Do fat people fart more?
Asked by
anartist (
January 12th, 2011
And louder, bigger farts?
If so, will losing weight eliminate this?
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37 Answers
I can’t imagine why that would be true.
The only contributing factor would be a poor diet – so people who eat poorly may fart more. Not necessarily related directly to a person’s weight.
Actually, I think vegetarians probably fart a lot, much more than fat people—all that fiber and veggies.
@TheOnlyNeffie As a side note, do you think it is unreasonable to assume that fat people generally eat a poor diet? I mean, isn’t that usually how people get fat?
It’s possible, I suppose. But I think it has a lot more to do with the person’s digestive health.
@cockswain you don’t have to be fat to eat a poor diet. I know plenty of people that are healthy weight, or even quite slim, that eat a totally garbage diet. You don’t even necessarily have to eat a poor diet to get fat. Eating too much of anything, along with not getting enough exercise can make you fat.
I just have to assume that flatulence would be related to diet & digestive health (as mentioned above) than body weight.
i have friends whose cat + dog fart quite a bit + they arent fat. or human.
I agree, it’s the insides making the gas not the outsides. If you eat a lot of gas producing foods you will fart. But if you are morbidly obese, there will be fat around your organs and colon so they may not function well.
I guess I was thinking bigger intestines, bigger farts.
One of my cats farts, the heavier one.
Still, she is a little cat and her farts are small, not likely to be confused with people-farts.
My kitten astounds me with her odors lately! I bought her some Temptations for xmas and, while she loves them and acts like the cat on the commercial- so cute, when they’re gone, they might be gone.
I have no data so I will do a Gedanken (thought) experiment.
Here are my assumptions.
The fat person and the thin person have the same basic digestion pattern and enzymes.
The fat person and the thin person have the same basic diet.
The quantity of food consumed by a fat person is twice that of a thin person.
Using the assumptions stated above, the chemical reactions are the same. However since the intake is doubled on a fat person I would expect the flatus output to be doubled as well.
If we are talking about the actual acoustic signature I can determine a mass-spring model in MatLab.
(But I’d have to charge you.)
@worriedguy LMAO. I see this question, wonder why it got so many responses, get to yours, and it was worth the time I’ll never get back in life. I guess you never know what’s going to payout. :)
No fat people do not fart more. Maybe it’s just because they don’t have a problem letting one rip in front of everyone.Vegetarians and vegans fart and burp a heck of alot more than omnivores do! I know a guy who eats a plant based diet and he burps and farts more than anyone else I have ever known. I asked him about it once and he said it is because of his diet. Back to the fat people. Fat people fart louder due to the massive ass cheeks they have. The are huge and when those farts start slapping out of there. Those ass cheeks just slam together with such great force that they create a fart to be enjoyed by all. I always wondered if a fat person farts bare assed. Would you see a vibration or wave motion in those fat ass cheeks? Serious stuff to think about. I must start a study on such matters.
I will echo @psychocandy – as a vegan family, we fart more than all of you (fat and otherwise) combined.
@mikewlf337, i think you got something there with the buttcheek oscillation + harmonic resonance factor!
@worriedguy You made my day! accoustical signature indeed!
_If we are talking about the actual acoustic signature I can determine a mass-spring model in MatLab.
(But I’d have to charge you.)_
@Mikewlf337 they don’t have a problem letting one rip Are you saying fat people are less image conscious [or have just given up]?
Fat people fart louder due to the massive ass cheeks they have. The are huge and when those farts start slapping out of there. Those ass cheeks just slam together with such great force that they create a fart to be enjoyed by all.
HWL [owling with laughter]! And I think you are right!
so fatties dont fart more, just louder – is the conclusion yes? now, on the other hand, there is the question of who generates the most offal farts.
Both is a possibility given @worriedguy ‘s hypothesis below:
The fat person and the thin person have the same basic digestion pattern and enzymes.
The fat person and the thin person have the same basic diet.
The quantity of food consumed by a fat person is twice that of a thin person.
Using the assumptions stated above, the chemical reactions are the same. However since the intake is doubled on a fat person I would expect the flatus output to be doubled as well.
Ah, @963chris , now we’re talking WHAT we eat
Does garlic, steak, pepperoni, refritos, beer, vodka smell worse than rice pilaf, celery soup, and water?
yes indeed…that sounds like a downright evil gastronomical combination.
Since we’re talking about eating crappy food and I just found this, I’m posting it for being slightly appropriate and really awesome.
And what about a fat person losing weight by becoming a vegan?
noise level? frequency? aroma?
@anartist: they would just be an all around fartographer.
If the butt-cheek oscillation thing is true, the farts should decrease in loudness as the vegan loses weight. However, it seems the frequency will increase as vegans supposedly fart more? Uncertain of that one. What also needs to be considered is the force of the farts going from fat to vegan. Will there be more pressure behind the fart, causing the noise lost in butt mass to be offset by more thunderous pressured farts?
i think one could devise a graph as well as a function for that perhaps…lets get some scientists on it!
That would be brilliant. A 3-D fart function plotting a vegan’s ass-cheek size, strength, and loudness of farts over time. One equation, solving it all.
I believe I could solve this one if I had around $100,000. Probably less, but for sure that amount. Seriously. Just have to find some fat farters who are willing to lose weight via a controlled vegan diet.
I believe with advances in bio and nanotech, we would be able to have individuals’ farting tailored to their desires. Poker night? Blast away. Date night? Tone it down.
@cockswain Maybe we can do a little genetic engineering and come up with a fartless human!
I don’t see the value in that.
@anartist Get rid of farts? :( Why would anyone want to do that?
@anartist Sure I have a nose, but I like the way they sound as well as having the ability to gas out my friends. Now if it was possible for me to be the only person in the world that could fart, I would love that.
in the kingdom of the fartless, the lonesome farter is king.
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