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Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

What's happening in Maine?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) January 13th, 2011

We never seem to hear about Maine. Is it considered part of New England?
Are any of you Jellies “Mainers”?

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18 Answers

SavoirFaire's avatar

Yes, Maine is considered part of New England. But it’s the chill part of New England, so we don’t hear about it much. It just hangs out with its giant lobsters and awesome mountains, waiting to see who comes around.

I’m not from Maine, but I’ve had a couple of great trips there!

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janbb's avatar

Maine is just wonderful and yes, it is part of New England. I go there every summer and would live there if it wren’t so far from all my friends and family.

erichw1504's avatar

That’s the state below New Jersey, right? ~

DominicX's avatar

You obviously haven’t read Stephen King. ;) According to him, Maine is one of the creepiest places on earth.

blueiiznh's avatar

Maine is quite the unique place. I am only an hour from it and go there often. Not so much in the winter unless I want to go to LLBean. It is where I go to the beach and it has some great nature places. Coastal Maine is a wonderful place to spend time. Lobsters, clam bakes, mmmmmmmmm… There are some great Skii locations as well as the northern point of the appalachian trail and the place where the sun first comes up on the US.
I am sure there are some Maniacs out here.

janbb's avatar

@DominicX And if Stephen King were from California say? :-)

ryan9305's avatar

Stephen King is from Maine so he uses the state and land as a reference in his books. It really is not a creepy place. I love it in Maine. I used to go out there every summer and see my family that lives in Bar Harbor. The mountains are beautiful and the lobster out there is amazing. Can’t wait till I can go back out there.

@erichw1504 Maine is the furthest east state in the U.S. They see the sun rise before any other state in the U.S.

janbb's avatar

@ryan9305 We go up to Somesville on Mt. Desert every summer. I love it!

JLeslie's avatar

I actually know a few people who live in Maine. My mom loves it there. I have never been.

ryan9305's avatar

@janbb Somesville is awesome. I really miss it there now. I am gonna make that trip happen soon!

jca's avatar

we have relatives in Boothbay Harbor, which is a great, quaint little town that gets a bit touristy in the summer. I love Maine but unfortunately, it’s about a 9 hour ride from here, so trips there are few and far between. The coast is incredibly beautiful, the air is fresh and crisp, and the people are very nice and “down-home.”

ryan9305's avatar

@jca You are exactly right about the people and the air. I love it. But to drive from where i am at is about 22 hours. or a 2 hours flight that cost $400.

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

Hello! I am a Mainer. I was born/raised & currently reside in Maine. I’m not sure I would be the best person to ask about Maine – I don’t exactly have a finger on the pulse of all that is ‘happening in Maine’, but I guess that in itself is a good indication of what life is like here. We keep to ourselves & the activity is slow. Slow as molasses going uphill in the winter time. (as my grandmother would say)

What’s happening?

Well, I had to shovel over 2 feet of snow that got dumped on my town a couple days ago. Driveway was a consistent 2 feet, the entire walkway leading up to the house was a snow drift over 5 feet tall.

All the snowmobilers are out now. The main trail runs parallel to the street I live on, so every morning I can hear the packs of high school kids heading off to school. Every night around 3am I can hear the soft hum of the engines working their hearts out in the blistering cold as the riders return home after a night out.

I just checked my local news channel’s website to get a list of ‘top stories’... here is a sample:

-Drawbridge failed to lower properly. Rush hour traffic was backed up for an hour & a half.

-Friday (today) is a Shutdown Day for Maine offices – required by the state budget to save money.

-Citywide snowball fight took place on Wednesday afternoon in Portland, Maine.

-Someone dressed as the grim reaper successfully robbed a bank & made off with an undetermined amount of money.

-Game wardens warn against thin ice.

So, there are some of our top stories. Exciting, right?

It is currently 6:40am, a balmy 3ºF.

Winter is just now getting started for us. Another blizzard is expected this Tuesday & Wednesday.

If I have the time & I remember, I’ll take a couple pictures today & post them here for you guys. There is a pond that I walk to & skate on each winter. I usually bring my camera, but the camera freezes up on me after 5 minutes of being out of my pocket.

Lifelong Mainer – I have never eaten lobster. Don’t judge me. How many of you who like lobster, have ever cooked it yourself? Until you have put a live lobster into a pot of boiling water & hear it make those strange hissing noises as it is being boiled alive… it just isn’t appetizing after that. Funny factoid. Every Mainer has taken a picture of a live lobster (meant for dinner that night) crawling on the floor as the dog sniffs at it. I have taken about 4 of these types of pictures.

I don’t know what else to say. I feel like everything I have typed is just utterly boring drivel. So – I guess I did a good job of summing up Maine then. :)

If Aesthetic_Mess, or anyone else has a question about Maine life – I’ll be happy to answer it the best I can. Have a good day, Jellies!

ryan9305's avatar

@rpm_pseud0name I have cooked my own lobster before. And yes the sounds they make while they are being boiled is kind of disturbing but the taste is so worth it.

Sunny2's avatar

@ryan9305 Maine is wonderful, no question. I hope you are putting the lobsters in head first! They die immediately and the noises are just air escaping. I learned the hard way. I put 4 lobsters in a large pot of boiling water, tail down. The poor things pushed the pot around the stove.. I had to leave the kitchen and felt just terrible. Another thing about lobsters, should anyone receive a gift box of them: Don’t name them. Makes it harder to cook them.

JLeslie's avatar

I am so glad I don’t like lobster.

countyman45's avatar

I am 1 hour from The Atlantic Ocean, one hour from The mountains, 15 minutes from New Brunswick Canada, 1½ hours from Quebec, Canada. What else does one need?

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