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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

For you, what's the best part about getting older?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37802points) January 19th, 2011

For me, I’d have to say I like the experiences and the maturity, because of which, I simply know more and can help others with.

What about you? What’s good about growing older?



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24 Answers

josie's avatar

I don’t feel that I have so much to prove anymore. I can walk away from a fight. I don’t have to have the last word.

Jude's avatar

The sex.

cookieman's avatar

I know myself a lot better than twenty years ago. I’m much less insecure and, like @josie, have learned to choose my battles.

I’ve been surprised to learn that some folks consider me an expert in some areas.

Earthgirl's avatar

Relationships with old friends or lovers have all these layers of meaning and the depth of years of shared experience

syz's avatar

Giving less and less of a shit what other people think.

filmfann's avatar

I want to say Grandchildren, but I won’t.
Probably how relaxed I have become. I was pretty uptight as a teen and in my 20’s and 30’s.
I have now been down enough roads, and am secure enough in what I have done to prepare myself for these years, that I do feel like there is nothing new I am gonna face. It’s not nirvana, but it’s not bad.

AmWiser's avatar

Right now I call it growing better. I’ve grown better at living, loving, knowing. Sure, it’s come with age, but it right now it’s just better. Growing old for me will be when I am feeble and don’t know day from night, my mind no longer functions rationally, and I’m dependent on others for everything.

Pandora's avatar

I’ve become more patient.
I’ve learned to not take things for granted.
Taking an occasional nap is awesome.
I’ve learned to appreciate my health and not ignore it.
I can sit for a long while taking in nature and no one questions it. Whenever I tried doing it when younger everyone always bugged me and asked me what was bugging me. Seems when you get older people realize you may simply just want to be alone.

Cruiser's avatar

I would have to agree with @Jude sex is much better….a fine wine indeed! ;) Plus you do get better tables at restaurants too!

woodcutter's avatar

not near as stupid

iamthemob's avatar

Realizing how stupid I am.

ETpro's avatar

Having made enoughn dumb mistakes that I know have a strikingly long list of things that won’t work and that I therefore don’t need to embarrass myself by trying again.

I’ve also lived through a good deal of the political missteps that our noble leaders made. So when some ideologue argues that this and that in the 1980s worked great, they may be speaking from what their party has programmed them to think worked great. But I as a grown man in the 89s and paying attention. I know form firsthanf experience what did and what did not work.

bob_'s avatar

Compounding interest, baby!

Also, love and shit.

iamthemob's avatar

@bob_ best…answer…ever…

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Will somebody bring @bob_ a platter of sammiches?

rooeytoo's avatar

My favorite part is that I can pretend to be deaf when someone says something I don’t want to hear, hehehe, and get away with the ruse.

I don’t care as much what others may think of me. I have always marched to a different drummer and worrying about the impression I was making was hard. Not hard enough to make me conform, just enough to make me make myself miserable.

I don’t like some of the things that aging makes me consider. I will never have a big dog again, I don’t want a dog that I couldn’t pick up and carry if I had to. I want a cockatiel but I won’t get a young one because it will most likely outlive me. I am looking for an older one to adopt. I don’t like that my knees are not what they used to be, I love tennis and they just aren’t up to the hard singles that I truly love.

So age has its benefits and its draw backs, but then again what the hell doesn’t!!!

faye's avatar

I’m comfy in my skin, what I choose to wear, how I like my hair. I’m also mildly content most of the time. In the same breath, I am far more intolerant.

augustlan's avatar

I am comfortable in my own skin.

mattbrowne's avatar

Being able to enjoy the little things in life.

JilltheTooth's avatar

Well, of course, the obvious, the alternative is not something I’m ready for. Otherwise, I pretty much agree with the above. I’m much happier with myself, I don’t have to prove stuff, I can see and appreciate nuance, and I like most people a whole lot more because I don’t expect anybody to be perfect anymore.

Aster's avatar

Having lots and lots of free time to explore new interests and old friends.

Austinlad's avatar

Feeling secure in my ability to make life-changing decisions and being totally willing to accept the consequences.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I am much happier in my own skin. I used to have a real hang-ups about the way I looked but these days I feel good (for the most part) about the way I look.

boxer3's avatar

I’m right along the lines with most, realizing people are just people, just as I am
so not to take everything so personally, if someone disrepects, judges etc.

I’m fairly comfortable with myself.

However. I’d prefer to be six years old; coloring pictures with a fresh pack of crayons,
in my parents house. I was a happy kid.

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