Where you spanked as a child?
Were you spanked as a child if you did something wrong. Were there certain offenses that were punishable by spanking or did it depend on how angry the parent was?
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47 Answers
You may want to correct the typo in the question. I think you mean were not where.
Yes, I was.
Did I deserve it? Probably.XD
Would I spank a child of mine if I had children? No.
I wasn’t spanked but I was beat up quite often. Never knew when it was coming. I once handing a hose to my father over the top of the fence and I guess he wanted it through the bottom of the fence. So he jumped the fence and started kicking me around the back yard with his boots on.
Sure I was, if I was really bad. I can’t really remember what the criteria were, but one time I bit my sister’s finger so hard that I left dents. And I didn’t let go for 10 minutes. That’s the only bare-bum spanking I remember.
Yes. By both parents, and by my grandparents as well.
My dad rarely ever “spanked” us, he was more inclined to grab you by your hair to make sure you were paying attention to the words coming out of his mouth. lol. He was really afraid to hit us, because he is a big guy. My mom would whoop the shit out of us if we did enough to ask for it.
My grandfather used to keep a yardstick over the door frame specifically for punishment. Most of us (grandchildren) would shape up as soon as we saw him going for the door, it rarely even came to a spanking.
I mean, I always knew it was coming. I had to be pretty bad to ask for a beating.
i was slapped out of anger, not spanked in punishment.
Yep. The rare application of my Father’s belt at home, and paddling was still an accepted fixture of public education in those days (only once for me, for burping and then denying it).
My older and more rebellious brother had it much worse. I have vivid memories of the enormous black-and-blues that blossomed on his butt after some of his school paddlings.
Hell yes! And I had to go find the belt or go out and get a switch off the tree for my mother to use.
Yes. “Five lashes” with a belt
Nah, but she did rub toast in my face once…..owwwww!! XD My mother would only have to look at me in a certain way, that would be enough to make me behave. Mothers have an uncanny knack of appearing to have the bowels of satan in their glare, funny that :¬(
@ucme – Toast in your face?
Maybe, three times. Often threatened, though.
With my Mom, it was a look. When I saw that look, I wasn’t sure as to whether she was going to haul off and whack me or not. With my Dad, he would jingle his belt, which meant, this could come off at any second, I will spank your ass with it, if you don’t smarten up.
I think I was spanked (usually on the back of my legs) about three times in my whole childhood. I usually got three warnings to stop what I was doing and if I didn’t stop after the third warning I knew I would get a smack (my parents always told me that I would get a smack if I didn’t stop/do what I was told – it was no secret and they always gave me a chance to not get a smack!!). I’m not exactly scarred (emotionally or physically) by the odd smack I recieved as a child for being disobediant.
@Seelix Oh I was just kidding, although I did get the odd grilling from her….probably deserved :¬)
@ucme Grilling? What did she do? Stick your face on a fired up charcoal grill? lol
@ucme – Okay, I was wondering… That’s a parenting tactic I’d never heard of! :)
They used to try, but I used to run. We lived on a ground floor by a big field, So after I was about 6 or 7 I more or less always got away. It was always my mother that tried, but she is short, wide, and has a bad knee, I was 7, skinny and new.
Before that I got slapped a couple of times for one thing or another, but just a little slap on the back of the leg. The kind of slap you see people giving to a todler.
I think my brother, who is 4 years younger than me, he learned the running trick even younger than I. He just used to climb up a tree or lock him self in the bathroom. Once he was safe, he always used to laugh and taunt my mother too, and that enraged her more hehe, nice memories.
EDIT: Oh yea, when I was about 10 my mother gave me a black eye. It had really pissed her off some how, she gave chase and I run for the bathroom, but I did not get the lock on in time, and as she burst in the door, the handle bashed me in the eye.
I wish I were merely spanked.
Extension cord. At least once a week.
My guardian had a lot of displaced anger. It was like walking on eggshells in her house. Her son and I never knew when she was going to go off on an anger jag and start looking for things as an excuse to beat us. She’s still like that, so we no longer talk.
The last time she beat me I was almost 20, and her incandescent rage at my raising a hand to her in self-defence could’ve supplied Milwaukee County with all its energy needs for a month.
@Mikewlf337 Aye hehe, I’m having a nice chuckle at it too now that I remembered.
