What were some little songs & dances you knew when you were a child?
Asked by
ucme (
January 21st, 2011
Primarily to do with games. Oh you know of which I speak i’m sure. A group consisting of you & a selection of your friends would gather to play a game of some sort. Hide & seek, skipping etc. Now, you know how a lot of these games would begin with a song or rhyme? You do I know you do, good… keep up or i’ll take names. Well, it’s those very songs i’m on about. Call them the “who’s on” or “who’s it” song if you like. God this is almost shakespearean, beautifully crafted it really is XD
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47 Answers
The Chicken Dance. Always with an accordian for some reason.
Inky pinky ponky, Daddy bought a donkey. Donkey died, Daddy cried, inky pinky ponky!
Of course the Hokey Pokey, Miss Mary Mack
Inie, Meanie, Miny, Mo. Catch a tiger by its toe. If it hollers, let it go. Inie, Meanie, Miny, Mo!......and then theres the REMIX!..Lol.
I’m actually singing some of these as we speak….type. Although worryingly, I seem to have affected a 10 year old girl’s singing voice in the process…..hey ho :¬)
You put your right foot in you put your right foot out you put your right foot in and you shake it all about you do the hokey pokey and turn yourself around that’s what its all aboout!
That was particularly fun on roller skates.
We also had this one for an eeny, meeny, miney, mo type thing: “Bubblegum, bubblegum, in a dish, how many bubblegums do you wish?” Then one person would shout a number, and you’d go around until you hit that number, and that person was “it”.
Ring a ring o’roses, a pocketful of posies, atishoo, atishoo, all fall down!!
Yay, I used to love skipping games..
‘Not last night but the night before… 24 robbers came knocking at my door..
As I ran out, they ran in, and this is the song they liked to sing.. ’’
but I cant actually remember the song… d’oh
does anyone else remember this one?
I used to sing this as a little girl.In his voice ;)
Tinker, Tailor,
Soldier, Sailor,
Rich Man, Poor Man,
Beggar Man, Thief
There’s also “rock, paper, scissors.”...or the new one, “Shoe, roach, bomb.”..both are pretty much the same thing…lol…
All from day camp. We’d sing them on the bus on the way to the farm or the zoo or wherever we were going:
”...the tree was in the hole, and the hole was in the ground, and the green grass grew all around, all around, and the green grass grew all around!”
“The other day (The other day), I saw a bear (I saw a bear). A great big bear (A great big bear) a-way up there (a-way up there) The other day, I saw a bear! A great big bear away up there!”
“On top of spaghetti all covered with cheese! I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed!”
My gramps taught me this song; has anyone else ever heard it?
There was a man named Isadore
Who tied his goat outside the door
One day that goat was feelin’ fine
So he ate a red shirt off the line
Old Isa said “This goat must die!”
So he tied him to a railroad tie
The whistle blew, whoo-whoo!
The goat in vain
Coughed up that shirt and flagged the train!
I remember there was a rhyme for Chinese jump rope… anybody remember that?
@Seelix nope, but I like it..
@aprilsimnel nice one, I’d forgotton this one. I seem to remember a similar one, about finding a peanut… somewhere… wish I could remember.
Boys are rotton, made out of cotton
Girls are sexy, made out of Pepsi
Girls go to college to gain more knowledge
Boys go to Jupiter to get EVEN stupider.
Lemonade, crunchy ice
Beat it once, beat it twice.
Lemonade, crunchy ice
Beat it once, beat it twice.
Turn around, touch the ground, FREEZE.
Both of the rhymes are clapping games btw. LOL.
Duck…..Duck….................Duck…....................................Duck….................Goose! (runs away)
Miss Sue from Alabama
Her real name is Susanna
Sittin’ in a rocker eatin’ Betty Crocker
Watchin’ the clock go
Tick, tock, tick tock banana wanna
Tick, tock, tick tock banana wanna
A b c d e f g
Wash those spiders off of me
Babbooshka! Babbooshka! Indian FREEZE! (Quickly sit down and cross feet, first one to move loses)
...I only remember the song..Idk how we clapped it.. :(
Mine (and my sisters) favorite from childhood was a little Ukrainian rhyme and game that we played for years with our cousins. You spun the person that was “it” around with a blindfold while singing the rhyme, and of course then they have to find everyone that has run away. The whole premise is that the person who is “it” is the shepherd trying to catch their goats.
