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filmfann's avatar

Will baby doc try to seize power in Haiti?

Asked by filmfann (52615points) January 17th, 2011

Jean-Claude Duvalier has returned to Haiti after 25 years of exile. Will this smug ass try to run Haiti again?

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18 Answers

Austinlad's avatar

Not if Baby Nurse has her way.

lillycoyote's avatar

Wow! Thanks for the update. I didn’t realize he had come back. Too soon too tell what’s going on with this I think.

bkcunningham's avatar

@Austinlad that would be Simone, the famous wife of Papa Doc. Baby Doc is holding a press conference tomorrow.

Austinlad's avatar

@bkcunningham, what’s the prognosis?

wundayatta's avatar

I’ll bet he’ll offer his services. Whether anyone will take him up on it, I couldn’t predicT.

jaytkay's avatar

I don’t think he dropped by just to say hello

bkcunningham's avatar

@Austinlad hahaha they are saying he is holed up in a swank hotel in an affluent suburb on the outskirts of Port-au-Prince and friends have been coming to visit. The Associated Press said he was greeted with cheers by “hundreds” when he returned on an Air France flight after being in exile in France.

Here’s the interesting part, to me at least, in light of the recent elections and turmoil, politically and environmentally, according to the AP, “Haitians danced in the streets to celebrate the overthrow of Duvalier back in 1986, heckling the tubby, boyish tyrant as he drove to the airport and was flown into exile in France. Most Haitians hoped the rapacious strongman had left for good, closing a dark chapter of terror and repression that began under his late father, Francois “Papa Doc” Duvalier in 1957.

But a handful of loyalists have been campaigning to bring Duvalier home from exile in France, launching a foundation to improve the dictatorship’s image and reviving Baby Doc’s political party in the hopes that one day he can return to power democratically. To their advantage is the fact that half the people in the country are younger than 21 — and weren’t alive during Duvalier’s rule.

“We want him to be president because we don’t trust anyone in this election. He did bad things but since he left we have not had stability. We have more people without jobs, without homes,” said Haiti Belizaire, a 47-year-old Duvalier supporter in the crowd outside the airport.

“I’m here for the reconstruction of Haiti.” he told reporters.

ucme's avatar

Oh he’ll certainly try. Let’s hope this ghost from Haiti’s dark past galvanises the current incumbents into positive action. He will definitely attempt to take advantage with the country being vulnerable after the recent quake.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Oh, here we go. He’s come back for whatever resources Haiti has left, the bastard.

bkcunningham's avatar

@ucme in Haiti it would be the Voodoo spirits.

ucme's avatar

@bkcunningham Or some other nasty little prick…....ouch!

bkcunningham's avatar

@ucme very, very funny.

filmfann's avatar

It concerns me that much of Haiti’s population wasn’t born when Baby Doc was run out of the country, and would not remember the repression and death he oversaw.
I don’t understand why there were no standing charges against him, which would have prevented his return.

josie's avatar

Have you ever been to Haiti?
It is not a nice thing to say, but they are collectively the most superstitious, and as a result, the most stupid folks on earth.
Sorry, but it is true.
And if any group of people would re-hire a dictator 25 years after tossing him out, it would be them.

bkcunningham's avatar

@filmfann there have been charges, many for the assets, to be returned to the country. The statute of limitations ran out and the charges were reinstated many times. Here’s the latest on the charges, the link gives the entire history.

2010, January 12 The Swiss Federal Court rules that the assets kept by the Duvalier clan in Swiss bank accounts, frozen since 1986, could not be returned to Haiti, primarily due to the fact that the statute of limitations had run. The Federal Court did not call into question the judgement issued by the Federal Criminal Court concerning the criminal origin of the assets.

2010, February 3 The Swiss Federal Council decides to maintain the seizure of the assets belonging to the Duvalier clan based on the Constitution. In view of the criminal origin of these funds, the Federal Council thus avoids releasing the assets for the benefit of the Duvalier clan. At the same time, the Federal Council has instructed the FDFA to complete, by the end of February, its work on drafting a federal law that would allow such assets to be confiscated, and to submit the draft law for consultation.;jsessionid=A6916741DABDC795C1FB97B1547AF0A1

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Haiti has power to seize?

bkcunningham's avatar

@Only 12.5 percent of the population has access to electric power.

lillycoyote's avatar

@josie Poverty, oppression, ignorance and exploitation can create people who may appear to be stupid but it is not the same thing as actually being stupid. And lack of nutrition and health care, combined with the above mentioned issues, and a fucking mind blowing earthquake that created a mountain of rubble out of a country that had nothing to begin with doesn’t exactly create a population and an environment that can live up to it’s full potential. Cut them some slack, eh? Maybe?

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