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Baddreamer27's avatar

Bad dream- Found dead body and hid it...what does it mean?

Asked by Baddreamer27 (710points) January 10th, 2011

In my dream I am just waking up and stepping outside to smoke. The neighborhood is residential and its a sunny morning (in my dream its my neighborhood, but in real life its not). I look up at the house across the street and realize 1.-I know who the occupants are (a friend from work) and 2. That the home is completely empty and windows open from a burglary. I begin to get a nervous feeling, and find myself looking around the street. Still standing in my driveway next to our red car (which is totally different than our car in real life) Im looking in our yard and we have a huge tree (one that looks familiar to me from my childhood home) Under the tree there is a naked body. I run over to look closer. I notice the woman and I recognize her though it has no significance in my dream. The woman is Jane Lynch (actress from glee/40 year old virgin) She is dead, and cold, very white and pale. Her body is chopped in half at her waist and her guts are trailing out. There is no blood though. I suddenly get this overwhelming feeling to pick up the body and hide it. I go get a large plastic grocery bag (the very kind I keep at home from our local store) and begin frantically shoving her into a bag. Just as I am finishing up I hear a car coming down the street. The car pulls into a drive way and I know it is a neighbor though I dont recognize him. He is dressed in a business suit and very handsome, I get a charismatic feeling from him, like he is very smooth. He gets out and before opening his door he offers to help me with my bag. I become consumed by fear and realize he is the killer of this woman. I begin to rush into the house and up the stairs, as I am doing this he knows that I know he is the killer and he tackles me and starts to strangle me. He pulls out a small knife and says (verbatim) “Do you see this little knife? Its small I know, but I am going to use it to cut your head off in exactly one hundred stokes” Even though I am consumed by fear I feel an attraction to him and I can smell his cologne. I begin to open my mouth to scream for my fiance who is asleep in the bed and I wake up….Wierd. I am looking for an interpretation to this dream…Why would I dream it?

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13 Answers

Seelix's avatar

So… what’s your question?

Baddreamer27's avatar

What does this mean? Why did i dream it…looking for an interpretation…

CyanoticWasp's avatar

Welcome to Fluther.

My advice:

Work on the character development some more, flesh out your descriptions a bit, work on the back story and dream up some more plot, then find yourself an agent and a publisher.


And get some sleep.

Oh, the dream? Encourage it; it could be a gold mine. Only you can say what it ‘means’. Let your story do that for you.

josie's avatar

Nothing. There is no legitimate science for interepreting dreams. But I think you know that.

CaptainHarley's avatar

Ever considered becoming a mystery writer? You’d make a mint! You’ve certainly got the imagination for it! : D

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Have you been watching a lot of TV lately?
I have to agree with @josie, dream interpretation isn’t an exact science. It probably means absolutely nothing, but it was an interesting one, no doubt. :)

JilltheTooth's avatar

I googled “dream interpretation” and found a bunch of sites. Maybe one of them can help you.

john65pennington's avatar

Your dream means you have just violated the law, by illegaly disposing of a dead body.

Winters's avatar

Possible secret you have stashed away (could be something you’ve done or someone else you may be covering for) somewhere either in reality or your subconscious that, if dug up or revealed, could cause you great harm?

Or it could just be a good old nightmare.

downtide's avatar

Been watching too many TV crime shows, or that maybe you should start writing them.

Seriously, dreams don’t have any special meaning. They’re just your brain re-processing things it’s subconsciously (or consciously) experienced in the last few days.

Austinlad's avatar

It’s just a random jumble of data—stuff you’ve seen, heard, read, thought about, etc. No dark hidden meaning… just a dream. Forget it and move on.

wundayatta's avatar

All the characters in your dream are aspects of yourself, and so are the objects. It seems like there is a great struggle going on in your personality. A part of you has been stolen, yet stands there gaping and stupid. The huge tree is an aspect of your self (personality or talent) that is growing, yet it has grown, it seems, out of something despicable, that needs to be hidden.

The dead woman is a part of you that was killed. The fact that her entrails are spilling out symbolizes that whatever part of your personality died off, it died a very bloody death. In other words, it was somewhat mentally violent.

Yet, you are ashamed of this part of you—of the fact that it even ever existed. The neighbor, who is slick and charismatic is the part of your personality that killed off the part of you you have been ashamed of. This part of your personality is something you are strongly attracted to, but in giving in to it, you risk losing other parts of your personality. This part is ruthless and exact.

My guess is that you have or are about to make a major change in your life. In this change, you fear that you will have to become a different person—a person who is both attractive and repellent.

You are attracted to the person you will become, but it’s weird—I get the sense you’re not sure you want to become that person, and yet you don’t feel much attachment to the person you were, and certainly no attachment to the person you used to be, who you now are burying. It’s as if you don’t know who you really are nor who you really want to be. You’re just moving along with the strongest impulse.

The neighbor man might also be someone else important in your life who is seeking to change you.

Then again, this could just be a jumble of fear images—suggesting that something about your impending nuptials is bothering you. Are you getting cold feet? Do you feel like you don’t really know your fiance? Maybe a part of you is trying to warn your conscious self?

Baddreamer27's avatar

I wouldnt say that I have been feeling cold feet. I am very much in love with him, and I want to spend the rest of my life with him, but I do have doubts. I was raised by a single mother and watched her make her mistakes with men who I hated. Who I still hate today for what he did. I dont use hate lightly either-it has been around 10–15 years since I have laid eyes on this man and still if I ran into him in the street today I dont think I could stop myself from spitting in his face. I always promised I would never let myself make the same mistakes as my mother did (I respect and love her, but she made mistakes). Well I in turn got pregnant and ended up a single mom at 23 from making a same mistake as my mother. I never regretted having my son and I looked at him like he was my blessing in disguise and he saved me from my future self. I have very little trust in men. When I met Brandon I feared the worse and it turned for the best. I have never met such a decent and upstanding man. I think you have hit the nail on the head. Thanks for helping me come to some kind of understanding…I will have to talk this out and get it off my chest…that dream left me feeling icky-I dont want that again.

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