Social Question

What do you do with yourself when you are feeling lonely and dont have much to do?
I was never a lonely person, but ever since I moved and failed to make many friends, I’ve been more and more. I spend a lot of time with my boyfriend and I am perfectly okay with that. He makes me so happy. I have a few friends, but if we’re being realistic, they’re rarely available to hang out or go out, with school and work and other obligations and things going on. So I find myself now, not getting many hours at my job, having a hard time not being lonely when I’m alone.
This week I only have 2 days, so I have a lot of free time. My best friend starts school full time tomorrow, and my few other friends are always busy. With what, I don’t know, but they are. And my boyfriend is going away for 4 days.
When I go out and about or to a coffee shop or when I am hanging out with friends, I enjoy myself. But when I’m at home, there is no one else here, so I usually knit, or play with my cat, or watch a movie or TV, or read sometimes. But if I have even an inkling of loneliness, I find myself just wallowing in self pity. I feel stupid and lazy and unmotivated.
The plus side is that I’ve been getting more into baking, cooking, fermenting things, and making stuff in general, like hats and scarves and funky placemats and stuff. But whenever I let myself think, I just feel sad. I guess I’ve become really dependant on my boyfriend being here and I know it’s a problem, and I don’t know how to get over it. I don’t mind being alone…but when there are extended periods of time (by that I mean 2 or 3 days) where I don’t have to work and don’t have anything to do, I am beside myself! I don’t know what to do!
And I feel like it’s just me!
What do you do?