I was looking at this question and trying to figure out what is really going on in the OP’s mind. She has told us precious little about herself. What do we know? Men tell her she’s good in bed. Yet they seem to go out of their way to avoid her after she’s fucked them. We know she seems to have the same experience over and over (or why would she make this blanket indictment of men).
This is about it. The rest is inference upon inference. In fact, some of what I said we know is really inference.
There’s really nothing here to make it possible to provide decent advice. A question like this doesn’t appear to be a real question. It’s more of a complaint, or a cri du couer. A lament about why she isn’t in a relationship, and why fucking someone isn’t a doorway to a relationship.
Why would anyone think this way? Half of us have told her that such blanket statements are false and unhelpful. A few have tried to explain what might lead someone to think this.
I’m of the opinion that people who try to sleep themselves into a relationship tend to think they have nothing going for them other than what is between their legs. It’s as if they see themselves as a piece of meat, and they hand out free tastes to see if some customer will buy them. They are worthless except for the pleasure they might bring someone in bed.
How do people get to be like this? In my experience, most people have been traumatized as children. Raped or abused—either physically or mentally. Told by word and deed they are nothing and no one will ever want them and they are lucky they even have a roof over their heads. They get called names like “slut” or “disobedient” or “bad.” Their parents tell them they wish the child had never been born.
If you grow up with a sense of being worthless, it’s hard to ever feel good. Some people turn to sex to make them feel good. When they are in the chase phase, it makes them feel good just that someone wants them, but in the back of their minds, they wonder how long someone will want them. After all, sooner or later, the person will catch on about how worthless they are.
But they get picked up and they go home to fuck, because that’s what people want, right? Isn’t that supposed to make you feel close to each other? And you fuck and it’s amazing and you feel high on the endorphins released during the act. And then, the next morning, as expected, they leave and avoid you thereafter. And it confirms your sense of worthlessness.
What does the OP want? Does she really want an explanation about assholish behavior on the part of some men? Or is she asking a hidden question about what she can do to get what she wants?
My advice wasn’t asked for, but I’m giving it, anyway. If this is a long-standing pattern, get therapy. Also, go to a a few sex-addict group meetings. See if it sounds like you. You don’t have to say anything. All you need to do is listen. Maybe you’ll recognize yourself, and maybe you won’t. Either way, you might find the group helpful in terms of finding a place where you can talk and people will understand because they’ve been there. I guarantee you will find a dozen or more men like the ones you seem to be meeting there. Maybe you’ll get an answer to your question. Those guys surely know why they behave that way.
Seriously—if this is all you find in men, then no one here can answer your question—either the one your wrote, or the one it seems like stands behind the question your wrote. Therapy might help. Reading about sex and relationships and sex addiction might help. Joining a support group might help.
Good luck.
P.S. I know way more about this stuff than I ever wanted to. It is possible to work your way through and come to a place where you can build the relationships you really want.