When you meet elderly folks, whether through your work, or just in passing (like at the store or at church or at a takeout place) make a point to be polite and friendly to them. Older folks enjoy making conversation. Just because you think you might not have much, or anything, in common with them, make a little small talk anyway. Learn how to converse freely with people and they will appreciate you so much. Also, when you talk with older folks, remember that sometimes they don’t see or hear as well, so look them in the face when you speak to them (sometimes you have to lean in a little bit too) and speak a little bit louder (but don’t yell at them either) and don’t use jargon. Just be nice and polite. Old people love me, but when I was your age, I was very shy around older folks and now I regret that. I’ve had some of the most pleasant conversations with older folks and sometimes they don’t have anyone left to give them a friendly hello on a regular basis.
Always be polite and calm, even though other people may not always be that way. Don’t fall into the trap of going along with the crowd that does stupid or mean stuff just because “everybody else does it.” That doesn’t make it right. Have integrity at all times.
Treat people with respect, even though they won’t always treat you that way. Avoid telling lies, unless they are tiny white lies to spare someone’s feelings. Don’t be mean to people by using “lies of omission” either. Learn to use tact, learn to be discreet, learn to be tolerant, learn to stick up for the underdog, to stick up for people with less power, and to stick up for people with less access to resources (money, education, the law, a home, food etc)
Be kind to animals, children, the elderly and anyone who is not in a position to defend themselves successfully. Be an advocate. Practice integrity in all things big and small.
Educate yourself about money, your health, your community, the law, the Constitution of the U.S. Drink in information.
If you enter into a relationship with a SO, be a good partner. Call when you say you are going to call, don’t put yourself in compromising positions (literally or even ones that just give the impression of impropriety) be monogamous (but use protection every single time, and know exactly how to use it and what to do if it fails) have conversations early with your SO (if she’s female) about your thoughts about pregnancy, abortion and putting kids up for adoption should she become pregnant. Do not leave this conversation until it is too late. Make sure that your SO is not the only person in your life, don’t make yourself completely dependent on this other person. Keep good friends and family, spend quality time with those people too. Get to know your SO’s family and close friends and be kind to them. Communicate clearly and respectfully with your SO regularly. Do not stay with someone who you do not consider to be your best friend. If you are going through a rough patch, get some assistance, don’t let bad situations fester. Figure out if you are compatible early on, if you aren’t compatible, don’t stay together. You’ll just be wasting each other’s time and preventing each other from meeting someone more suitable.
Use good hygiene (brush your teeth after breakfast and before you go to bed) floss, keep your body odor in check. Some young men don’t realize how stinky their pits and feet get.
Take care of your health. Eat nutritious food every day. Go easy on the junk food and alcohol. Make sure to get 30 minutes of aerobic exercise everyday. Get fresh air everyday. Take a multi-vitamin. Make sure you get regular checkups with your primary care physician. If you have an illness or an injury, seek medical assistance. Don’t rely on info from the internet or folk remedies and don’t self medicate with drugs and alcohol. Take charge of your health and be pro-active. The things that you do now (what you eat, how much you drink, whether you smoke or take drugs, if you exercise, if you don’t deal with stress effectively) will have consequences later in life. Don’t go through your young life in denial thinking that you can fix things later. Learn to lead a healthy life now.
Keep your house clean and in order. Don’t let dirt and gunk and disorder become the order of the day. Take extra care in keeping your bathroom and kitchen clean, especially if you will be entertaining a SO. Pay your bills on time, everytime. Make sure you always put a certain amount of money away in an interest bearing savings account, in case of emergency. Keep emergency numbers (parents, friends, police, fire dept. poison control) in easy reach.
Be a good friend. Reach out to other people. Don’t wait for them to reach out to you. Some of the best people you will ever know, might be shy or older or different from you and they may be afraid to reach out. Don’t live in fear of people. Cultivate active and fulfilling relationships with the people around you (friends and family and co-workers). Don’t become one of those people who hole up in their house and become miserable and bitter and depressed. Be a good friend, be a good employee, be a good member of your family, be a good citizen, be good person.