"Anything pissing you off and you want to vent about it?" (thread)?
Asked by
Jude (
January 19th, 2011
My hormones are out of control today (sorry, boys). Just about anything will set me off. And, if you do irritate the hell out of me, I’ll want to rip ya a new one.
What’s chappin’ your ass today??
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68 Answers
Well, now I’m afraid to answer…;-)
Someone I work with has had yet another free day off work. She always seems to have an excuse not to be here and she is paid a fuck load more than me.
An inconsiderate,phony,selfish jackass,that’s who and there is nothing I can do about it.Except not be mad about it any longer ;)
I’m a fucking idiot is what is pissing me off. I’m trying to program my own video games, and while I have most of the skills I need to do this, I still need to learn some other things.
The problem, Is I started smoking weed in my teens, and this has damaged my ability to learn. Sure, I can still learn new things, but I can’t learn at the same pace I used to be able to learn at when I was a teen. I don’t blame just weed, the fact that I’m now 28yo probably has something to do with it too, but it is still very annoying.
When I was 15 years old, I could open up some code, read it, and guess at what all the code did. By just looking at the code and by doing some trial and error I could learn a new programming language, but now at age 28 I need tutorials, books, practice, and even then it wont all sink in.
This problem with learning also reminds me I’m getting older, and that reminds me of my own mortality, and while I’m not scared of death, it is highly inconvenient
But probably worst of all, is the fact that I’m still smoking weed, even as I type this up, even though smoking weed is obviously affecting my ability to learn in the long run, and even though im aware of this, I still obviously seem to be under the delusion that I can keep smoking the stuff while still expecting to be able to learn at a fast pace.
I am very irritated at the furnace repair dude. We woke up with no heat and no hot water this morning. The furnace is off and won’t start back up, and I don’t like to be cold. I fucking hate to be cold almost as much as I fucking hate for my kids to be cold! We called the furnace dude as early as we could, but it’s almost noon and he still hasn’t shown up. I can’t take a shower, and I’m supposed to volunteer at the school today. I have to be the stinky mom!!! :(
I’m going to stare out the window and will the repairman to show up ASAP.
@MissAusten I’ll hop in my car and go beat him up for ya. Not too bad, though, so, he can fix your damn furnace!
Not having the money that I want, dammit! But that pisses me off everyday.
Sarah Palin! Everytime she opens her mouth I feel angry. I was also enraged by the Tucson murders (and Palin’s reaction to it), as I always am when one of these horrible incidents occur.
Do you remember the scene from Airplane where everyone is killing themselves over Ted’s lousy life tale? I wish my day was going as well as his. :)
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I am extremely angry with my ex-gas supply company. They owe me monies for overpaid gas supply when I left them. This was on 10th December!!
I keep ringing them have to wait 20 minutes on an automated call, pressing numerous buttons and listening to ‘calming’ music before someone answers me, They keep saying the cheque has been issued but I still haven’t received it. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
No one’s telling me how to get my pilots in front of people who can help get them on the air. Dammit, no one knows any agents at all? Seriously?
I’m angry at myself for not taking a risk and contacting people I don’t know in this business and asking for advice. I’ve built up this scenario in my head that they’d sit there in their Aero chairs in some skyscraper office, having a champagne and sushi lunch and having a moment’s laugh at my email. “Oh, heavens, not another one. When will the little nobodies like whoever this is realize we’re not interested in their piffle? What’s that, now, a California roll? How boring. Try this mako shark, it’s delicious!”
It pisses me off you ladies have to ride the hormone rollercoaster every month. Whose sick idea of a joke is that? How the fuck are you supposed to stay stable when your chemistry goes through that every 30 or so days?
One of my friends that keeps getting pregnant and doesn’t have the means to take care of the kids, and she ALWAYS wants me to babysit FOR FREE! It only a matter of time before she gets pregnant again. I guess it’s her business but it becomes mine when she asks me watch them, I tend to avoid answering her calls for fear she might want to come over, and when she does she doesn’t even watch her kids. How do I tell her this bothers me without hurting her feelings? I’m usually pretty good at speaking my mind but in this case I feel like the truth about how I feel would hurt her more than help her.
I have had my share of disappointments in life and no longer let them get to me. Life is too short to fret over things that really don’t matter in the big scheme of things. You can let things bother you or move on with the other things in your life that really matter most. ;)
@Cruiser With hormones, it’s hard, dude. ;-)
Usually there is dry litter kicked all over the bathroom floor. Today, I go in, it’s WET LITTER? How? Why Barry? Why? HOW!!!!!!!!! It’s gross and sometimes I want to drop kick him.
But, look at this little legs!!!
