General Question

occ's avatar

What is the best flat hike in the Bay Area?

Asked by occ (4182points) January 16th, 2011

I want to go hiking but (due to some muscle strain in my back) am only looking for a hike that is relatively flat – not much of an incline – and within an hour’s drive of San Francisco. I really like the Tennessee Valley trail in Marin…any others?

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8 Answers

lillycoyote's avatar

You might look into some of the hikes listed here.

janbb's avatar

Limantour trail at Pt Reyes is relatively flat – a little incline down the dunes then along the shore.

filmfann's avatar

How far do you want this hike to be?

marinelife's avatar

The redwood hike at Muir woods is relatively flat.

RocketGuy's avatar

I have often taken my kids to:
Los Gatos Creek Trail
Shoreline @ Mt. View
Rancho San Antonio County Park

occ's avatar

We ended up going to Half Moon Bay and doing this hike
It was beautiful and definitely flat and easy – I would recommend it for anyone looking for a flat hike…really more of a walk than a hike.

answerjill's avatar

One very flat hike (or maybe it is just a “walk”) is to walk the entire expanse of the Golden Gate Bridge.

janbb's avatar

@answerjill I walked through the Presidio and across the bridge to Sausalito once, then took the ferry back to SF. That was a nice hike.

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