Social Question

ucme's avatar

What question do you suppose you ask most as you go about your daily life?

Asked by ucme (50052points) January 20th, 2011

Seeing as though we’re all about questions on here…answers too of course…. it got me thinking. What questions seem to arise in the course of everyday life. I reckon some of the most common would have to include the following. Would you like a cup of coffee? What time is it? How are you? So, what do you feel is the question you ask most?

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28 Answers

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

Why can’t people see how cliche they sound? Why are they okay with articulating the same superficial sentiments over and over? Do they all share the same textbook of responses for every day situations?

lucillelucillelucille's avatar

Where are my car keys?
and how do they make phthalo blue? Cobalt only? How,damnit!,how??

Rhodentette's avatar

Mine is, “Do I really want to do this?” The answer is frequently, “Hell no!” I’m a giant Procrastinator.

963chris's avatar

Is it time to partydown?

thorninmud's avatar

Does “WTF?” count?

omph's avatar

Where is the restroom? <- Really, I need to shit.

Austinlad's avatar

Why is that driver talking on a &^&%$! cell phone???!!!

erichw1504's avatar

“Where are my pants?”

erichw1504's avatar

“Why is there a tiger in the bathroom?”

ANef_is_Enuf's avatar

@erichw1504 lol.
The one that I most frequently ask other people: “What do you need/want?” or “What can I get for you/Can I make you something to eat/get you something to drink?”

The one that I ask myself most often: “Have I been as productive today as I would have liked?”

Austinlad's avatar

@Harple, are you having a good day?

YoBob's avatar

When others are involved: How can I help? or What can I do for you?

However, I am constantly asking myself how much longer it will be before I reach that happy time when I can support my preferred lifestyle without having to trade time for money.

963chris's avatar

You wanna go out – mebbe see a flick or have some eats?

bkcunningham's avatar

Are we there yet?

JilltheTooth's avatar

“Damn, where did I put <insert name here of whatever I’m looking for>?

erichw1504's avatar

“Would you like a shmoke-and-a-pancake?”

ucme's avatar

Thanks peeps. An interesting array of responses, hmmm….I wonder if some are…???

ucme's avatar

@erichw1504 Nah i’d prefer a flapjack und a shigarette or a shigar und a waffle or maybe even a pipe und a crepe. I’m really not that fussed.

AmWiser's avatar

Would you pour me another glass of wine… Pleease!

Smashley's avatar

Why haven’t I done X yet? (as in X the variable, not the drug. I’m pretty aware of why I haven’t done that.)

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

Why am I doing this again?
Why haven’t I finished?
How long is this going to take?
Why do I keep procrastinating?

nebule's avatar

I too ask questions about what I’m doing… all the time… should I be doing this?

Arbornaut's avatar

Is it Beer o Clock yet?

erichw1504's avatar

@Arbornaut Everytime is beer time!

Arbornaut's avatar

@erichw1504 Iv got a feeling you and me would get on just fine…

Fred931's avatar

Is that guy staring at me because he’s judging me or is he staring at me by accident? Am I staring at him now?

Ladymia69's avatar

“Why are people like that?”

nebule's avatar

Today: How come I’m so screwed up?

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