@Jude ugh I know and he’s sleeping curled up in a little ball right now and he just let out a really cute noise….FINE
I have no edit button, today, folks.
Tomorrow, Scarlet, will be a mo’ betta day.
@Jude Sorry to hear about the hormones ruining your day. When life pushes back, take a dose of Stevie like I do to put it all in perspective. ;)
The people commenting on this article about China-sponsored language programs. They’re leaving comments like this:
Norm38: Yes China has a beautiful culture of sweatshops, slave labor and doing what you’re told – just like the CEOs want. And once the teabagger victory is complete, they’ll invite the Chinese in to teach Americans how to be good peasants and respect the ruling class. Enjoy the final days of democracy.
JustMeJoe: The only language I need to know is English. Seriously, I would not put in time and effort to learn a new language that wouldn’t serve me any purpose.
Carlston: Hey better than forcing Spanish down a kids throat so they can talk to illegals.
and my favorite!
freespeech76: As a patriotic American, I desperately want to render my children incapable of competing in a global market. My children will speak only one language, english. They will know nothing of other consumer cultures. That will show the entire world just how American my kids are: ignorant, unable to compete and relaint on other people for their livilihoods. Go Palin GO!
okay, rant over.
@troubleinharlem – I think that last person was being sarcastic. There needs to be a universal interwebs symbol for sarcasm. Shall we promote our use of the tilde (~) after the sarcastic statement to that purpose?
@aprilsimnel : Oh, that would make more sense, come to think about it.
I usually use the ~ symbol to say something like “Oh, I knew that” or to show kind of a joking manner, but that works too.
It pisses me off that many men don’t understand or even try to sympathize with us hormonal wenches like @Adirondackwannabe did above.
It pisses me off that the father of my daughter’s best friend is the biggest, most uneducated, most ill-mannered redneck I’ve ever met, and he always wants free shit from people. Every time his number pops up on caller ID, I know he’s calling to ask my hubby for another favor. All the plumbing work that my hubby has done at their house so far, would total up to approx. $2500, but he’s got no money and keeps begging for “favors”. But we can’t really say anything because it would spill over into my daughter’s friendship with his sweet daughter.
It pisses me off that parents of fat, unhealthy children ignore the fact that their kids are a walking heart attack and keep feeding them big macs and fries.
It pisses me off that health insurance is so fucking expensive.
It pisses me off my mother’s first husband abused her and got away with it. It pisses me off even more that her second husband abused my brother and got away with it. It pisses me off that abusive people are not locked in jail for the rest of their worthless lives.
It pisses me off that there are so many things to be pissed off about…
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@Jude, are you on the pill? I was on a complete hormone roller coaster for years, but when I started taking the pill three years ago it changed everything. My own mother can’t always tell when I’m premenstrual now!
I am extremely lucky to say that things are good for me now, there’s nothing annoying enough to vent about. Although I’m not sure who finished the orange juice, but I was counting on some.
@Coloma This thread is not a place to take cheap shots. Pm her if you have a problem with her.
Just giving an honest answer, oh well.
Oh, and the comments on FOXNEWS piss me off entirely, also. I always start fights with those fools.
@Adirondackwannabe :
Do you think that we actually enjoy having to go through it? That’s one of the most insensitive things ever.
@Jude : Maybe some birth control? I take that, or some midol or ibuprofin a few days before my period starts and it smooths me out a bit. Or chocolate! :D
@troubleinharlem Adirondackwannabe was not being rude, he was saying he feels bad that we have to go through the hormones. Sheesh.
I don’t take birth control. I refuse to.
@Adirondackwannabe Hormones? What hormones? Said while slamming a door, throwing dinner against the wall & throwing herself on the floor in a flood of tears LOLL
Most guys don’t have a clue about the hormones? That would piss me off if I had to deal with it and clueless men.
It’s pms, kids. And, what happens? I get pissed off easily. I mean PISSED OFF. And, I have no edit button. Today is a bad day for me.
If you have a manbrow, I will do EVERYTHING in my power not to tell you.
That doesn’t happen often, but, when it does, it’s not fun. Like, for instance, my girlfriend and I were at a gay bar in Michigan last year. Raging, raging hormones and I was drinking. There was a butch lesbian with Mom jeans (hiked up under her boobs) and a mullet. I was drunk and it took everything in me not to tell this woman that she looked ridiculous. “Cut yer mullet!”
My girlfriend thought that it was hilarious.
While I am not pissed off TODAY, I have found FuryCloud to be a great resource for venting my frustrations.
OK, I am not mad at the furnace repairman anymore because he showed up and worked his magic. Something about a filter, I dunno. Now I am just really annoyed that the heat is not instant. It is taking so long for the house to warm up!
