How many "psychics" do you know?
How many people from your regular, every day life… friends, family, coworkers, internet buddies…. claim to have psychic abilities?
I can’t even keep track of how many people I’ve met over the years that claim to be able to see (or dream about) the future, or read peoples’ minds, or communicate entire telepathic conversations with their goldfish.
This leads me to believe that it must not be uncommon to know people that feel this way. Hell, perhaps you are one, yourself.
Tell me good stories.
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37 Answers
I don’t know anyone, which is weird because for a long time I was interested in the occult. People have tagged me as a kind of psychic, though.
I have known 5 people claiming to have psychic abilities….. non could prove it
Sorry no good stories….just a lot of BS….
I don’t know anyone that claims to be psychic, but then I don’t know many people.
I’ve never known anyone who claims to be psychic. My mom occasionally gets “feelings” or hunches, but she doesn’t try to convince herself or anyone else that they mean anything.
My kids are convinced they are psychics in that they seem to think they can predict I will change my mind if they only keep asking me permission to do something I already said no to.
My secretary has similar psychic abilities.
I know of one woman that can water witch with frightening accuracy.
None…well…one, but this same guy thinks he should spend his money on trying to modify his car to look like a lamborghini when he’s thousands of dollars in debt and unemployed, so…...
I am really surprised to read so many replies to the effect of “none.”
Off of the top of my head, I can think of 3 people that I am reasonably close with, that claim to predicted future events through their dreams.
I can think of 2 others that claim to have a clairvoyant ability to communicate with animals.
These are normal, levelheaded people. It isn’t like I’m surrounded by an unusual bunch of random, highly superstitious people, I just assumed it was a common thing for some to feel this way. Judging by all of the dream questions we get here on Fluther, you would think it was relatively common.
I sense that you are reading this while sitting with your computer.
A woman I worked with went to a “psychic” about 2 to 3 times a week. At $30.00 a pop. From what this psychic told her, I could have told her the same things and been sixty dollars a week richer. “Your mother and you aren’t getting along, but you will have a good day with her soon. There is a divorced man you are close to. A dark haired woman will annoy you.”
Really? That’s a psychic?
None that I know of, other than our old dog. She was convinced that she had mind control powers. She would stare at you so hard, you had holes in you afterward. When we ate, she’d stare at us, then look at the floor, stare at us and look at the floor. It was pretty obvious she was willing the food to fall out of our hands.
Sometimes it did, so she had proof it worked.
Once in a while I will come across someone who tells me they dreamed something and then it came true. I don’t remember who the people were but for them, the event is memorable because they experienced the dream prior.
I went to a psychic once, she told me some things that were amazing that she knew. one thing was why my father left my mother, which was about 25 years before i saw psychic, and my mother had never discussed this detail with me. When i learned this from psychic, i brought up topic with my mother and she told me that yes, that was true. She also told me some family details and things that occurred in my household. Nothing I ever discussed with anybody I knew. Me seeing the psychic was about 18 years ago.
@chyna my mother in law also sees a psychic regularly. She adores the woman. A long while back she asked me if I would come to see her psychic with her, and wanting to bond with my MIL (since she has never been particularly fond of me), I agreed.
Essentially I paid this woman $30 to tell me that my marriage wasn’t going to last. What a f’ing rip off. ha.
So much for the bonding experience.
The last psychic I saw told me I’d never have a biological child. (Anybody here know KatawaGrey?) On the other hand, I occasionally have prophetic dreams, always something so minor it’s silly. Like someone spilling a large amount of M&Ms, I really did dream that and it came true! or the like. Nothing to call the papers about.
I know one woman whom I worked with for a while who claimed to be psychic. From her behaviour, though, I understood this to mean that she could say whatever the hell she wanted about people she had never even met and no-one would call her out on it. She also claimed to have seen UFO’s because she’d seen a cloud one night and there were weird flashes of light coming from within the cloud.
People who claim to have prophetic dreams are counting hits. If you remember a lot of your dreams, the chances are good that eventually you’ll dream something that actually occurs in your waking life after you’ve dreamed it.
For the record (in case it’s not already blatantly obvious) I don’t believe in psychic ability. There is simply not enough evidence to back it up. There is, however, a lot of evidence to back up the cold-reading techniques used by predators like John Edwards.
When I was younger, I was more tolerant of people claiming to be psychic. These days I write them off instantly.
We went to a financial planner once who predicted things for us far into our future. Does that count?
My mom always claimed to have psychic abilities, like ESP and such. On multiple occasions she did seem to have them.
I knew people in my childhood who claimed to be able to prophesy (predict the future) or interpret others speaking in tongues because “God” gave them that “gift”. No one I recall ever tracked or verified said prophecies. Nor was anyone able to double back and find out if what was said in tongues was an actual communication from any holy spirit.
Please see if you can get a consensus on Kimberly Clark, KMB, Feb 2011 Put options at 62.5 or Calls at 65.0. (Either one will do.)
I’ll buy them dinner.
Self-proclaimed psychics: I don’t know.
Real psychics: zero.
@JilltheTooth Didja really? So tell me what I’m going to say now!
oh and go make up my next ten answers, while you’re at it
And ruin the mystery? Never!
I know and have met alot of people who claim that one.
What’s wrong with Beemers? The miracle workers you can keep.
I have… something. Very rarely, and nothing important, but it’s there. I really hesitate to say this, because I’m supposed to be the level-headed one. The best instances I can think of are all with my best friend. We must have some sort of mind-meld or something. She can call me, out of the blue, and begin a question “What’s that movie/singer/actor…” and I give her the answer before she finishes the question (Carlito’s Way/Dave Matthews/Marlon Brando, for the record). This has never not happened. I have never not known the answer. And that Marlon Brando one, I had never even seen the movie she was talking about.
It’s happened a few other times with other people, too. It always freaks both of us out.
@augustlan nah, I think that is different. I have fantastic connections with a few friends and we always seem to know what the other is thinking. Sometimes to a freakish degree. Personally I think it is very natural, and very real, to be that in tune with another person. Some people are very intuitive, which is a gift imho, but it strikes me as being different from “psychic.” Just my personal opinion, anyhow.
From a science-fiction standpoint I don’t see why some psychic abilities wouldn’t be possible. Reading minds is the easy one since the brain does give off ‘brain waves.’ Reading those signals becomes more of a matter of being able to ‘interpret’ those signals and, more importantly, transmitting power.
Telling the future is a bit trickier and would mean having brain power enough to calculate all the many variables (near infinite) and coming up with a likely outcome. I would think the seer would need to know a lot about the person they were fortune telling, though.
@mrentropy maybe it is and maybe it isn’t. I’m not inclined to believe it. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t possible, I just don’t think that it’s probable. You could very well be correct, though. I won’t deny that for a second. :)
@TheOnlyNeffie I understand and tend to agree with you. Sometimes I just like to think, “Hmmm, well how could this be possible, then?” and see what kind of things I can come up with.
But I know plenty of people who understand body language and tone of voice.
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