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12fpasiama's avatar

What does it mean when you dream about crows?

Asked by 12fpasiama (43points) January 18th, 2011

I had a dream that i was being approched by a woman dressed in a black reeper robe and i looked above her and crows were forming a circle around her and i.

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15 Answers

mrentropy's avatar

Your life is about to change due to misfortune and grief.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

It means you should invest in an umbrella before you get bird crap in your hair.

It doesn’t mean anything. Dreams are our brain’s way of processing information we’ve gathered over time and throughout the previous day.

mrentropy's avatar

@TheOnlyNeffie I beg to differ. I looked it up on the Internet so it must be true.

Also, I didn’t want to mention it before due to sheer terror but I believe this may also be a Dream Thief. The woman in this dream is clearly a witch and stealing into this person’s dreams at night. She is the one that will cause grief in the OPs life.

ucme's avatar

It means you haven’t got a brain, or should that be a home…..a heart….the noive XD

marinelife's avatar

“To see a crow in your dream, represents death and the darker aspects of your character. The dream could also be pointing out your annoying habits. Alternatively, the crow may be conveying a message from your unconscious.”

From Dream Moods

mrentropy's avatar

It could also mean the Black Crowes are getting ready to tour again.

filmfann's avatar

In dream symbolism, crows mean sex.

janedelila's avatar

@filmfann Stop doing that!! ps I laughed really loud.

josie's avatar

The crows may have been hungry. Were you dressed like a corn cob?

glenjamin's avatar

The crow gives the dead the power to rise again and settle old scores…......okay maybe just in Brandon Lee movies

wundayatta's avatar

You are a lucky Chingling, you are. It may not seem that way at first, but if you do not falter, you will be lucky.

You could not see the Guyaba’s face, right? At least, not clearly, I hope. Be thankful for that. Not many Chinglings see that Guyaba’s face and last much longer. If you don’t see her face, it’s a warning.

However she is a tricky Guyaba. Crows are tricksters, and when she sends a warning, it may not actually be a warning. It might be an invitation. You never know, with crows.

If you are entering into a time of change or are in a time of trials, be careful and be vigilant. You might find an opportunity, or you might find a danger. The trick is to grab the opportunity before the crows take it, and to avoid the danger, lest the crows feast on your bones.

Many Chinglings consider the Black Guyaba and the crow dream to be a blessing. Of course, you have to be really intelligent about it.

When my Guayaba came along, she nearly killed me. She threw me in the ocean and I sank and sank and sank. I think it was months before I found myself on the bottom. I could still see the crows circling above the surface of the water and it seemed like they were laughing and pooping, and when the poop hit the water, it turned into a noxious mud that obscured even my last sight of the surface.

The thing about crows is that they always leave you an out—a way to survive. If you really want to, you will. I did. But it took years. But the gift my Guyaba left me is extremely precious to me. There is so much I would not be without that gift.

So watch. Be careful though. There could be a large amount of pain involved.

Meego's avatar

Having a dream about a crow could mean anything, sometimes it could be your subconscious relaying what you can’t deal with in life therefore it comes out in the dream. And sometimes they are more obvious reasons just a desire that needs to be met can sometimes get met in a dream, like those dreams when you have to pee and in the dream you are tirelessy trying to find a door that doesnt flood the whole place everytime you open it, or is a door to nothingness when your finally awoken you realize you better go to the bathroom The dream can mean anything and there are many theories on why we dream, so I guess the answer is is that no one really knows why you would dream about crows.
Did your mother or a mother like figure or anyone ever tell you to go “eat crow”. Maybe your subconscious is telling you to eat crow.

mrentropy's avatar

If you have a dream about cows that means that your brain forget to load the ‘R’s before starting the dream.

YARNLADY's avatar

All dreams are subjective, only you can decide what they mean.

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