@Cruiser Ah, to be old and wise. :P
@MissAusten Yes….and I have the scars to show for my schooling! XD
I am pissed that my house is cluttery and I don’t know what to do with all this “stuff”. I can’t stand to throw useful things in the trash and have them filling up some landfill when someone could be using them. Sometimes I just set things out by the road and someone comes along and picks them up. (they probably sell them, I don’t care) I can’t put things out by the road right now because it’s winter and the snow is past my knees. I wish I had a guy or gal that was my “stuff hauler awayer”.
Yeah, I’ve had a pretty rough week.
Although, today when I walked into Staples to make some copies, the guy assisting me asked, ”rough day?” and I said, “you can tell?” and he said, ”Yeah. It’s okay. It’ll get better for you.”
He was right. That seriously made my day. :)
@wilma yes, the snow!! I’m pissed off that my broke daughter has to move home and I have to find room for all my stuff that I have in the room she will be living in. My stuff is in that room because I have no where else for it and I HATE throwing things away, too. We can’t put stuff outside because it’ll be ruined by the 11/2 feet of snow out there, and, yes, I want my car in my garage!!
ARRGH!!! Quite a few things at the moment!! If I start I will not stop and I have lots of work to do, I was only supposed to pop on here for a few minutes!!
@Jude Just out of curiosity, why do you refuse to take the Pill? This sounds like a major problem for you, and the Pill is a good solution. I take it for PMDD (think you might have it?), not for contraception, so if you’re opposed to contraception you can still justify taking it for the hard time your hormones are giving you, in my opinion.
Cheap ass people who make many times more per hour than I do bumming change from me or asking if I can front them lunch. Sorry but, no.
The ex who used my pms as an excuse to be a giant douchebag. He would do and say the most ungodly things and when I would explode, he would say shit like “I’m always like this babe. Must be your hormones!” I swear, he would watch the calendar and the tampon box just to come up with heinous things he wanted to do so he could blame me. That pissed me off. Made me so mad I’m sweating thinking about it, and he’s the ex. ooo maybe it’s a hot flash
This whole week has been rough. All of my efforts to better myself scholastically, physically, and mentally have been thoroughly knocked down by one thing or another.
This whole depression thing is ruining my life. I’m two years behind in college because of it, and it’s putting a huge strain on my relationship and sanity.
I work in a place I hate so much that I get physically ill every morning on my way there, only to be talked about and spoken down to when I get to my desk.
Oh, and I’m almost out of weed lol
The only thing that really pisses me off on a regular basis is that there are too many assholes in the world and no sewer that is big enough for all of them so there is always over flow.
I have a short fuse when it comes to people getting annoyed with me when I’m reading…the thing is, I can’t multitask…It’s either I’m reading and not listening to what your saying, or the other way around…and that tends to make people mad…but is that my fault? I’m sorry that my brain is trying to process something interesting rather than your pointless jibbering..and when I ask them to repeat themselves they’re all like “oh no, never mind.”...and that’s when I get ticked off….so I just ignore them. e_e
Hormones are in check and I feel like a million damn dollars today. :)
@Jude : Glad you’re feeling better, there.
Well the sun came out today… only for about half an hour… and now it is extremely foggy. I need to go shopping but can’t even see my car on the drive at the moment. Leftovers for dinner tonight
I can’t wait for spring/summer
Well today was supposed to be the third day of my 4 mile walk…1st day, ended up with blisters because I wore the wrong socks. 2nd day, I couldn’t walk. 3rd day, Super windy outside…..Its not like it hasn’t been warm the last couple of days here in California…why today?..My luck.
what pisses me off is how I turn into a jerk face when I’m in a bad mood. And it is also frustrating how I have a mood disorder and that my meds aren’t working like they were!
Thank you for the space to get this out. It gets to be irritating to have to constantly be so positive so people won’t avoid you. Recently, one my acquaintances asked how the search was going. I told her that I’m down to my last $150, so if she knew of any leads for even admin work, that would be great. Suddenly, she had to go. Dammit, I’m not contagious! I just don’t have a job! :(
My mom bitching about having to dress up for our wedding. Sheesh, it’s not like I’ve asked her to wear a skirt or dress but she’s being so obstinate, I don’t get it.
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My dad freaking hates technology i swear. I’m 15 with no Facebook and no cell phone. I hate it i feel like i am so behind everyone in what is going on and who is doing what with their lives and everyone thinks I’m lame because I don’t have a phone or Facebook. Even when i try to calmly talk to him about it he, as soon as I say “cell phone” or “Facebook” he says no and that’s final. I hate it so much!
Group members for projects whose mere presence sets me off because even if you plain to them that they’re begin assholes they come up with some response about how they’re doing all this work for you and they’re being dicks for your betterment.
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