What do you have a hard time doing that seems simple.
Asked by
Pandora (
January 14th, 2011
I was looking over the question about eyebrow lifting and it got me thinking about all the weird stuff that seems common enough and yet I can’t do.
I can’t whistle a high pitch whistle using my fingers like my brother can. He is so loud you can hear his whistle a whole block away.
I can whistle for a long while and I can sing but I can’t whistle a tune. It all comes out sounding the same everytime.
My right hand can snap my fingers loudly and my left cannot.
My husband can’t even snap his fingers.
I can raise my left eyebrow but not my right.
So share your disappointing non-talent.
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28 Answers
My non-talents are so much more debilitating and more consequential than the ones you’ve mentioned that I don’t even bother cataloguing the right and left finger snapping, right and left eyebrow talent kind of things. Bigger rivers to cross.
Walking without tripping.
I can lift the left side of my upper lip, but not my right. And, @Pandora , I didn’t used to be able to snap the fingers of my left hand either, but after I had chemo, I could! I don’t reccommend that, though.
I can’t see well enough to cross a road confidently unless at a proper signalled crossing. I can’t judge distances well, so when I reach to pick things up I often miss them or knock them over. Consequently I break things a lot.
I can snap my fingers on both hands but I can’t whistle with my fingers, and I can’t raise just one eyebrow; only both together.
I cant whistle
I cant cut my nails properly. Sometimes I cut them too deep and they begin to hurt, so now I’ve started filing them
I cant raise any one eyebrow without raising the other
I cant snap my fingers with my right hand (I can do it with my left)
I cant keep my eyes from not blinking while putting on my lenses (it takes me at least half an hour to put on my lenses!)
Taking out the trash.
I call it ‘procrasta-trash. lol
I have a loooong, about 50 yards, driveway that is uphill. To wheel my giant trashcan up to the road is a pain in the ass. I bought the biggest trash can I could get, it holds 3 big bags. I only put my trash out about every 2–3 weeks.
I can’t understand football.
I can’t swim… but I keep trying
Juggle. I have tried at least 3 times and just can’t do it!!
@gorgeousgal3 I wouldn’t call drawing a non talent. It could certainly be a marketable skill. It really depends sometimes on what you can draw.
@partyparty Oh, that is a bummer. That is one skill one never knows if they may one day need. I do believe anyone can learn to swim, however most of the time, fear is what is holding them back. Can you float?
Some people can’t float to save their lives. My son is like that but he can tread water and swim. He has too much muscle and sinks like a rock.
@Pandora You asked if I can float well no, no, no I can’t. It takes me about fifteen minutes to stop clinging to the side of the pool LOLL
My SO is a superb swimmer and swam lake Windermere which is 10.5 miles long. He has given me the confidence to actually go in water. I have also had private lessons. I know it is lack of confidence for me, but I do keep trying
Yeah, I didn’t learn to swim till my senior trip. I was drunk and jumped into the deep end of the pool with all my clothes on (except my shoes and coat). My friends dared me and thought I wouldn’t do it but I figured I could float and so I jumped in and floated and then they told me to paddle and I did and I found I could at least swim backwards. Then I did it while floating on my stomach. I was like you. Too scared to let go of the edge. I’m not suggesting to get drunk. That was a stupid idea but I realize, I was missing the fear at the time and so I was able to finally do what I couldn’t when I was sober. Since your partner is such an awesome swimmer, trust that he can pull you out if you need rescuing. My husband was a swim instuctor at Parris Island and he taught me to tread water and to dive from a high height. This may sound silly, but try one day holding onto the edge and inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly as well. Do it about 4 times and then hold the last deep breath and just put your face in the water and time how long you can stay under. Provided you have healthy lungs you will find you can hold your breath a long time and longer each time you do this. Of course there is a limit. Your brain needs air. Anyhow, after a few times of doing this and sink your body down and relax in the water like its a bathtub.
Then start to let go of the edge and tell you SO not to grab you unless you start to panic. Once you know you can hold your breath for about a minute than face down in the water and swim alongside the pool with your partner on the outside of you. If you can hold your breath for one minute relaxed you should be able to hold it half a minute swimming.
Another thing is learn to tread water poolside. Once you know you can actually support your body by just kicking your feet in an upright position than you know if you start to sink by trying to swim that treading water can lift you up to where you can get air and it will help ease some of the panic.
Even if you can’t float it is possible to swim so long as you keep the motion of paddling.
I can only raise the right side of my lip, as well as only being able to raise my right eyebrow. The one that really bothers me? I can’t sew. I can sew a button onto a piece of clothing, but that’s it.
I can’t imitate accents. I am so horrible at it!
@tedibear Now that you mention it, I can’t raise the left side either. LOL But that sewing thing is pretty sad.
@Earthgirl Yeah, I suck also except when doing kirk’s (star trek) pauses. It really bugs my husband.
@flutherother Yeah, my daughter couldn’t get her hips to move to save her life. Its like she has a straight connection from her knees to her shoulders. Don’t know where she got that from. I feel for you. :(
I can’t whistle or wiggle my ears.
oh yeah, I forgot to say I cannot shimmy! not like my sister Kate, or anyone else for that matter!!
Play the guitar. I am totally crap at it .. my kids who are all musical beg me not to strum…. ho hum…
@Pandora That is so very kind of you to give me all this information.
I will remember what you have told me the next time I go ‘swimming’.
Many thanks
I can’t whistle and can’t roll my tongue, and I got no rythym!
@Faye :( Sorry to hear about the rythym.
@partyparty Hope it helps. Let me know how things went.
@Mz_Lizzy Do it anyway. I can sign but I would jack up my nieces songs just to hear her beg me to stop. LOL
@Earthgirl Shimmy is a hard one to do. Requires control of a lot of little muscles. I rank it up there with juggling.
Getting off Fluther and going to bed. Going, going…go
@Coloma No kidding been there. There now. Going too. Good night. ;D
Oh yeah I can’t whistle or sing either!
writing essays. trying to talk about my feelings. most things xx everyone has faults, I would love to read everyones faults and things – it helps people realise that there not alone with them and everyone is the same but different at the same time xx
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