Social Question

jazmina88's avatar

Just because you are single and happen to die by yourself, is it right to have to get an autotopsy automatically?

Asked by jazmina88 (11657points) January 13th, 2011

I’m single with some health issues. if I die by myself, don’t we have to undergo a mandatory autopsy?? Doesn’t that interfere with your right to die?

If folks know I’m not the healthiest apples in the bunch, why would they have to cut me apart?

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10 Answers

MissA's avatar

That decision might have to do with rules within the state in which you live…insurance payouts or other issues.

I don’t like the idea of an autopsy…what is your objection?

poisonedantidote's avatar

I could very well be wrong about this, I may have heard it in a documentary or I may have heard it in an episode of the flintstones, but I remember hearing some place, that you can actually leave it in your will that you don’t want an autopsy, and that doing so may actually influence if they do one or not.

I also know that there are some religions out there, that are against autopsies, and therefore there are probably some countries and places that excuse them from having an autopsy. It probably all depends of if the death looks suspitious or not.

I would suggest asking a lawyer.

anartist's avatar

It might also change if city budget cuts continue.
Spend money investigating an uncontested death?

coffeenut's avatar

Wouldn’t you want people to know if you were murdered or not?

bkcunningham's avatar

I agree with @MissA . It depends on several circumstances including the regulations in your county. A certificate of death has to be issued for the vital records in the state, just like a birth certificate is issued at each birth. Performing an autopsy against the wishes of the family or the deceased is left up to the medical examiner and would depend on the age and health of the deceased and the circumstances surrounding the death. When someone discovers a dead body, even if it is in the deceased’s home, law enforcement officials are called as well as a medical examiner (who may come to the scene or to the medical facility where the body is taken). If there is a wound or other reason to suspect a crime was committed, there would be an autopsy. Otherwise, the cause of death would be determined and listed as unattended and no autopsy would be performed.

partyparty's avatar

I think here in the UK if you die alone, without being under the care of a doctor, then it is mandatory to have a post mortem.
I suppose it is to clarify that they died naturally, and not murdered etc

Kayak8's avatar

1. Don’t leave information about autopsy, funeral plans, etc. in a will. The will is usually not read until long after these events have already transpired.

2. In most locales, the age of the victim and appearance of the scene will dictate if an autopsy is performed. Leave information as to your physician(s)’ contact information in plain sight as this is the first person who will be called to determine if your death might have been expected (due to illness or infirmity).

3. If there is any evidence at the scene that someone else (or you, yourself) engaged in foul play, an autopsy is unavoidable. @bkcunningham is spot on in the description above. The best you can do is leave helpful information immediately available to those called to the scene (but not in a way as to arouse more suspicion).

Meego's avatar

Autopsies are either performed for legal or medical purposes. For example, a forensic autopsy is carried out when the cause of death may be a criminal matter, while a clinical or academic autopsy is performed to find the medical cause of death and is used in cases of unknown or uncertain death, or for research purposes. Autopsies can be further classified into cases where external examination suffices, and those where the body is dissected and internal examination is conducted. Permission from next of kin may be required for internal autopsy in some cases.

Judi's avatar

I know for sure you don’t have to have an autopsy if you are in hospice.

faye's avatar

My mother died at home by herself at 86. The coroner called me to ask if I wanted an autopsy. So there wasn’t one. My stepfather died after less than 24 hrs time in hospital so there had to be an autopsy, unless the doctor has very recently seen the patient and they were admitted to die. I think if you see your doctor a lot and cause of death is already understood there doesn’t have to be an autopsy.

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