Lurve this jelly! The jelly above me _________. Time to spread the love!
Inspired by The jelly below me.
Let’s play “The jelly above me!” On this thread, you make a comment about the jelly above you, instead of below you. It’s a great way to spread the lurve and show kindness to your fellow jellies, especially if you make yourself write something positive about someone you don’t usually agree with.
Rules: there’s only 1— be nice
*Someone needs to leave a comment for the thread to get started. Since there’s no “jelly above you” yet, say something complimentary about one of our mods. We’ll go from there.
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129 Answers
FiddleBastard is a handsome devil.
@Jude is the best auntie in the world.
@KatawaGrey Has awesome taste in food!
that ones on this weeks menu for sure:)
@Arbornaut Everything that he is “a big fan of” (check out his profile), well, so, am I.
@Arbornaut: Ask my mom (JilltheTooth) about the quesadillas I made this afternoon. ;)
The jelly above me is the hottest blue chick I’ve ever seen.
The jelly above me is a delightful young lady!
The jelly above me is a free spirited Californian, both attributes I admire!
The jelly above me has admirable interests!
@Joker94 has an intriguing and eclectic taste in music.
Neffie is my cyber daughter… cute!
@Coloma is a beautiful, free-spirited doll. Her comments always brighten fluther up
@Jude likes my french accent, she’s so cool:)
Is a truck driver and he has good vision. lol
@Vunessuh (since she got skipped) makes me laugh. I love free spirited people.
@filmfann has a lovely personality mixture of empathy and humor.
@Coloma‘s profile pic makes me want to hug a goose with a scarf.
@Jude is warm and kind, and she has awesome taste in everything.
@Coloma lol, I feel so special to have been adopted by someone so awesome.
The jelly above me is a warm and funny jelly who I’ve come to admire. I always look for her answers.
and, she really is the only neffie. I looked it up.
The jelly above me makes some crazy-good cookies!
recipe, please, @cprevite ?
TJAM questions have almost always piqued my interest thus demanding my opinion/answer.
The jelly above me apparently doesn’t like to participate, however, but that’s okay since he (or she, I can’t remember) has a pretty neat username and avatar that I wanted when I first joined.
The Jelly above me is pretty and I like answering her questions. (:
TJAM is creative and good natured.
TJAM ( Neffie?) has such big eyes :)
TJAM gives eloquent concise answers.
TJAM is so damned cute, and up as early as I am. I wish we lived close enough to have morning coffee together!
The jellies above me Awesome, Friendly and fresh out of bed
Its late where I am, so this little jelly must rest his head.
good night
@JilltheTooth me too!!
TJAM is incredibly sweet… and he has a stretchy face, which I have become fascinated with. Goodnight!
TJAM has great brown eyes.
TJAM is a kindhearted fellow, is wise and would make a good friend.
The jelly above me has a beautiful perspective on things.
The two jellys above me are both pretty special people, wise, with a great perspective on things, and would make great friends. (So I cheated. Sue me.)
TJAM is funny and outspoken, never misses a opportunity for a little levity. My kinda guy!
@Coloma makes me day dream about a simpler way of life and I have more respect for geese since she came along than I ever did before.
TJAM is a kind and caring animal lover
TJAM is a smartass, but in the nicest possible way.:)
The jelly above me has a lovely heart and soul.
The jelly above me is a great mommy!
The jelly abve me is…<laughing too hard>…is…chuckle…snort…I’m sorry, I’m choking here….PARTY FAVOR FISH…<falling off chair, choking and snorting>
What are Party favor fish? lol
TJAM has ALL of her teeth. ;-)
@Coloma : Party Favor Fish has been floating haha around here for awhile, now Miss Austen has graciously shared with the world…
The @MissAusten Jelly Above Me is more than just a cool mom she is a considerate and clever person!
edit: I just followed the link, that is too much! I now must add funny!
The jelly above me has a true appreciation for the best sort of humor! ;)
And, all the jellies above me just made my day!
heeheehee Party Favor Fish heeheehee
TJAM has an eternal youthful nature and will have friends of all ages for all of her life.
TJAM asks interesting questions and threw a great holiday party. :)
TJAM has a party kind of personality!
@Coloma has a very kind heart and a goose that needs to have a play date with my pot bellied pigs.
