Women, you win a cruise and you have to pick a partner of the male winners, which group do you go to 1st?
I know there will probably be a lot of fibbing but here we go. Women you win a 7 day cruise only the catch is you have to choose and pair up with one of the winning male contestants. You will share a room with another female contestant but for the zip lining, parasailing, water skiing, snorkeling, hike up the volcano, etc you will be paired with one of the males. I know there is someone you might want to take but you can’t, you have to leave them behind. All of you winners meet at a mixer to chose your ”trip buddy” if the two groups you have to chose from is group ‘A’,
or group ‘B’
which group would you honestly angle to get a trip buddy from? Just those two groups, no girls night out or no boys allowed activity you have to pick a male to buddy up in the activities. You enter the room, you see the male winners file in, which group are you drawn to 1st, honestly?
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41 Answers
Oh, God. They’re so totally opposite. I’d rather have a guy in the middle.
If I had to pick any of them, I would start heading to the 2nd guy in group B.
EDIT: Overall, I would pick Group A, if the 2nd guy in group B was already paired.
The 4th guy on group one. He looks like he may be nice to someone old enough to be his mom and yet push me to try some daring activities. He looks like a mamas boy.
The rest of the guys don’t necessarily look like they would want to dare to do anything out of their comfort zone.
But honestly group number one looks like they will be on the ships gym all the time or worry about what they are eating and group two may not have the energy and stamina for any of the events mentioned.
I probably would forfiet the trip since more than likely either group would just make it a misery cruise.
Not number 1 in group A. I almost laughed when I saw the pic.
Not number 2 in group A. I did laugh when I saw the pic.
Number 3, group A….maybe.
Number 4, ” nope.
Group B, first guy. Has a handsome face. I’d worry about the zip cord though.
Second guy, maybe.
Third guy, not in this lifetime.
Fourth guy, maybe. I’d like to see his eyes. I love his beard and hairy chest.
I pick the last guy in Group B.
@bkcunningham Check out the first guy in Group B again. Notice his lack of attire, and hand placement. I would be worried about a little more than the zipline. :)
I’m torn between the 2nd guy in group A and the 2nd guy in group B.
None of the others appeal to me in either group, so I don’t feel like I can decide.
I’d also like to know why the question you asked, which was remarkably similar, about women – was emaciated vs morbidly obese. The question with the groups of men appears to be quite fit vs overweight/obese.
Guy number 2 in Group B looks the most “normal” to me. He’s taking a pic and he’s not creepy looking. In fact, he sort of looks like one of my hubby’s friends. I’d have to pair up with him over any of the others.
Does this mean that you two have made up my mind for me? Because I was totally leaning towards 2B.
@Taciturnu @TheOnlyNeffie Look ladies, we can all three share a cabin (I don’t snore, I promise) then we can share 2B for our daily activities!
I think it is pertinent to say your age. As you age, your perception of what is attractive ages with you. That is why my reaction to the first few was laughter. (Well, I wouldn’t be attracted to them if I was 20) But I just pictured my 49 year old self with men who could be my sons and couldn’t imagine it happening. I have socks older than that.
Number 2 in group A, or number 2 in group B.
Number 4 in group A because he wears halter shorts.That’s delightful! XD
What @Taciturnu said, to the letter. Read my mind. But really, our choices are steroid junkies or morbidly obese? No normal guys? Although, I do feel bad for 2B, being lumped in with the other Bs.
@papayalily I do think he is the most “average” looking.
@WillWorkForChocolate @TheOnlyNeffie Okay, I guess I could live with that. (Perhaps we could do a little “stuff action” and pass one of the remaining two of us for a guy on off days?) I don’t know about splitting four ways, though. @JLeslie, I think you’re stuck with 2A.
@Taciturnu At the very least, he’s just overweight – not morbidly obese like the others.