EDIT: Hehehehe, I just remembered the famous quote she used give my brother. “let me in so I can hit you”.
Oh yes, spanked, slapped round the face, beaten (with a variety of tools – hairbrushes, belts, and bats…anyone remember those ‘swingball’ bats – ouch!). The last beating she gave me I ended up in hospital, and that was the last time…. I ran away after that.
My mum’s middle name was violence, and she was extremely proud of herself as well.
Not a happy childhood, but I’m ok now. very happy that i’ve grown up and never raised my hand to anyone.
I got swatted on occasion but never very hard and not very often. We called it a “potch,” which according to one definition I’ve found means “to work or do something, but not whole heartedly.”
I made the mistake of saying that it didn’t hurt.Not just once either! How crazy is that?? XD
Spanked more times than I can count, but never a servere beating. I’m sure they were deserved.
@aprilsimnel Oh yeah! I remember the extension cords too.Those were used for my brothers;-)
Sorry about your guardian situation though. That had to be traumatic.
@Mikewlf337 Oh that was just my little pun, you know? :¬)
One time by my mom. I don’t remember it hurting; just that I wanted her to PUT ME DOWN!
I had crossed the street with my girlfriend. We were going to the little store for candy. at least we thought we were. lol She held me while chatting away with my friend’s mother.
I recall my grandfather holding me over the edge of Durham Cathedral…..i’d have been around 9/10 yrs old. I was suitably terrified. Bless, we had a close knit family we really did. Grandaddy used to handle snakes in church, Granny drank strychnine XD
Hit once in anger but I was only told about it. I didn’t recall it. Apparently I was angry with my mom and told her I hated her. She slapped me.
Another time I was hit wrongfully because my brothers and sisters kept sending me in to ask my mom something and she had told them not to disturb her. She had a migraine. We knew not to bother her when she had a bad migraine or all hell would break loose. However my siblings declined to let me know about it.
Another time I got hit for disobeying a stupid rule. I was not to return home without my brother and leave him unsupervised (He was older by a year but always got in trouble.) and I was to return before it got dark. My brother wouldn’t listen to me about going home once it was getting dark and we both got hit for it. I thought it was unfair since I figured I would get hit for returning without him and I physically couldn’t make him go home. My mom said I should’ve come home and told her he wasn’t listening but I was only 9, and didn’t think my mom would amend the rule.
Another time I got hit for disobeying. I still don’t think the rule was fair in that case either but we all knew to disobey was to get hit with the belt.
I didn’t cry or even twitch so my mom figured there was no point in physical punishment after that.
But that was all the times I got hit. The last 3 were with a belt.
My 3 brothers were a handful though. I think they tested her rules on a daily basis.
Rules were simple. Don’t do anything stupid that could get you in trouble or put yourself in danger or harms another sibling or makes my mom worry exessively.
Also, don’t do anything wrong in school that would get my mom called to the office or skip class or anything like that.
Never do anything distructive or steal or anything that would harm another person or call attention to the police.
If you broke any of the last 3 you were in for it big time. Especially the last one then my dad would be involved.
Dads rule. Never disrespect my mom or do anything to involve police. He would get involved for those last two and you didn’t want to see him coming. He had huge brick hands.
My brothers have tested all of the rules at one time or another. So they got to experience both mom and dad angry.
Rules were easy to follow, only kids will always push the envelope. My brothers however did it more than most.
Yes, but not very often, and on those rare occasions I’m sure I richly deserved it.
However, for the most part my parents would give me a good talking to in combination with loss of privilege rather than corporal punishment.
Yes I was spanked as a child and though my mother refuses to remember now, it was for completely idiotic reasons like:
When I had to look through the buckwheat to look for non-buckwheat particles (ah yes, life in the village), she would beat me for every black particle that was left afterwards if I didn’t pay attention. So she’d say ‘you didn’t pick out 15 particles, you get 15 spanks’. She now says this never happened. I generally only got spanked by her hand but when I committed more ‘serious’ offenses, I’d get spanked by the washing machine rubber tube and that hurt tremendously. I remember I called my father an idiot and got the tube for that and he always deserved that name, btw. Anyway, I never forgot this kind of treatment. I would NEVER spank my children and find people that need to do that with their kids INCAPABLE parents.