Bear with me, I’m not sure how to Americanize a lot of words. Not that I expect many people actually read it. ha.
Nachim stoyish,
Natruy szie.
Schto produwisz?
Dvi kozshi.
Yak shes vesh?
Hatah naas.
Pushkei koszhe, lapai nas!
I used to know a lot of those clapping games, and skip roping rhymes, but I forget them now. The one above is the only one that has really stuck with me since childhood.
Cinderella, dressed in yella,
Went upstairs to kiss a fella,
Made a mistake, kissed a snake,
How many doctors will it take?
1–2-3–4-5 (etc. Until you mess up, then the other kid has to beat your score.)
Jump rope rhyme ^-^...one of my favorites.
Ring around the rosie
Miss Mary Mack
Lots of jumping rope songs that I cannot remember for the life of me
My balony has a first name (this was also a patty cake song like Miss Mary Mack, besides bing a commercial)
Thanks all, good stuff. Fluffy & lightweight maybe, but hey… that’s right up my alley XD
I remember these two “gems”
Dip doo magga zoo
who’s on not you…...short but sweet there.
There’s a party on the hill
Will you come, come, come….ooh err missus
Bring a cup & a saucer
And a bun bun bun
Who is your best friend….....classic! :¬)
My favorite was The Skunk Song (no idea what the actual name is)
Well I stuck my head in a little skunk hole
And the little skunk said “gosh darn your soul
Take it out
Take it out
Reeeemove it.”
Well I didn’t take it out and the little skunk said
“If you don’t take it out you’ll wish you had
Take it out
Take it out”
I removed it.
Too late.
@Supacase – Oh my. That’s hilarious! Especially “Reeeemove it.” Period.
A sailor went to sea sea sea to see what he could see see see but all that he could see see see was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea
There are many other verses and moves for each one.
La Cucaracha (in Spanish)
She’ll Be Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain
We’re Going To A Hukilau
@shego – Yup I remember that one as a hand clapping game with little movements, like this one:
Mr. Knickerbocker, Knickerbocker, number nine
He sure got drunk off a bottle of wine
He went to the doctor and the doctor said,
“Let’s get the rhythm of your head (bob head form side to side).
There was also hand, (clapping), feet (stomping) and hips.
@ucme I’m surprised you didn’t say the London Bridge is falling down, falling down one. Or this, This old man, he had nine, he played knick, knack all the time. With a knick, knack, paddy whack, give a dog a bone, this old man went rolling home. The verses go down to this old man he has none. Or you can start with none, of course.
I’m a little teapot,
Short and stout.
Here is my handle.
Here is my spout. (We used to grab out crotches when we were being bad.)
When I get all steamed up,
Then I shout:
“Tip me over
pour me out.”
@faye Yeah those are certainly memorable too :¬)
Five little monkeys, jumping on the bed! One fell off and bumped his head. Momma called the doctor, the doctor said “NO MORE MONKEYS JUMPING ON THE BED!”
Oohhh, yes, THAT ONE!! ^
Along with Little Bunny Foo Foo. Which I am not repeating, because I don’t want that stuck in my head. I spent too much of my childhood with that stuck in my head, thanks to my younger siblings.
If anyone remembers Gula Gulla Island: Jump in, Jump out turn yourself about, jump in jump out introduce yourself etcetcetc.
Theres a hole in the bucket dear liza dear liza theres a hole in the bucket, dear liza a hole etcetcetc.
dit dot doo cat’s got the flu, dog’s got chicken pox out goes you.
Little bunny foo foo hoppin through the foresst scoopin up the field mice and boppin’ em on the head. etcetcetc….
ha., I could seriously go on for a while. but I’ll stop with that one.
I had a little dreidel, I made it out of clay…
@aprilsimnel – I remember that too! I have to say, though, that my absolute favourite Sesame Street song was this one (especially the sack race).
I sang Yummy Yummy Yummy I go love in my tummy…...
in second grade…
Two words: Animal Crackers<3
Eenie, meenie, meinie, moe
Catch a nigger by the toe
If he squeals
let him go
Eenie, meenie, meinie, moe
Not very politically correct but there you are that’s what it was
——-(insert name) and——-(insert name) sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!
First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage!!
This was used as a taunt….a friendly little taunt, if it was thought you were sweet on a certain person. Anyone else know this one?
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