Thoughts on this photo? I am thinking about cropping it and framing it.
Asked by
Jude (
January 11th, 2011
It’s a picture that I took from a 4 story old home in Savannah. This is the porch. The home is filled with antiques for sale. I would love to crop it (center it) and frame it.
What do you think?
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29 Answers
I get a feeling from it that I can’t put my finger on. It really reminds me of back home. We grew up in my great-grandmothers farm house and were surrounded by things that were old with age and beautiful at the same time. I honestly feel a little lost looking at it…like I lost something I can’t get back.
No cropping, just like that is fine.
Center around what? The door? The fan? One of the strongest elements is the blue and the tree to the right. I wouldn’t want to lose that.
@Jude I don’t know. What did you have in mind when you said crop it? Why don’t you crop it and put the cropped version up, too. Let us see what you have in mind.
My vote would to leave it as is but futz with the midtones and contrast to bring alive the antiques.
@Not_the_CIA Is it that the fan and door centers don’t line up? I’m not a photographer, so I’m not sure if that’s what you mean. If it is, why does it bother you?
I say leave it as it is too. I love photo’s like this.
@Cruiser Not sure how I would go about doing that. I’ll read up on it.
I am not a photographer, nor do I play one on t.v..
@wundayatta – That is what I mean. I’m just anal about that stuff. It is still a great picture. I just spend most of my life making sure that things line up. When they don’t I notice.
I think you should leave it as it is.Generally the focal point of a picture (in this case, the door) should not be central, but should be about ⅓ the way towards one side or another. This is what the Golden Ratio is all about.
@downtide I couldn’t decide if the door or the fan was the focal point. It seems ambiguous. Also there is a lot of blank space above the door that discomfits me.
@Jude In photobucket run your pointer to the top of the picture and a menu will pop down and hit the edit and there you will find grayscale and other goodies. Have fun
I like the bit of green in there (baby carriage).
My personal/professional opinion is that the lower half is too dark for my tastes. It’s too much of a contrast between the bright top and you can’t see the antiques that well. However, the opinion that counts is yours, since it’ll be hanging on your wall. :)
I would crop it some, the column, for example.
If you crop the column, you crop the chest of drawers with the light shining off it. You lose an important element, in my opinion. But what do I know. My kids laugh at my taste. Sigh.
I like the dark bottom/light top.
@wundayatta In my opinion, the blank space above/to the side of the door doesn’t matter because the junk in the foreground draws the eye towards the door itself, rather than the centre of the photo. And in any case it’s not that blank: you have the shadows from the tree, and the fan, to break it up. I agree with you about not cropping the far right of the picture.
What a great picture. As for to crop or not to crop, I like it the way it is. I don’t know much about photo editing, but if it were possible, I’d mess with the contrast just a bit to define the stuff in the foreground a little more.
And what is up with that fan? Are the blades actually just outlined, or is there some clear material there? I think it’s so cool.
This old house must have ghosts. they have taken the blades off the ceiling fan!!
What do you perceive the focal point to be if you crop it? Where do you want the viewer’s eye to be drawn?
@downtide I think I like the photo—or I did at first. The more I look at it, though, the more it starts to unnerve me. The door looks too low—kind of like a hobbit door, and oddly, my eye flashes on it, then is drawn upwards and I’m thinking, “what the hell is with that fan?” It’s incongruous. I wonder why I am being shown it. Then the perspective seems to get weird—like things aren’t plumb or a wide angle lens was used for the picture. Now I’m left feeling somewhat discomfited; unsure what I am being shown or why it is important.
Now it’s kind of creepy. Why is this furniture outside? Why is it stacked up in such a haphazard way? Are people moving, or is it just temporarily here while cleaning or renovation is happening? What is this space for? What is the furniture? It’s too dark to make out, at least for me.
The woman who owns the old house has around 1000 antiques. Mostly furniture. Most around 150 years old. She stores some out on the patio. Those are all for sale. I took a bit of video of the place. I post it here. :)
I can’t see the antiques; it’s very dark from halfway down. Maybe it’s my pc.
Here is the fourth floor. Same house. The rather large building across the street is the law office (same one used to film “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil”).
Commentary? Me.
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