Meta Question

PhiNotPi's avatar

Do you sometimes give out GA's en masse?

Asked by PhiNotPi (12688points) January 17th, 2011

Do you sometimes give out Great Answers to almost every answer to a question at the same time? I am wondering because I notice that sometimes when I look at a question, and almost every answer has gone up the same # of GA’s since I last saw the thread.

As a bonus question, did I use the phrase en masse correctly in the question?

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24 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

No and yes (to bonus question).

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Yes, I’ve given out lots of lurve on a question that I like just for the pleasure, and yes to your bonus question.

ucme's avatar

Typically any & all answers to a question of mine are recognised. I feel it’s only right :¬)

Jude's avatar

You answer one of my questions, you get GA.

absalom's avatar

In 10K celebrations, etc., I sometimes give everyone a GA. I’ve recently not participated in those as often, though, as it feels weird that all my ‘greatest’ answers are merely congratulatory.

AmWiser's avatar

I give lots of lurve…period! And I give out GA’s en masse!

jaytkay's avatar

If I ask a question, I give a GA to all relevant answers

chyna's avatar

Anybody that bothers to read and answer a question I ask gets a GA from me.

lillycoyote's avatar

Yes, sometimes I’m just feeling lurvey and so shower people with GAs.

marinelife's avatar

I generally give all sincere answers to questions that I ask GAs.

poisonedantidote's avatar

When I ask a question, I will give a GA to anyone and everyone who answers. Some times I will go to sleep and then check back to give the answers I missed a GA, and some times I will forget. For the most part, if you answer one of my questions within the first few hours, you are guaranteed a GA.

Cruiser's avatar

Sometimes I will rapid fire GA’s if I have been away from the Q for a while and a lot of good replies need upgrading.

JilltheTooth's avatar

I try to GA all the postswhen I’ve asked a Q, I’m so delighted that anyone takes the time to answer, otherwise i only GA the ones that I like, but I like a lot of stuff… sometimes I feel like the neighborhood “easy girl”...

Taciturnu's avatar

Yes, I do give out GAs en masse, usually in social.

Anyone who answers my question always gets one.

GAs, everyone! :)

josie's avatar

If I ask the question, I try to get back (eventually) and give everybody a GA. They took the trouble to answer, seems like that ought to be worth something.

EXCEPTION: When I first joined Fluther, there was this asshole that was condescending to every comment or question that I made.
Now, I know that he did not know me, and I appreciate that he made a character judgement based on little information. But he was a true asshole.
I tried to “reach out” to him and he tried to stick the gesture up my ass.
So from that point forward, I gave him nothing.
The only time I have behaved that way.
And now he is gone.
There ya go!

cockswain's avatar

uh @josie, I’m still here

I’m stingy with lurve actually. I only give GAs to answers I actually think are impressive and well-organized, regardless of if I asked the question. I try not be biased too, and will give a GA even if I don’t agree with the person’s view, provided it was well-reasoned and considers other information that has been brought into the discussion.

I also give lurve every time someone makes me laugh. That’s a form of being clever and sharp IMO.

I like the concept of lurve, and don’t like lurve parties when someone hits a milestone humbug. Getting 15 GAs for telling someone congrats when I get 6 GAs for a post I’m proud of crafting makes the lurve system less important.

But everyone can do whatever the hell they want of course.

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Occasionally, I do.
When I ask a question,I always give a GA ,sometimes large sums of cash if it’s a good one.

josie's avatar

@cockswain It wasn’t you, unless your therapy and medication finally kicked in.

downtide's avatar

If I ask a question I will give a GA to everyone who has taken the trouble to write an answer for it.

filmfann's avatar

On some of my questions, I will give GA to all contributers.

omph's avatar

I have a bookmarklet floating around that gives everyone in the thread a GA. I think it is on the iMac on the floor. Handy for *0K parties.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I was one of the few flurtherites (read: only) who was given only a limited number of GAs to hand out and have done so judiciously. I crave the day when I might once be able to lavish GAs on silly parties….

YARNLADY's avatar

I give GA to nearly every answer on the questions I submit, and the questions I answer as well. Every submission is a contribution to the continuation of Fluther, and worthy of a point.

iphigeneia's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous I think I am another one! I generally only give GAs if I finish reading the answer and think, “That was great!”. I do tend to be much more generous in the meta section, though.

I don’t tend to give out compliments left, right and centre in real life either. When I give lurve I mean it!

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