My cousin decided to go off her meds when she had her baby. She was taking lamictal and some other ones. You know the risks, I’m sure. It worked out for her. I don’t know how hard it was.
Do you feel you won’t be able to hold it together for the year or so required to have a baby and breast feed for a little while? I suppose it could be longer if you have difficulty conceiving.
For some people, it’s the fact of a child that is a miracle, no matter what kinds of challenges it faces, or they face together. So if you take the low risk of problems into account together with the belief (if you have it) that any child is a child you will cherish and love, then it seems to me that could make the decision to stay on meds easier. If it’s the other way around, and you don’t feel you could handle a baby with a cleft palate or something… that’s another choice, of course. Although, even without meds, there are always chances of birth defects.
Anyway, if I were in your position, I’d be looking at how much I wanted to bring a child into life, no matter what it was like. If I wanted it enough, then the risk of birth defects wouldn’t matter. If I only wanted a healthy baby, then I’d seriously consider figuring out how to be off meds for long enough to bring this child into the world.
I make no moral judgments about this. I had fertility problems that meant that by the time my wife got pregnant, she was in the high risk category (age wise) for a number of conditions. I really wanted a healthy child, but I carry one of the CF genes. Turns out, I also carry the bipolar genes (we didn’t know that then). But I wanted to be a father very badly, and so those risks were worth it, to me. I never thought about what would happen if the child wasn’t healthy. Fortunately, we got lucky.
But there’s no certainty about a baby’s health no matter what the situation of the mother or father. My feeling is that if you want a child badly enough, you go for it—medicated or not. Risks to both. If you’re going to be in and out of the hospital if you go off meds, that can’t be good for a baby. Perhaps meds are the way to go.