Meta Question

Jude's avatar

New(ish) jellies, (this question was posted a few years ago), what do y'all look like?

Asked by Jude (32210points) January 18th, 2011

Here it is

Give us a description, or show us (Fluther photobucket).

That is me up there.

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50 Answers

Seelix's avatar

<—- Like this.

El_Cadejo's avatar

wow now, are you really expecting me to reveal my secret identity?

Jude's avatar

I heard that you were hot. Don’t be a pussy.

El_Cadejo's avatar

That is the word on the street. :P Maybe ill take a pic sometime when I go home tomorrow. I feel I need to just cause you called me a pussy :P

KatawaGrey's avatar

@uberbatman: Don’t you look like this? Or this? Or this? Or, heaven forbid, this? Okay, I’m done.

I am actually 10 feet tall and blue. True story.

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@Jude it is so strange, I was just reading that thread yesterday.

<—Oh, and, I’m on the right.. for anyone that doesn’t know.

chyna's avatar

I heard @uberbatman was hot too. I want to see for myself. Bring it on!

chyna's avatar

Ok, here’s mine. I’ll leave it up for a bit.

IHateMusic's avatar

I am to much of a chicken to post a picture, so I’ll describe myself.

I am a scrawny teenage boy with dirty blond hair and acne.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Which one is you chyna? (I’m so dead)

JilltheTooth's avatar

Katawagrey keeps telling me I’m cute. I’ll go with that. In RL I’m just somebody’s middle-aged mommy with great hair. Can you tell where my vanity lies? ;-)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@JilltheTooth The foot’s still sexy.

chyna's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I’m the one with brown eyes.~
You are so dead.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Alright so here’s my supposedly sexy picture that I think looks like crap lol. Gotta love shitty mirror pictures especially coming from a very non photogenic person.

chyna's avatar

^^I heard correctly. Hottie.^^

KatawaGrey's avatar

@uberbatman: You look like a Magic player.

El_Cadejo's avatar

@chyna :)
@KatawaGrey are we talking about the card game? If so I always thought it seemed cool but never got into it.

Jude's avatar

@uberbatman You’re cute, but, I want to feed you. :)

KatawaGrey's avatar

@uberbatman: Yeap. It’s pretty awesome. :)

El_Cadejo's avatar

@Jude sounds good, what am I eating? :P
no matter what I eat, and I have a HORRIBLE diet, I cant gain weight. I know this will fuck me over soon as I hit late 20’s and my metabolism slows. Just wait if fluther is around in 10 or so years and we have another one of these questions ill be 1200 pounds lol

deni's avatar

@uberbatman i’m excited to see the 10 year update lolololol

El_Cadejo's avatar

@deni yea thats when im going to answer the change of username question too. Ill be uberFatman

Seaofclouds's avatar

My picture is already on the Fluther photobucket.

Sarcasm's avatar

Holy cow. For once, I feel like a newbie. I’ve always felt like I’ve been around here forever, but for once there’s a question that was around before me.

My avatar here has pretty much always been a picture of me. But it’s always been a picture of me sitting in a chair. So here’s a SFW butt shot (I know what you people really want) taken without my knowledge when I was in SF. I’m the guy in the black

incendiary_dan's avatar

<——I am constantly camouflaged.

absalom's avatar

Brown-haired blue-eyed scrawny white college kid with hep glasses (so he’s told), usually used for navel-gazing and looking sheepishly at the ground.

(No picture.)

P.S. My hair does not resemble that of Absalom and it has never gotten stuck in a tree to result in my death.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@Sarcasm: GA for having a cute butt.

Scooby's avatar

I never answered the original question! :-/

I’m a bit rough looking, lived in, well weathered, battle scarred etc, etc….going grey…. A work in progress Lol…. ;-/

Kayak8's avatar

I thought this was about Jewish Nellies and I was prepared to be offended. Newish Jellies on the other hand . . . . I am tallish and greyish (lately more whitish in some spots but at least they are balanced). I have blue eyes, nice smile, friendly mid-western sort of presence.

Seelix's avatar

@Kayak8 – Oh my. Jewish Nellies… You Fluther peeps are making me lol tonight.

Arbornaut's avatar

<———- Perplexed constantly.

Taciturnu's avatar

@Kayak8 You made me chuckle. :)

5’2”, red hair, green eyes, glasses.

I’m now on Fluther Photobucket. Thanks to a friendly push.

chyna's avatar

^Beautiful red hair^.

Taciturnu's avatar

^Beautiful all around^

Rarebear's avatar

<——LIke this

chyna's avatar

@Rarebear I have always thought you were female!

Rarebear's avatar

@chyna Isn’t that funny how we make assumptions about people’s gender? I do the same thing.

Brian1946's avatar

<——- I used to look exactly like the kid on the right about 60 years ago.

harple's avatar

Hmmmm…. if @Austinlad agrees, perhaps we can post one from our wedding on there?.... (Later this year…....)

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@harple that would be incredibly sweet. :)

Fred931's avatar

@harple bitchin’. colio.

Austinlad's avatar

@Harple, @TheOnlyNeffie, @Fred931… okey doke with me.

Austinlad's avatar

self edited

Kayak8's avatar

<——- er, taller and with smaller ears!

Seelix's avatar

@Taciturnu – You are just too freakin’ cute!

AmWiser's avatar

I’ll getting around to it one day.;-)!

Neizvestnaya's avatar

I’m in there with Mr.

augustlan's avatar

I’m on page one of the photobucket group, but my hair is waaay longer, now. I really, really need a freakin’ haircut!

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