What in your opinion, are some of the most/least impressive movie monsters?
Asked by
ucme (
January 13th, 2011
In terms of special effects & make up I mean. Both of these crafts have seen dramatic improvements over the years, but some fine early examples include….the original, & best King Kong & Frankenstein’s monster…..as portrayed by Boris Karloff. Advances in technology have afforded the moviegoer a more elaborate, diverse & sophisticated “monster” experience. From Alien to Predator & a host of countless beasts from the horror genre. So, which do you consider worthy of praise? What looked frightening? What….well lets just say lacked a little quality?
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48 Answers
The devil in The Exorcist was one of the best.
Gamera the Flying Turtle was one of the worst.
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There were so many bad ones on the old Flash Gordon series. ROFL
I was completely unimpressed by Medusa and the Kraken in the original Clash of the Titans. Granted, I’ve grown up seeing more modern special effects, so I’m most likely biased. When we watched that movie in class, everyone laughed at the effects, including that little mechanical owl.
If you remember the first star trek with Captain Kirk and you view it now you just have to laugh at the monsters.
I’m an old-fashioned movie guy. I still think the original Frankenstein monster is scary.
Best and started it all would have to be Jurassic Park IMO.
Worst, I may have to agree with @etignotasanimum about the original Clash of the Titans
But of course that is more SE than Makeup, so I’ll have to think of the Best and Worst for makeup… I’ll get back to ya!
One of the best IMO was the first Freddy Kruger. He was scary.
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Good = Count Orlok (Nosferatu)
Bad = Mansquito
Mothera and the fly.
I have to also agree with @noelleptc
Darth Maul was pretty impressive considering he was essentially stepping into the shoes of Darth Vader, one of Hollywood’s most iconic villains.
@erichw1504 The Fly is great, of course, but I thought it was a bit too obvious for me. :)
I was & still am impressed with the werewolf from the film An American werewolf in London.. :-/
Scariest: the demonically possessed Regan in the “Exorcist”.
Least scary: Godzilla’s dorky kid.
One of the most unintentionally hilarious scenes I’ve seen is the end of “Destroy All Monsters”, where Godzilla and his kid wave goodbye to their human friends.
I found Mothra to be less than satisfying and loved Boris Karloff’s Frankenstein.
The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man has to top my list….just best.
Then….most scary twisted….IT (the clown)
Most scary..scary….Zombies…(the potential masses is insane)
Least scary….Chucky….(so easy to defeat…even a kid can do it)
Most funny scary…original Godzilla….(scary until it moves and/or you see the zipper
The movie, Killer Tomatoes.
I cannot believe i paid money to sit through 2 hours of this garbage.
I will say this, each time i pass the tomatoe display at the supermarket, i wonder if i will be attacked by one of those killer tomatoes from that stupid movie.
Why did i even answer this question?
Lousiest monsters ever? The reptiles and amphibians in The Frogs.
@john65pennington I think you missed the point of Attack of the Killer Tomatoes…
The greatest movie monster imo is The Creature From The Black Lagoon.
The worst would be (as @marinelife mentioned) Gamera.
Pods are scary.
Chuckie was one of the best conceptually, and one of the worst in the realization.
The TV show Lost in Space definitely produced the most inane monsters ever. Lower than your average B movie.
All of the oldie monsters look so corny now that it cracks me up. Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Blob, the tomatoes, Mothera, Godzilla, King Kong, Frankenstein, The Mummy (the Boris Karlof version.) I love them, they’re great! I can’t say that Hollywood has come up with anything lately that really scared me. Maybe I am desensitized.
The Alien beast broke the mold when that bad ass came out of the woodwork.
I am partial though to the original blob! That was awesome so was the new blob movie when it sucked that dude down the drain!! That was so cool!
Pyramid Head and the nurses in the Silent Hill movie were awesome.
The worst? Torgo from Manos, the Hands Of Fate. He is supposed to be a satyr, I think.
The best? Can’t get much cooler than Alien
to me the best monster of all time is the Predator. High tech barbarians who even had a code honor. The least impressive monster I would have to saw is the Scream killer from the movie “Scream”. Not physically a monster but he was a monster on the inside. He had the most annoying mask ever created. His entire costume was boring. I hated “Scream”.
@filmfann I thought Torgo was just a brainwashed guy.
@kenmo No, he is supposed to be a satyr. That’s why he walks funny.
I found that the monsters in the movie “I Am Legend” to be one of the least impressive monsters. Then again. Will Smith’s movies were never that impressive either.
@Mikewlf337 Completely agree with you on the zombies in I Am Legend. The CGI job on them was horrible!
@erichw1504 Sad if you think about it. That movie could have been awesome if done right. Had a better plot. I watched the two classics that were based off the same novel and they were good movies. It is sad when a 1950s movie and a 1970s movie outshines a 21st century movie. Probobly because those old movies actually relied on talent!
@erichw1504 Yes it doesn’t matter much…..but the “things” in I Am Legend are not Zombies…..Considering the fact that the “darkseekers” are still human, and can be returned to a “normal” state…
@coffeenut Well the darkseekers were very boring lol
Pan’s Labyrinth has good make up. The monsters are creepy for sure. Lord of the Rings also did well I think.
@coffeenut The Last Man On Earth, an older film rendition of book!I Am Legend, described them as vampires, on account of their nocturnal habits, dislike of their own reflections, and loathing of garlic.
@Nullo The Last Man On Earth was a good movie. I recently watched it for the first time just to compare the two. I also watched another movie based from the novel staring Charlston Heston.
@Nullo So maybe they’re like zombie vampires? zompires?
@Nullo ......could be
I remember seeing that awhile ago…and sorta am in the process of reading the book…
@Nullo I was just about to say the same things. I had always heard of them reffered to as vampires…. and the Last Man on Earth was better… although i did like Will Smith
@Mikewlf337 Omega man? Or something… I remember watching that Charlston Heston flick.
@everephebe Yeah that’s it, Omega Man. I have netflicks and streamed both of those movie from netflicks to my PS3 (which is awesome ) and watched them to compare them to I am Legend” I feel that both of them are superior to I Am Legend. Like I said before. They really relied on great actors/actresses and great crews behind the scenes to make those movies great.
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