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Dutchess_III's avatar

Would you share some Youtube video that either you appear in or that you shot?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) January 20th, 2011

I shot this. Emo (my black kitty….) stars in it. My husband plays the cook….

Here’s part two if you’re still watching!

I think these will take you to my whole Youtube account, and it’s fine if you want to look around. My favorite is Snakes in the Rain. My son plays the part of “Chris Erwin, Garage-Snake Hunter.” It’s a true story. Really. No SFX at all! Hard to believe, I know….

I want to see a part of your life!

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34 Answers

omph's avatar

We rescued a squirrel from the park. It was damn near dead. Then we got it to this. It died a few days later.

poisonedantidote's avatar

I was the camera man for most of the videos on this channel

Dutchess_III's avatar

@johnpowell….aw….I’m sorry it died. It’s so hard to keep wild animals alive, and I don’t know why.

@poisonedantidote… Thanks…..but I was hoping for snippets of your life sorta…

bkcunningham's avatar

@Dutchess_III…what is the accent am I detecting?

@omph poor Rocky.

@poisonedantidote too funny. Is it strange that I, an American, understood perfectly word for word the Geordie accent without any difficulty?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Uh….Kansas! Midwestern! I don’t have an accent!

bkcunningham's avatar

@Dutchess_III lol, me either. I love your laugh and the whole atmosphere of that pot-of-cat video.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That cat was laid back (when it wasn’t attacking people, dogs and things) that’s for sure!

bkcunningham's avatar

@Dutchess_III Snakes in the Rain was fantastic! Hands down, Eden’s Belly Roll is the best to me though. Precious. Thanks for sharing a glimpse into your life. Beautiful. Who knows, I’m leaving this afternoon for a much needed vacation to our place in Florida. Maybe I’ll capture some video to share. I’m inspired.

bkcunningham's avatar

@ragingloli now seriously. Is that even just a teensie tiny peek at you. Come on now… Seriously, that was awesome. Did you create that video art and all?

bkcunningham's avatar

@ragingloli Wow! You did a fantastic job. The shadows blew me away. I watched it twice to see if they were in the right places and it was spot on. That is some talent you have going on there.

ragingloli's avatar

my sarcasm detector is buzzing
the shadows are automatic. the hard part is modelling the cats and animating everything

KatawaGrey's avatar

I star in this one. My friend had to do a chase scene for one of our classes. He actually starred in mine as well.

I had a lot of fun doing this scene except for one part. Where I fall down by the big, concrete light post, I actually hit my head and hurt myself on the a previous take.

Edit to add: I just re-watched it. I guess he didn’t even put in the part where I fell by the lamp post.

bkcunningham's avatar

@ragingloli no! I didn’t know that about the shadows. I had no idea. It is an entirely new art to me and I am honestly impressed. I grew up at a time when computers were kept in large air-conditioned, climate controlled rooms. Please, I think it is impressive.

ragingloli's avatar

If you want to see more of my stuff, you can go here

troubleinharlem's avatar

My cousin and I singing Gaston from Beauty and the Beast!

bkcunningham's avatar

@ragingloli I’m going to sound like your grandmother here but I hope you are putting that talent to some good use. All of your art is so creative and really, really amazing. I especially like the #10 sword image, relaxation area #20and beyond looks better than renderings and other architectural I’ve seen people make who get paid big money. I like the added touch of the painting above the bed haha cute , OMG, another storybook blew me away…your interior scenes are really good. Don’t waste that talent. You are blessed.

bkcunningham's avatar

@KatawaGrey my heart was pounding before that video was over. I hope you got an A plus on that. So pretty and your eyes are so full of emotion. All of you guys make be feel so inadequate. Such talent. I’m really lucky to have found this silly Fluther site and to be able to view so many forms of art. Thank you guys. I hope everyone appreciates your work. Thanks again @Dutchess_III .

