What decisions have you regretted that were made while drunk?
I’m interested in how you would characterize the difference in your decision-making; comparing sober to drunk decisions. What does booze do to you? How is that expressed in your choices? Is that difference a major reason why you get drunk?
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22 Answers
I never have made major decisions while drunk.
As for climbing a barbed wire fence,well that was just plain crazy. XD
I should never have worn one of the wife’s cocktail dresses, localised chaffing around the nether regions ensued :¬(
To drive home from a restaurant after a few drinks. Happened many years ago, and even as I was weaving all over the road, I knew how insane I was to be behind the wheel. I got home in one piece and never did it again.
I haven’t made any major decisions while drunk. I hahve only been very drunk a few times in my life, thoroughly enjoyed them but did not do anything rash.
Can’t say I’ve made any life altering decisions while drunk. If I did, they were clearly forgotten about the next morning.
I will never mix Vodka with Monster again. That was a big mistake I made while sober, but continued while I was drunk. The next day was the worst energy drink/alcohol hangover EVER!
This is not about major decisions!!!! It is about any decision made while drunk that you later regretted.
Oh god I could write a fucking novel on this that is equal in size to War and Peace.
For starters, when I was drunk once, I stated that you should always do sober, what you claimed you would do when you were drunk.
Not opening the car door before hurling. Not offering the other woman to join us in bed. Powerslides on the school lawn. Powerslides into that gate post. The side of the bridge with the car. (I wasn’t too bright when I was young, if you couldn’t have guessed by now)
Driving. Nobody died, but I still shouldn’t have done it.
The great thing is that I don’t remember.
To shag the biggest fattest ginger munter you ever did see because it got me a lift home.
Letting a woman I knew seduce me. Horrible mistake.
Deciding to be seduced!! It’s true that everyone is better looking and wittier at 2 am, if I’m drunk.
Deciding to have another drink. Bad mistake.
Walking off alone in the dark around unfamiliar territory. Sober I wouldn’t have done it but drunk I did and got hurt, almost dead. It was an expensive lesson.
I grabbed a large crab at the beach with my bare hand. The crab pinched my thumbnail so hard it cracked in half and bled everywhere. I once woke up in a strange bed with a strange woman that looked like a cross between a treasure troll and Shrek. I drive a car like a skateboard and that never works out.
Getting wasted when I was depressed, which could have killed me.
Some sexual things, on several different occasions, with a few of the biggest jackasses in the world.
Chugging a vodka bomb > not tying my shoe = broken foot
I asked my one friend to tell me a story to distract me because I was feeling queasy….it was around Easter and his story involved eggs. I spewed immediately.
Every decision I ave made while drunk I have regretted in some form or fashion.
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