events rarely follow forethought.

Am I alone in this, or does it happen to others, too?

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12 Answers

TexasDude's avatar

Does Fluther count as “in person?”

In that case… last night. Kept me up, too, for some reason.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Fiddle_Playing_Creole_Bastard : Yes, Fluther counts. Fluther always counts. :)

marinelife's avatar

What you described has happened to me before. It’‘s tough to do both parts in your head!

faye's avatar

Sure and I’m always right in my head!! I just can’t deliver the verbal killshots in real life.

Arbornaut's avatar

Yeah.. I get this a fair bit. I find it amusing when you realize just how much you worked yourself up over what is usually a fairly trivial issue.

Seelix's avatar

All the time! I continue debates and arguments in my imagination and, like @faye, I’m always right :)

JilltheTooth's avatar

Oh, I am so glad to read this stuff! I do that a lot. I, too, am always right, and I’m 5’7”. In RL I’m 5’1” on a low-grav day

janbb's avatar

Well, dammit – the other guy never reads my script!

incendiary_dan's avatar

I do this often, and I sometimes find myself mouthing words or making facial expressions relevent to the fictional narrative in my head. Luckily that’s mostly when I’m alone.

hobbitsubculture's avatar

Half the time it’s an imaginary argument with my parents. Those ones occasionally play out the same in real life.

Sometimes when I’m driving I’ll go through a whole argument in my head, and I’ll say the last line out loud. Then I’ll say it again, with a different emphasis. And again, with some kind of emphatic gesture. And then, just for good measure, in a Boston accent.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@hobbitsubculture : Boston? And be careful with that gesturing while you’re driving.

hobbitsubculture's avatar

@hawaii_jake Over-the-top Boston accents were a running joke with my brother for awhile. Turns out they’re habit-forming. We once combined International Talk Like a Pirate Day with our own Talk in a Boston Accent to Annoy @incendiary_dan Day.

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