I clearly remember being spanked once by my dad. I think that I also remember him slapping my hand or arm once, too. I don’t think that my parents often used physical discipline with us kids. They weren’t verbally abusive, either. Somehow, we were still relatively well-behaved kids who knew that there were limits. Some of the stories here are so sad. I feel incredibly grateful for what I did not experience and I plan on raising my (hypothetical) kids in a similar way.
Yes, hand spanked and with a belt too and in public too! The worst was the warning that you are going to get a spanking….the wait was awful. Just the way things were done back then.
Belt, wooden spoon, fly swatter, and the all mighty hand _ Baby Claudia was a traumatic little demon. Always threw tantrums at four in the morning for McDonalds happy meals. Cried non-stop till she got what she wanted. Has been locked inside the restroom with the lights off…(just until I could reach the switch)..and I think I’ve also had my hair pulled a couple times when I refused to go wherever they wanted me to be…If anything, I think it has left me a little timid and afraid to break the law now….which I think is a good thing because ever since I hit puberty, I’ve never gotten into any trouble….But if I ever have kids, I don’t think I could ever hurt them…I simply refuse to hit a child regardless of what they do…there are always other alternatives.
Nope. Never. My parents never physically harmed me.
No, somehow my dad had a way of looking at us, we just did what we were supposed to. And my mom either did the guilt trip or yelled. Guilt trip was way worse, never did whatever it was again!!
All.The.Time. And not just spanked.
lol…YES…Hands, Belts, Hair Brush…I remember each time…not many…but each time I deserved it…
Never out of anger…
@coffeenut I am trying hard to understand what actions of children deserve it – can you elaborate?
@Simone_De_Beauvoir lol…um only a few things like..
Putting myself in extreme danger..
ie: turning a plug in power drill into a sparkler or climbing a power pole to look in “the trash can”, Playing with fire I spelled my name across a football field…8 firetrucks showed up, Running in front of cars, Playing in a construction site…
and a few other isolated issues..
I was young…I didn’t fully understand the decisions I was making….I was always given a explanation on why what I did was so dangerous/stupid…..lol
@coffeenut Did the spankings make you behave more? Are you a parent now?
I wasn’t “misbehaving”...I had reasons for my actions, I was….exploring my environment incorrectly, I was only spanked because of the danger level I created…after I was signed up for classes that addressed my curiosity in a safe manor…
Yes. Usually with a belt. Sometimes got hit with the buckle end.
I did spank my kids, but much less than I was.
Yes, my parents believed in physical punishment as a behavior modification method.
Yup. My mother’s weapon of choice was wooden spoons.
Yep I got spanked a lot. But I dont remember what all for. But one time I was out in Texas visiting family, and I got into a huge fight with my cousin, and I gave her what she deserved, a black eye and a bloody nose. But anyways, I was spanked so many times that day, I actually had bruises and welts on my back, my bottom, and my legs, from an extension cord, a wooden spoon, and switch off a magnolia tree.
For those of you wondering why so many, my family is from the south. So not only do you get your butt kicked by your parents,but you get your butt kicked by everybody who witnessed the event.
My parents were not involved with it as I was visiting family.
But with my parents it was the hand or a belt or the wooden spoon.
Yes.. my dad’s choice was the belt or a yardstick. My mom would slap me on the bum, and my grandma liked a wooden spoon. I am glad that they disciplined me, I was not a well behaved child and I deserved what I got. I also did things to egg them on, which I suppose did not usually work in my favor!
They never did it excessively. My dad however didn’t normally hit me. I was just ‘afraid’ of him. He had a very deep scary voice at least I thought so when I was 5. All he had to do to discipline me after awhile was send me to get the belt, but then not use it. I think that is more traumatic! Instead of hitting me with it he would fold it and ‘crack’ it. The sound was terrible! I was definitely on my best behavior if he left and then I heard the belt cracking in the other room. Yikes!
I believe I have pretty good manners now, and I don’t think that getting a good whack when I did something wrong has left me with any negative emotional scarring. I certainly don’t understand all the fuss – of course, going out of control with it is never a good thing. I stress the importance of only doing such a thing when the child deserves it, and immediately after the act. Otherwise, it is not going to send the correct message.
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