Do you believe in spooks, as in ghosts?
The building I’m in right now is supposed to be haunted, especially the two floors right above me. I’ve heard heavy footsteps, strange noises, laughter, crying, etc from time to time. Also, today the door at the end of the hall has opened and closed four times, but no one has walked down the hall. Do you believe in spooks? And I don’t mean this in any racist way, which is one meaning I came across when looking this up on google.
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28 Answers
No I don’t. My main reason being, ghosts never haunt skeptics.
I’ve seen some unexplainable stuff, but then I’ve also had prophetic dreams about spilled M&Ms.
Yes, although I don’t have any personal experience to back up my belief as far as I am aware.
Indeed, ever since encounters as a youth.
Yes, but I’m not clear on the difference between ghosts and angels. lol
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I believe weird shit happens…..I don’t believe “ghosts” are responsible….
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Yes, I believe in all that paranormal stuff.
No—but I do believe the departed leave some sort of energy behind, if only our intense feelings and memories of them.
Does anyone have a personal experience with anything unusual? I was sitting in here working one night and I heard these stomping loud footsteps going down the hallway on the 4th floor. There’s no one on the 4th floor. I just went up and checked.
Ya never know. I’ve never had a ghostly experience, but, I have had a psychic dream that predicted a helicopter crash some years ago. Very strange.
My ex husband was in the Navy at the time on an aircraft carrier in the Indian ocean. I dreamed a helicopter crashed off of the landing strip, and…it was TRUE! It happened the NEXT day and 2 people were killed.
@Coloma I have had dreams that have come true the next day as well. I hate it when that happens.
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Nah, I ain’t fraid of no ghost! Yeah yeah yeah yeah…
Yes. We have a spirit in our home that is felt, heard or seen. Anyone spending the night can attest to it also. Weird!
We’ve smelled the scent of the dead twice. Once right after my mother passed and twice (two nights in a row) in a bed my ex’s grandmother used to sleep in (which woke us up). I should have said, “the lovely scent of dried roses.” It was a pretty strong scent; very impressive! It lingered in the air for ten seconds-then left. I was not scared at all; I just enjoyed it. (;
Yes, I’ve had two encounters.
I do not. I believe that paranormal experiences can be explained by something else, something non-paranormal. However, if I were to ever have a paranormal experience, I’d be willing to change my outlook. That has yet to happen.
My experience was so terrifying that I can’t not believe in ghosts. I believe that unless you experience it first hand, you can’t understand.
I remember as a child being terrified to stay at my grandmothers house overnight. Creaking, voices and closet doors that would open and shut by themselves. My brothers and I used to huddle together on one bed and sleep in a pile. Years later my Father confirmed that he had seen ghosts in the house since his childhood in the 1920’s. His father built the house in Lexington, Kentucky near the ols Bryant Station. (sp?) He recalled seeing a fully formed apparition at the foot of his bed once.
After the graveside service for my mom, my daughters said the car smelled like her. My daughter insists she has a ghost that followed her to my house from Lethbridge. I just wish he’d do a little vacuuming.
I have seen spirits and talked with some so yes they do exist and are around us. I had a friend that was killed during the deer hunt and he came to me and we talked. He gave me a message to leave for his wife.
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