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Paradox1's avatar

Your experience with TJ's wine?

Asked by Paradox1 (1182points) January 18th, 2011 from iPhone

Just wondering what you’ve found to be best.. So here I am watching Sideways (again) and drinking the $7 syrah I got talked into by an overzealous employee. I suppose I made his day. I told him $5! But I have found the 2 and 2 dollar wines best unless you opt for at least $10+

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2 Answers

MissAnthrope's avatar

Most of the wines I’ve had from TJ has been at least okay. I used to buy this $2.99 Chilean wine that was decent. I mean, it’s not going to taste like a $40 bottle, but if it’s drinkable, that’s perfect for a day-to-day drinking basis.

I like that they have affordable prosecco, too.

Neizvestnaya's avatar

Unless it’s a white wine or sparkling wine, I avoid TJ’s wines because most of them have turned my teeth and tongue purple, regardless of price.

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