[NSFW] Girls, do you prefer uncircumcised or circumcised penises?
Just out of curiosity, which do you prefer and why? I’m sure that the guys here would like to know, also.
if you want to know why I’m asking, it’s because I was flipping through my psychology book and it talked about penises or something. it probably had something to do with Freud.
Is one more attractive to you, is one easier to… do things with, or what? And guys, what’s the difference between them?
Also… is the plural of penises peni?
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29 Answers
Uncircumsised penises look like wet cigars. Unattractive.
Cut, but only because that’s what I’m accustomed to. I’ve never even seen an uncircumcised penis in person. So my preference is for the.. familiar. I think of that as a shortcoming on my behalf, though. I wouldn’t be turned off by a penis that was.. in tact. I just might need to warm up to it. :)
I’ve only seen one uncircumsized penis (in real life) before and…I did not like. The hippie in me hates that I find them unappealing, but I’ve only seen circumsized ones all my life (edit: besides the one uncircumsized one that I saw about 2 or 3 years ago) and was taught that that’s what a “normal” penis was – I didn’t even know what a foreskin was until I was about 15. Circumsized ones are what I’ve grown used to. I can openly admit that I’ve been conditioned to find them more attractive. I’m sure if I were born and raised in Germany or something my answer would be quite different.
As long as I like the man it’s attached to, as far as I’m concerned, I have no preference.
@Jude How astute of you to say so.
Iv never had any girls even mention it.
And i cant see how it makes much difference any way.
I’ve mostly seen circumcised penises in person but I have seen one uncircumcised one and, I gotta say, I don’t know what all the fuss is about. It’s a little different but it wasn’t bothersome. The issue was that he wasn’t too sure on how to clean it properly. He was also pretty young and had never…ahem…had a sexual experience with a girl so his penis did some things singular to the uncircumcised that he was unprepared for.
Well, I’m not sexually active, but I’m not a ditz. From health class, circumcised has always appealed to me. It looks cleaner and much more easy on the eyes.
This makes me wonder if I all the gals I know are outliers who prefer/love uncircum, or if all the gals that answered this are the outliers who prefer/love circum. I’m so confused!
@Winters I think a lot of it has to do with location. I think geographically and culturally, women will be more exposed to one or the other, and develop preferences accordingly.
I can’t help but envision all of the Jelly-men with their all-original equipment at home reading this thread with their brows furrowed.
@TheOnlyNeffie Yeah…. the face muscles are getting a work out on this one
@Arbornaut haha, got the stretchy face going on. :)
@TheOnlyNeffie I find the whole thing quite amusing actually, but also very insightful:)
I read that some study (no, no link, don’t remember) found circumcised penises were less likely to pass on HPV, herpes and HIV. It was a study piggybacked to an HIV study in Africa.
Sorry, another guy popping in. All of my female friends prefer circumcised penises, except for one who doesn’t care one bit. None of them have ever expressed a specific preference for uncircumcised. And to answer the terminological question, the standard pluralization of “penis” is “penises.”
it’s horrible to cut and harm babies. It also takes away some of the man’s sexual pleasure. Awful. And most American men are victims-me included.
It’s all here :-/
Personally I think it’s all wrong, there have been a lot of deaths caused by infections as a result of poor technique in removing the foreskin in some infants & a lot of deformities too…
Imagine the outcry if I said I preferred having sex with circumcised woman!
I think it’s barbaric!!!
@Scooby despite what I said above (and also described as a shortcoming,) I agree wholeheartedly that it is barbaric. Should I ever have a son, I would not have him circumcised.
The supposed health benefits of male genital mutilation are no different to that gained from 10 seconds in the shower.
As for the aesthetic appeal, by the time an uncircumcised penis is ready for action, it looks no different to a circumcised one.
It doesn’t really matter to me. (Not a girl.) I like most of the penises I bump into.
Edit: Oh, and regarding the plural for penis: penises is fine, peni is not. If you want to be different you could correctly say penes, but that’s pretty scientific. In fact, peni is another (dative) singular form of penis in Latin, so… yeah.
I prefer my partner’s penis above all others. Anyhow, it doesn’t matter and to think it matters is ridiculous. And Freud is no longer seen as relevant in many circles.
Personally, I prefer the look of circumcised but that certainly doesn’t mean that I think all penises should be circumcised.
I like the helmeted soldier, but it wouldn’t really matter, what matters is who’s it is.
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@meiosis Which is only really possible in first world countries – it still does have health benefits in areas where a regular shower/bath isn’t possible. And having seen both, they do indeed look different, even ready for action.
I’ve only been with one uncircumcised man, and I’m still with him. I gotta say, though, that although I hate the idea of circumcision, I prefer to look at a cut one.
It all depends on how hygienic the man is. Circumcision is certainly a lot easier to maintain than one that is not circumsized…
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