bkcunningham's avatar

@troubleinharlem how flipping funny and perfect was that?? Thanks for the smiles. You have no idea how much I needed that pick me up after some earlier discussions here today. How long did you practice to get that video so perfect with the song? I am still smiling. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@bkcunningham: Thanks! I think my friend did get an A on that. I tell ya though, it made me never want to be an actor. I couldn’t wash those clothes for days because I had to keep the exact dirt stains on them… blech.

bkcunningham's avatar

@KatawaGrey it makes you start looking for the little details like that in movies doesn’t it. I thought you did a fantastic job. I liked how you ran and the bystanders were going about their business. One girl sort of looked around at you like, “What? Your eyes had my heart pumping wondering, what is going to happen to her…get to safety!! Somebody help her. Good job.

Jude's avatar

I love ragingloli.

Jude's avatar

My old pad, right when I was moving in. I am narrating (making a video for my girlfriend).

I have a cold and a Canadian accent. :)

Video two!.

Video three.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ragingloli Nice animation! My ex and I were getting into that in the early days, in the mid to late 80’s, so I appreciate what goes into it!
@bkcunningham (Florida. Humph. Do they cancel school everytime somebody yells “Rain!!!”?) Yeah, the belly roll was great!! Aden’s a natural in front of the camera…so’s his sister!
@KatawaGrey Cool! (Did you know that in Twister they got the cars dirty, then put wax on them so they would have the same dirt patterns day after day, even after going through a car wash…O! I have one for the trivia Q!)
@troubleinharlem That was GREAT! You guys did a GREAT job!! Really! I was chuckling through the whole thing!
@Jude…neato jet! You were saying things like “Aboot…” and I’m thinking, where is she from!! Then I saw the Canadian flag…. :) Thanks for sharing.
Ok…here’s one of me bowling at Rick’s company Christmas party a couple of years ago in KC. It’s at one of those Lucky Strike bowling alleys that are part bar part bowling reality, it’s mostly a bar with a bowling alley stuck in it. The lanes are AWFUL. Like somebody poured glue on them. I like bowling for fun, but for it to be REALLY fun I have to be able to do my best. It’s just not possible to bowl decently there. They’re having it there again..this weekend as a matter of fact. I refuse to bowl. But here are two quick links. They’re less than 10 seconds each.

bkcunningham's avatar

@Jude I have the exact quilt on a bed in my house! Do you like the new pad better? The tile is the same in the kitchen. I love that size and I’m trying to convince my husband to like it too. Can I say something with the hopes of not being misunderstood? I am very audible. For me at least, hearing a voice makes a person seem more real to me. I guess I’m so old school and skeptical of the Internet, seeing this is, all of it, from everyone so far, has really put a more human touch to everyone. Before, sometimes, I just saw words.

bkcunningham's avatar

@Dutchess_III we are living in Pennsylvania now for my husband’s job. We move every couple of years. I’m originally from Virginia. He’s from Northern New York about 14 miles from the Canadian border eehh. I’ve lived every where man…lol.

We bought a retirement/vacation home in a retirement community in Florida. Kids and snow and school being being closed…forgetta “bout it. We drive golf carts.

Jude's avatar

@bkcunningham Oh, I like the one that I am in a lot more. It’s a 150 year old house with the original hardwood. And, tall, tall windows. Lots of character. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Damnit! I assumed you were a male, @bkcunningham! I like you even BETTER now!!

bkcunningham's avatar

Well, this has been one of my favorite discussions. My husband is on his way home and we hare headed to Harrisburg, PA, to a hotel and the airport in the morning. I look forward to many creative and insightful, artistic, did I say insightful…videos later.

bkcunningham's avatar

@Dutchess_III yep. I am a woman. Later gators.

troubleinharlem's avatar

@bkcunningham and @Dutchess_III : We actually were just lip-syncing. I’m glad you liked it, though! :D We practiced it once, and then just filmed it with my webcam. xD We had too much time in Spain, and we were bored, so…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, we know you were lip syncing dear! That’s what made it so great—you guys just did great!

mowens's avatar

I have an entire channel

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