@Jude may be trying to cut down on online time, but we will be bereft if she cuts out too much Fluther time.
TJAM has the most beautiful heart. She is lovely and kind, and she offered me a shoulder before she really even knew me, which was an incredible gift – and speaks volumes about her good nature.
TJAM is not only cute as a button she also has a great sense of humor, and is a positive addition to the Fluther community;-)
The jelly above me is a true sweetheart and has quite a pretty avatar pic!
TJAM is a temptress, damn Chocolate covered cherries.
TJAM @Coloma is one Jelly most of us would really love to meet.
TJAM has a great avatar. The guy sitting on top of the Earth looks like a galactic explorer.
TJAM has a big, big, big, beautiful heart.
TJAM has a big, big, big, beautiful brain.
TJAM has the most beautiful eyes ever.
TJAM is one of my closest friends here and hates it when the kids fight!
The JellyS above me are the greatest. :)
Yes I cheated again.
TJAM is thoughtful and always considerate of others, a real sweetheart.
I feel like I’m hogging the spotlight, but I have so many nice things to say about all of you.
@TheOnlyNeffie Here’s how bad I am. TJAM’s avatar always makes me wish I could take a dive in her family gene pool. God, what a pair of beauties.
TJAM is a very supportive and kind fellow.
TJAM is cute as a button!
@TheOnlyNeffie, you should be totally jealous of me. My mom is the best!
I always look forward to TJAM’s posts here. Very interesting person.
I agree, @Leanne1986 ! surprise, surprise
TJAM is someone I want to sing Cher and Babra duets with. At the top of our lungs, after some wine, in public!
TJAM is one of the best Mamas in the world.
Dammit Jude I wanted to post! TJAM is too quick for me. and ditto
I just found out TJAM is such a perv. Neffie’s sister just became legal.
The jelly above me always knows how to make people smile.
TJAM knows how to make me smile.
TJAM is a man of mystery.
TJAM has a heart of gold and a sweet and considerate soul and I foresee snuggling with her in my future. XD
TJAM is someone I haven’t had a chance to get to know, here, and I don’t know how that happened. Or didn’t happen. Hell, you know what I mean. Anyway, I’d like to.
TJAM makes me miss my Mama.
V, I’m down for snugglin’ anytime, girl.
TJAM is beautiful inside and out and has cute toes!
TJAM has a wonderful and caring way with animals
TJAM is very sweet! We also have way too much in common, so I have to add that TJAM has great taste! ;)
TJAM has such a pretty kitchen that she’s inspired me on how I want mine to be. I’m just a big ole copycat!
TJAM is such a good parent she didn’t need a partner to raise a wonderful daughter.
Notice that it’s always the same people answering? lol
TJAM doesn’t like to see jellies fight.
TJAM is like… whoa… like… painfully attractive.
TJ(s)AM all of yas are yummy!
nom nom at you, too, sweetie!
The jelly above me has a pretty tooth. :P
I knew who TJAM was going to be before I opened this question.
TJAM is pretty and sweet, and always has delicious looking avatars.
Dangit, you were supposed to do TJAM for Adirondackwannabe, that’s why I posted mine in a whisper! Hehehe. But thank you darling. I think I’ll change my avatar again to something even yummier!
The person below me, please use @TheOnlyNeffie for your JAM comment.
@TheOnlyNeffie is really insightful, helpful and has a pair of gnarly eyes.
TJAM is very creative and knows some great Shakespearean insults:D
I really wish TJAM lived closer! We’re always up at the same time, and virtual coffee just isn’t the same! (I think I’ve said this before, somewhere…)
@JilltheTooth so true. I’ve already had too much coffee this morning, think you can handle an incredibly hyper Neffie this early in the morning? :D
TJBM should pretend that this comment doesn’t exist, and direct their compliment to @JilltheTooth.
Both TJAMs always have something engaging and funny to say, and I’m glad when I see that we’ve answered the same questions because it makes things more interesting. :)
TJAM is now a Jelly I am following! I just added @etignotasanimum to my Fluther!
TJAM has had great success with their alternative medicine
TJAM is looking forward to snails.
TJAM loves the Adirondacks. (Wow. How did I figure that out?)
TJAM is an excellent skier!
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