General Question

meagan's avatar

How to get 1440 x 900 screen resolution?

Asked by meagan (4675points) January 12th, 2011

My father borrowed my computer to use google earth and when I came home, my resolution was all messed up.

My monitor tells me that my resolution should be 1440×900. I’ve been trying to find it in displays, but I can’t.

How can I get my 1440×900 resolution back? I currently have it set on 1600×900, but my text looks jumbled together.

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17 Answers

blueiiznh's avatar

If it is not using an advanced display controller, do the following:
on any clear space on your desktop, right click and select properties
Click the settings tab.
You will be able to make the adjustments there
Review Screen resolution and color quality there. set it for 32 bit color quality a make the resolution settings that work best for you( 1440×900). you can always try the other ones to see if you like some other one better. It will make the change and allow you to accept or deny the change if you dont like it. If the screen goes black, it means your monitor cant support it and will revert back to the previous setting.
If there is an advanced controller, then there will be an advanced GUI to let you do similar and more settings options.

meagan's avatar

I don’t have a “properties” when I click the empty space. I’ve got graphic properties, graphic options, and personalize

blueiiznh's avatar

graphics properties will open the advanced GUI. In there, there will be a display settings tab

This is where you adjust the color depth, resolution and refresh rate.
note, use as high a refresh rate as the other two settings allow. this will help on eye fatigue

meagan's avatar

It still isn’t showing 1440×900 in the options. :-/
Even in the advanced settings. They’re all just for color and things like that.

blueiiznh's avatar

there should be a resolution tab somewhere
What manufacturer and model computer, so i can try to dig furter

meagan's avatar

Its a Dell
I’ve already found the ‘display settings’ in the control panel and 1440×900 isn’t there either

blueiiznh's avatar

on the first settings tab i detailed here, the resolution control is a slider on the left center.
listed as Less to More on the slider.

If you do not have the 1440×900, then a different video driver appears to have been loaded by goggle earth….

meagan's avatar

” Dell SE198WFP ”

meagan's avatar

Oh no.. what do you suggest..?

blueiiznh's avatar

let me look at this model number and the default video driver set…be back in a bit while i look

meagan's avatar

Thanks, I really appreciate it.

mrentropy's avatar

SE198WFP is the monitor, not the computer. It’s not a laptop hooked up to a monitor, is it?

meagan's avatar

No, its a desktop. I thought telling the SE198WFP, you’d be able to see if 1440×900 is appropriate for that size

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Here’s the tech documentation from Dell The optimal is 1440X900.

meagan's avatar

What exactly do I need to search for? “Graphics card”?

meagan's avatar


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