General Question

Riser's avatar

This is going to be a strange question: How heavy would a belt buckle have to be to cave in someone's face?

Asked by Riser (3485points) April 12th, 2008

The buckle is attached to the belt. The best reference I can think of is in Braveheart when William Wallace comes into the ambassador’s bedroom with the ball and chain and spins it around then drops it onto the man’s face.

For those of you curious, it’s for a film.

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13 Answers

bulbatron9's avatar

If you just dropped it, then it would need to be pretty heavy, but if you swung it, then it really depends on how much “swing” you’ve got! I could crush a man’s face with one blow of my fist! All those years of swinging a hammer help!

Good night, Big D!


I think it would be very realistic, because it is very possible!

shockvalue's avatar

You should probably be using one of those vanity belt buckles too. You know the ones that are bigger than your fist and made of brushed steel. (Or shellacked pewter). And to fully CAVE someone’s face in? Hmm, well there a lot of bones in the face so it depends where you hit them. Best effect would be right above the cheek bone. And I would say that a 300 gram buckle swung with the force of a full rotation should do the trick.

peedub's avatar

I would say about as heavy as a roll of quarters, perhaps something like a huge brass truck driver’s buckle.

delirium's avatar

fairly, depending on where they were hit and the age of the hitee.

boffin's avatar

Get one of those “Cowboy” buckles…
The ones that all the wrangler and wrangleretts wear…
When the get all gussied up for the rodeo finals and such…
There about the size of a VW hub-cap…
That would do some serrious damage…..

bulbatron9's avatar

Idea- Have the character whip his belt out, and sling the belt around his fist to the point that the buckle is over his knuckles! Then, with one blow, smashie face! You’ll have to find that “sweet spot” on the strap, to make the buckle end up over the knuckles! Just a thought, Danny Boy!


scamp's avatar

@bulbatron9 Remind me never to make you mad, Ha ha!!

bulbatron9's avatar

Don’t worry, I would never strike a Lady!

Zaku's avatar

I think large and there would need to be a hand behind it. Otherwise… “cave in”? It’d need to be pounds, I think, depending on what you mean by that verb.

But even a light metal buckle could cause a fracture, scarring, blind an eye, and/or get embedded…

kruger_d's avatar

Follow up: How big does your character’s ego have to be to wear a belt buckle big enough to cave in a man’s face?

aaronbeekay's avatar

I agree with @zaku here: what does “cave in” mean? A broken nose? A broken jaw? Or do you mean actually collapsing (imploding) the skull?

TjHare's avatar

well You see it’s a simple matter of M x V (Mass x Velocity)

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