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Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

How do I fix Google Chrome?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7904points) January 20th, 2011

I have some problems with Google Chrome.
When I click on it to launch it, the program launches, but it just keeps loading and loading and nothing ever comes up. I downloaded Firefox because I need to get some work done on the Internet, but is there any way to fix this problem with Chrome?
I tried reinstalling it, but that didn’t work.

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9 Answers

omph's avatar

What operating system are you using. Mac, Windows, Linux?

mrlaconic's avatar

This has happened to me before and the problem was a hung process of Chrome. With each tab that you open in a chrome a new process starts in windows task manager. So I would check there, and start knocking off any chrome processes that you have and then try loading again.

shego's avatar

I had an issue with chrome on my computer, which also runs windows 7. I can’t garuntee that the problem I had was the same as yours, but have you restarted you computer? It helped mine, and it worked.

nailpolishfanatic's avatar

1. Restart you computer
2. If it still doesn’t work then I suggest deleting it.
3. downloading google chrome again
4. if it doesn’t work then I do not know what else is there possible to do.
5. You could try and use SAFARI… and using it now… actually I’ve been using it ever since I got my computer and I never have any problems.

XOIIO's avatar

Don’t use chrome. It’s weak, difficult and not secure.

Odysseus's avatar

@XOIIO I agree.
You dont need to restart pc just press (control+alt+delete) go to task manager then processes and end google chrome, then restart it normally.
Opera browser is faster than chrome and more stable.

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