How cold is it where you are this morning?
Frigging -20 degrees F this morning. That’s about -28 C or thereabouts for you metric jellys I think. Brrrr. How cold was it in your neighborhood?
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9 F. Feels like -6 with the windchill.
Dude, sucks to be you.
A sunny 17 F, windchill 6. Nothing is falling from the sky at the moment, that makes it a good day….
40 something, foggy and misty, supposed to be clear later in the high 50’s to mid-60’s. A bit of a mock spring.
It rained all day. This kept the heat in. I have my window open and my heater off. I’m in Oregon.
I was admiring the stars last night as I took the garbage down to the road, and it was crystal clear, about 0 degrees at 8:00, and I was thinking it was going to be cold, but that was a bit much.
A snowy and blowy 20 degrees, supposed to rain later and then drop below zero. Nothing beats Chicago weather!
It’s -15C (5F) right now with a little snow. It’ll feel colder than that when I go out, though, because the buildings here are so tall that they create a wind tunnel when you walk down the street!
12 degrees F and I am getting ready to go out for a walk in the snow.:)
Well today it is quite sunny and the temperature is 7C (45F), dropping down tonight to 2C (36F) tonight.
This is a pleasant change for the UK.
I think the slugs & snails will be coming out soon….... oh no!!
-10˚ F, but that’s in the shade. Icicles are big enough to impale Milo if they fell from the eaves while he was deciding whether to go out or come in.
@gailcalled Ah, this when they go to the door, have a peek (sniff) outside, then do a “uey.”
@Jude: Yes, but not until $200 worth of heat has left the building.
@Jude yeah…and then crap in your plants.
O noes. I think it’s getting colder instead of warmer as the morning goes on….
58 and sunny :) Looks like another beautiful day in So Cal!
46 degrees with damp fog, visibility about 500 feet, in Lafayette CA.
23 below C at 0900. Supposed to snow again this afternoon, for the upteenth day in a row. I did see the sun for 2 mins today though.
22F, Sunny.
Remember when you asked what was wrong with upstate New York? ;)
50°F and sunny, should get close to 80°F during the day.
It’s late afternoon here but currently it’s fairly mild, about 46F or 8C, apparently we are set for another cold spell towards the end of the week :(
Well, anyway @bob_…I have on two sweaters. Aren’t you jealous?
@bob_ Everyone but you gets points. You get the bird.:)
Cloudy and about 5C (41F). Feels warmer than it has been for a month or two.
@bob_ Fine! Make your own damn samwich! I’m going to work now!
We had a cold, cold snap a few days ago. There is a kind of cold that physically hurts, you know? Don’t know how the Indians and pioneers ever handled it…..
-4 F or -20 C.
Extreme shrinkage weather.
The sun is shining. I’ll bet we’ll be able to see a billion stars tonight.
@Coloma I was PMing with someone and I mentioned it was so cold this morning when I hit the horn, it didn’t work like normal. It sounded like a goose or something similar. She thought you might like a horn like that.
It’s 17° here and feels like 5°. Expecting snow storms later this evening. I’m so glad I don’t have to go out for anything.
was a crisp -4F at my house this morning. But in New England, just wait a few hours.
5” of snow for tomorrow and then rain tomorrow night. Yuck!
It was about 50F this morning.
I live in the Los Angeles area.
@blueiiznh: Where are you? We are going to be hammered also, about 30 minutes west of Lenox, Ma.
It is called “a wintry mix,” which doesn’t begin to describe the nastiness and frigidity.
Now we are at a toasty 6˚ F.
Oh, @gailcalled , I’m a bit south of you and so looking forward to slush falling from the sky with nowhere to run off. And the resulting “rink” effect in the canals the next day. Can I have some of Milo’s litter for non-skid???
@JilltheTooth:Don’t let johnpowell know that you are anthropomorphizing MIlo. It will get his (jp’s and not Milo’s) dander up even further than it was yesterday.
I use fireplace ashes for emergency non-skid spots. His litter is much too costly. I also just got myself a pair of Yaktrax.
They and my miner’s lamp are the best purchases I made last year.
Love those Yaktrax! (And the headlight’s cute, too…)
If I wear them together, I am mobbed by paparazzi.
I think it was around -10F here in Northeastern Massachusetts. Warmer now, about 3F~
There looks like a lot of Noreasters in this thread. I hail from Cape Cod!
@Taciturnu: In my youth, I spent many happy summers on a freshwater lake in Centerville (exit 6 on the Mid-Cape Highway).
Not fair. You guys come from all those exotic places and I come from….Cow Tipping Central, USA.
@gailcalled Lake Wequaquet! I also did! I grew up in Barnstable, though I moved from that town. Small world, here on the internet. lol
Unless I look at a weather report, I have absolutely no idea. My furnace is set on 74 degrees, and that is the temperature inside. I went to bed at around 3 am last night, and woke up at 1 pm today, so I do not know what the outside temperature was.
@YARNLADY 74???? Didnt you listen to President Nixon during the first energy shortage? seriously 74?
LOL! Ye old fireside chat!
@YARNLADY: 74˚? Occasionally I raise my thermostat to 64˚ for a treat. My bedroom is 58˚.
When my daughter comes to visit, she ostentatiously wears her parka inside until I get the hint. Even for her, 65˚ is my best offer.
Yep yep yep. I vote for 64.
i could not fathom what my oil bill would be if I raised it from the norm of 65 to 74…...
About ten degrees where I am in Northern RI, a few degrees warmer at home in Central MA.
I keep my temperature at 74 in the winter and 82 in the summer.
@Dutchess_III No, I warm it up to 74 in the winter, but only cool it down to 82 in the summer. My comfort zone is between 72 and 82, but my house has a hard time warming up, is the reason for setting the heat control at 74.
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