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flutherother's avatar

Who is the most unusual character you know of?

Asked by flutherother (34996points) January 11th, 2011

It could be a friend or someone you have read about even a fictional character but they have to be very odd and unusual.

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11 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Where I got my master’s degree, the head gardener was the best classical Greek scholar I’ve ever met. He could translate a line of Plato while pouring fertilizer made of fish guts on the columbines.

crazyivan's avatar

Samuel L Jackson’s character in Caveman’s Valentine is one of my all time favorite fictional characters…

marinelife's avatar


Austinlad's avatar

I ran into some pretty colorful characters back in the years I was making TV commercials, both in front and behind the camera. One of the MOST colorful was Jonathan Winters, whom I directed —well, kinda, sorta directed—in a commercial I’d written just for him. Let me tell you, THAT was one weird guy.

flutherother's avatar

The late Timothy Carey must be one of the oddest characters in showbusiness. Take a look at the disturbing dance scene in ‘Poor White Trash’ for example.

ChocolateReigns's avatar

My brother is a very interesting “character”.

YARNLADY's avatar

My husband.

Garebo's avatar

Most politically aspired people and rock and roll business folk I’ve known.

MartinDep's avatar

That is my FATHER, in my childhood he was very strict to me so I always tried to run away from him. But now I have gotten that he did so just for my benefit, my success and to make me good for humankind. Now I want to spend all the time with him and obey him whatever he say but I can’t do this cuz I am living in other city for my job.

BoBo1946's avatar

My Mother.

flutherother's avatar

An unusual man in my mind when I asked this question is Taneda Santoka, a Japanese poet. He was from a wealthy background but couldn’t settle in employment or as a married man and tried to commit suicide by standing in front of a train at the age of 42 in 1924.

The driver saw him in time and he survived. He went to a nearby temple where he studied Zen Buddhism for a year and after this he began wandering round Japan begging for food and for shelter and writing brief haiku style poems. He is estimated to have covered 28,000 miles in this way. He was little known at the time of his death in 1940 but by the 1970’s his poetry was famous, at least in Japan.

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