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Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

Have you moved around a lot?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) January 12th, 2011

What was your favorite place that you lived?

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10 Answers

28lorelei's avatar

FInland. Great place if you want to relieve stress. I was happy to be there for two years, and before that I lived where I live now. I just got dumped with snow today.

tigerlilly2's avatar

I’ve lived in California, Colorado, North Carolina and Kentucky and I have to say North Carolina was by far my favorite! Perfect weather and no smog :)

Jude's avatar

I noticed that you post a lot of questions about where you live, where you have lived or where you would like to live. Interesting. :)

I have lived in 4 different places throughout my life. Favorite place? San Diego.

choreplay's avatar

New York (Long Island-north shore), Maryland (Chesepeak Bay), Florida (Tampa Bay). Can you tell I like water, fitting seeing that I’m a Jellie and all.

marinelife's avatar

Yes. I loved Hawaii and Maine. I also love Washington State. I have also lived in five additional places.

sahuleka546's avatar

Nope, I’ve only lived in one town my whole life. I’ve visited a few other places but I still love my hometown the most.

partyparty's avatar

No I haven’t moved around at all. I live within three miles of where I was born.
Perhaps that sounds quite boring, but I must love where I live

OpryLeigh's avatar

My dad was in the Navy when I was growing up so we did a lot of moving throughout my childhood. My favourite place is where I am now, in my own little flat with my dog.

YARNLADY's avatar

We moved every year when I was growing up, but always in Denver, Colorado. My father bought houses, added a bathroom, upgraded the kitchen, and sold them.

I moved to Southern California as soon as I could, and never regretted it. I have lived in several different California cities, and Santa Barbara is my favorite.

Fairylover78's avatar

Yes, my husband and I work for the same company and we move every couple years ( or less) I loved being in the Mountains in TN… it’s beautiful! Cocoa Beach was nice in the summer, but wouldn’t want to live there full time.

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