Meta Question

iamthemob's avatar

Do you fluther for a reason?

Asked by iamthemob (17226points) January 19th, 2011

I do. I think that, as the internet progresses, it could be come the actual forum for democracy – beyond any “government” structure that currently exists.

Idealistic, sure…but still, information is really the basis of all real, honest decision-making.

Anyone else have a real reason why they’re here?

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23 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

I had one…not so sure anymore. Maybe time to ride along…..

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

All my friends are here. What’s that? Oh? Oh. I thought this was real.

iamthemob's avatar

It’s real

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Whew. That’s a relief.

sparksweet514's avatar

I enjoy having a back up plan to every problem in life. Haha. Just ask for an online community for opinions- you generally get very good information from many different angles of experience. Everyone has a different story, we all have our own specific knowledge. The first thought I had was that now those types of “smart” that I don’t have, but other people have, are accessible more readily than if I were to say, Google it.

TexasDude's avatar

It’s more entertaining than homework. It also has an addictive quality that keeps me coming back for whatever reason.

tinyfaery's avatar


augustlan's avatar

When I first came here, I really enjoyed the opportunity to talk with and learn from a very smart group of people… something sorely missing in my daily life. It was like brain exercise for me. Over time, I came to think of it as something more than that. Maybe a way to change the world, one little piece at a time. Then, there are the relationships I’ve formed here. And lastly, it became my job. How awesome is that?

JilltheTooth's avatar

Reason, yes. It’s a big part of a much larger world that I enjoy being part of. I learn stuff. Isn’t that reason enough? I’ve been sicky-poo for many weeks of this winter and I would’ve gone completely nuts without access to the outside world that Fluther affords….

LuckyGuy's avatar

I talk with technical people all day. It’s a world of wavelengths, nanoseconds, micrograms and decay rates. I love it. But, I can come here to grab a little relaxation, and learn about subjects that would not normally be exposed to me. It broadens my mind.
Occasionally, I feel my answers actually help others.
Also, I have met some really nice, intelligent, creative, deep thinking people here. If I was single this would be my dating pool for sure.

WasCy's avatar

If I believe any of the determinists who float around here, I don’t have a choice in the matter.


Neurotic_David's avatar

I’m new here. I’ve been here maybe 3 weeks or so. I come back because it’s a nice mental break for me during the work day. It’s intellectually stimulating, and can even be fun when someone asks a question I find really, really interesting or thought-provoking.

erichw1504's avatar

I Fluther to spread my wisdom (what little I have) and sarcasm.

Seaofclouds's avatar

I originally stuck around because I enjoy helping people. Now I stick around to help people and because I’ve come to really enjoy the people that are here and consider some of them friends.

wilma's avatar

To learn things, to get a different perspective, to see a bit of what is going on in the wider world.

ucme's avatar

Not a discernible one no.

AmWiser's avatar

Fortunately or unfortunately, I don’t have a real reason for being on Fluther. I usually do whatever floats my boat and right now it floating with Jelly’s.;-)

omph's avatar

I just want to piss the mods off. Or I want to see it return to the days where it was good source for help.

OpryLeigh's avatar

My reason is: I enjoy it. Don’t need no other!

beachbum76's avatar

To entertain myself while I’m on my computer.

janbb's avatar

Mental stimulation and emotional enhancement

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

Not really, no. I have way too much free time and I’m stuck at home a lot. I’m usually lonely, and Fluther keeps me occupied. So, I suppose if that counts as a reason, that would be mine. That, and I enjoy it, of course.

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