Well, see, all of the guys in the second group look like magic players to me. That’s what’s appealing to me. ;)
All of the guys in group one look way weird and fucked up. Sorry dude, I know you wanted to call us all out as shallow, but those dudes are kind of scary.
@KatawaGrey Yeah, I’m pretty scared of the first group as well. The second won’t do any activities, the first one will yell at you cuz you aren’t being hardcore enough about the activity. Either way, it’s not really a fun time.
@papayalily: That’s why I went with the Magic players! We don’t need to do activities, we can just nerd out!
@KatawaGrey I’m not a gamer, but I’m with on the nerding out and indoor activities.
Can a guy who likes guys comment too? :-D
I pick number 2 in group B as my first choice, and failing that I still think I’d pick group B. As I’m not at all fit myself, and probably wouldn’t be wanting to do much in the way of strenuous physical activity, I’d rather pair up with someone who’s going to say “sack this sh*t let’s go have a beer.”
Definitely someone out of group A. I don’t like the whole Jersey guy thing they have going on, but the muscles got me.
I pick C – the hot cruise director lady.
Seriously, though.. what a fucked up choice we have here. Tough call between the ‘roid rage narcissists and the obese dudes. I’m betting group B are nicer guys and I’d be more apt to go with them. But you really should put a warning on photo #1 in group B, considering he is nude and his hand is in a place I would have rather not seen..
@MissAnthrope: Yeah, most of the guys in group B, if they are anything like those magic players I think they are, then they’re probably not too nice. They would probably get really mad at you for not sleeping with them. :(
@Taciturnu lol. Maybe he’s plans to skydive as a cruise excursion and he’s practicing pulling the ripcord.
@KatawaGrey Agreed. They seem like Nice Guys (so, giant douchebags). Really, I’d rather have option C – just go it alone!
@Taciturnu Why? The muscle type is usually not my gig actually.
Really? No one wants to be with B-3? He is a group ‘A’ guy with less muscles and a gut, that is all; a gut he probably got because he sure looks like he knows how to party. If you are going to be doing all types of water skiing, horseack riding stuff he looks like he could get into the real party spirit, just so long as you let him down easy if he hits opn you.
@Hypocrisy_Central I don’t see B-3 that way at all. Anyone with a beer in their hand as part of their marketing of themselves would never make my list.
@JLeslie it’s not the beer-in-hand aspect of B3 that puts me off. It’s the attitude, the showing off.
@JLeslie Beer, margarita, martini, moonshine, etc. what does it matter, it is alcoholic. People don’t go to clubs and bars to swig down orange juice or ice tea. What“open” teen party would not have snuck in booze, for most American booze=fun. ;-)
@JLeslie Yes, basically. Or at least the manner in which he’s lifting his shirt. he’s also about 20 years too young for me, by the looks of it. I don;t want to pair up with someone who’s less mature than my own kids.
@Hypocrisy_Central No, he seems like he’s even more douchey when drunk than your average person. And there just isn’t enough booze in the world to make your drunk doucheiness fun and ok (I’ve tried, really, I’ve tried so hard).
@JLeslie – I agree and I think you said it perfectly. Anyone with a drink in their hand as part of their marketing of themselves would never make my list.
I don’t judge; I mean, if that’s you, then cool. But my party-hard days are well over and if someone values drinking/partying that much, we’re simply on different pages.
This is a very difficult question to answer with only the given information. Based on photos only, I would go for #3, Group B. In reality, I would want to be paired with the guy who does the least amount of whining during our activities.
2B please he’s the most normal looking guy you have to choose from.
But I also agree the one that will be the least whiny.
I just looked at the pictures again and the last guy in the first group is the only one who is smiling. If I had to pick these guys in person, I would probably be more drawn to him simply because he appears friendly. Just from the pictures, I’m still sticking with the magic players though. ;)
I would pick just about any of the guys from group B. I’ve hung around and briefly dated guys like the ones in group A and they weren’t any fun…at all. Most of them were hyper obsessed about their muscles.
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