Social Question

ucme's avatar

What is something relatively commonplace, that you have yet to experience?

Asked by ucme (50052points) January 11th, 2011

Basically, lets play the I have never game. You know how it works right? Very simple really, just state in a concise fashion an occurance, event, happening or whatever that, as of yet, eludes you. Maybe something that you have no intention or desire of ever doing. Or simply something you haven’t got round to yet. Something which is considered fairly mainstream. I shall begin…..I have never flown in a plane.

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29 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I have never driven.

Brian1946's avatar

I have never given birth.

etignotasanimum's avatar

I have never been to a concert.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have never had a one night stand.

downtide's avatar

I have never driven a car (and will never be allowed to).

satyagraha's avatar

I have never been drunk

bunnygrl's avatar

I have never seen any of the Lord of the Rings movies, even though hubby is a HUGE fan. They don’t appeal to me in the least. Odd that, since I am a sci fi/fantasy kinda gal normally.

AmWiser's avatar

I have yet to/never been horse riding.

Fairylover78's avatar

I have never eaten Sushi…. The whole raw fish thing kinda throws me off.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I have never been to a concert. <sad face> I keep hinting to my hubby every year that concert tickets would be an awesome birthday present, but to no avail.

tranquilsea's avatar

I…can’t….think…of…anything. Everything I’ve wanted or dreamed of doing, I’ve done.

Travelled to England – check
Travelled to Belgium – check
Hiked in the Rockies – check
Taken dancing lessons – check (this one was on my list forever)

And on and on it goes.

I need to come up with new dreams

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@tranquilsea awww, I’m so jealous of your list! :( I haven’t traveled outside of the US

Aster's avatar

Hard to think of anything. Commonplace things: I’ve never mowed a yard. I don’t swim. Never eaten raw fish. But I have jumped off diving boards and lived to tell about it. lol

crisw's avatar

I have never traveled outside North America (not by choice).

I have never seen a single episode of Friends, Seinfeld, or any other popular TV show after the 90s (by choice).

tranquilsea's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate I know I am very lucky to have had the opportunity to travel

I remembered one more place I want to go: New Orleans. It’s been at the top of my travel destinations since I was a teenager.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@tranquilsea HA! I’ve been to New Orleans! :P It’s no England, but…

tranquilsea's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate Lucky you! Perhaps we could trade notes :-)

flutherother's avatar

A trip to Venice and Lake Garda and a one night stand. OK that’s two things, maybe three but with a bit of planning I could do them all together.

Arbornaut's avatar

Sex in a public toilet..shit… what am i saying?.. .. nevermind..

flutherother's avatar

@Arbornaut Shit in a public toilet is fine.

YARNLADY's avatar

I am not a member of the mile high club.

SamIAm's avatar

I haven’t traveled overseas, yet.
I haven’t conquered my fear of heights/flying (despite jumping out of a plane, working on it)
I am going to master snowboarding though, that’s been on my bucket list for quite a while
I haven’t been married or given birth, yet.

meiosis's avatar

I’ve never had sex with a virgin.

partyparty's avatar

I have never been able to swim….. but I am working on it

Kardamom's avatar

Made pie crust from scratch

Skated on a frozen pond or lake

Gone skiing

Been in more than 6 U.S. States (not by my own choice)

Cheated on a boyfriend (and would never do it)

Tasted goat milk (although I do like goat cheese and would love to try it)

Grown squash in my backyard (one of my friends grows amazing butternut and buttercup squash in her yard)

Camped and slept outside on a cot (instead of a tent or motorhome)

Eaten prime rib, salmon or liver (I’m a vegetarian)

Roasted chestnuts over an open fire

Grinded my own spices with a mortar and pestle

Made rum cake (but plan to this month!)

Canned vegetables, pickles or jelly

Driven a tractor

Played golf (other than mini-golf, real golf doesn’t sound appealing to me)

Been to a football game (I don’t care for traditional men’s sports, I prefer figure skating and gymnastics)

Ridden in a sleigh

Driven a motorcycle (although I’ve been on the back as a passenger)

Been on a cruise

Been to the Grand Canyon

Enjoyed eggplant (but I still hold out hope that I will finally fine one preparation that doesn’t make me feel the need to spit it out)

crisw's avatar


Nice list! You have a lot to look forward to…if I still had my goaties I would give you some goat milk! I’ve done 14 of the 21 things on your list :>)

Kardamom's avatar

@crisw Yes, some of these things are on my proverbial “bucket list” except for the eating meat part and driving a motorcycle and cheating on a boyfriend, all of which I hope to avoid forever.

Which thing on my list was the favorite thing you did?

crisw's avatar


Hmm, several of them. I’ve been in about half the US states (missed out on most of the Eastern Seaboard), and travel is always fun. I love to can- I have shelves of salsa and pickles and jams. Milking goats and making cheese is something I miss a lot! We did one cruise on the Mexican Riviera which was a blast- my favorite part was riding horses on the beach in Mazatlan.

Rhodentette's avatar

I have never swum.
I have never been to London.
I have never owned a dog.
I have never had a professional massage.
I have never taken part in the democratic process.
I have never been seasick.
I have never baked a cake.
I have never eaten snails.

I could go on in this vein for a bit. On the other hand, I’ve done a bunch of stuff that might be considered not mainstream at all. But this is an “I have never” question, not an “I have” question. :)

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