Do you agree with these quote?
Asked by
jabag11 (
January 15th, 2011
“When people are older, it’s the things they don’t do that they regret rather than the things they do do”
This is to those of you who are older obviously, because only you would know first hand!
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13 Answers
Every one lives their destiny in the thing they have done…
regrets either way is useless
Not necessarily. It completely depends on the person you are asking. I’m more in the camp of I wish I hadn’t done that (dated that person, taken so long to make that decicision, tried cigarettes, eaten meat). Most of the stuff I wish I had done, couldn’t have been done (when I was young) mostly due to lack of money and other resources.
I agree with it 100% ( age 67 ). There’s no way to go back and do the things your body could have done when you were younger… you’re stuck with whatever age has done with you. I am deeply happy that I tried almost everything I wanted to try when I was in my twenties. At least now I have some really great memories, and stories I can tell my grandchildren. : ))
I was about to paraphrase this to someone’s fluther question about advice for a 19 yr old. But then I realized it has to be in context.
There are some things I regret not doing or not doing right. But I don’t dwell on them, just hope I can pass my thoughts on to my son. But I don’t regret not committing crimes, or not hurting people even though I was angry.
So: I regret I didn’t study more in college and gotten better grades so I could have pursued alternatives. I regret a couple jobs I passed up. I regret being too clueless to know that some women really wanted to jump my bones at times. I regret not pursuing a couple of relationships where I lost interest because of my own self centeredness.
And I do not regret my marriage to my ex, even though she became extremely abusive, because I have two fantastic kids from it.
Not necessarily… I’m young, and I already have the mindset that I’d rather regret things I’ve done, as opposed to things I could have done, but didn’t.
I’m feeling particularly young so…hehehe, you said “do do”.
I guess it really depends on circumstances. I bet someone serving a long prison sentence regrets more what they did (i.e. getting caught).
I regret that fear held me back at times.
At age 53, I regret the things that I did do more than the things that I did do. In retrospect, a lot of the things I wanted to do but didn’t were really dumb. The one thing that I wish I had done was borrow the money and gone away to school. Instead, I lived at home and worked 3 part time jobs while going to school full time. It was awful.
I think it is in a perspective of where they are in there life and how much of a conscience they have.
If a person is not happy in general with there life, then they will tend to focus on the poor choices they did make to get them there. If they are in a good place, their regreats more than likely come from things that they wish they had done.
It is similar to:
Hold it true, whate’er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
‘Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.
~ Alfred Lord Tennyson
ha great answers thank you
It depends what you have done in your life .You may regret both what you did and did not do
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